Marcel Proust: biography, creativity, ideas of works

Modernism is an art movement that emerged in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. It also affected architecture and fine art, but modernism was particularly evident in the literature of that time. In addition to Marcel Proust, prominent representatives of this trend are writers such as Francis Scott Fitzgerald, Ernest Hemingway, Franz Kafka and others.

The main features of modernism in literature are deep thoughts and experiences. An important role is played not by the external environment and circumstances, but, on the contrary, by the inner world and the personality of the heroes.

Marcel Proust biography: origin and early years

The future writer was born in Paris on July 10, 1871. His full name given at birth is Valentin Louis Georges Eugene Marcel Proust.

Marcel Proust biography

The Proust family was quite rich and famous, therefore, in childhood Marcel did not have to experience any deprivation, the boy did not need anything, was surrounded by the care of his parents. Father Adrian Proust had the honorary profession of a doctor (specialty is a pathologist), was talented and successful, he held the post of professor at the medical faculty.

marseille proust

Modern scientists do not know much about the mother of Marcel Proust. It is known that she came from the family of a Jewish stockbroker.

Until the age of 9, the future writer lived happily and carefree. In 1880, the boy became seriously ill: he began to rapidly develop bronchial asthma. Later the disease will become chronic and there will be Proust's pursuer throughout life.


According to the traditions of that time, at the age of 11, Marcel entered the Lyceum in Condorcet. During his studies, he became friends with Jacques Bizet (the only son of Georges Bizet, a French composer who wrote the world famous opera Carmen).

Marcel Proust in search of lost time

After graduating from high school, Proust entered the Sorbonne at the Faculty of Law, but the training was not interesting for him, so the future writer decided to leave him. In many ways, the decision was influenced by the fact that at that time Proust visited art salons, talked with young journalists and popular French writers. Favorite places were the salons of Madame Strauss, de Caillave and Madame Lemer. All this he considered fascinating, in contrast to university studies.

The first experience in literature and creativity

Unlike many other writers, Marcel Proust did not start with short stories, plays and short stories. One of the first works was the novel "Jean Santei", which Proust wrote, returning from the army, from 1895 to 1899, but never finished.

marcel proust books

Despite this, the writer continued to improve his talent and soon published a collection of short stories “Joys and Days”. After receiving negative reviews from Jean Lorren, Proust provoked criticism for a duel from which he emerged victorious.

In 1903, a misfortune occurred in the family: Proust's father died, and two years later, his mother also died. For these reasons, as well as due to rapidly progressing asthma, in these years the writer led a reclusive lifestyle, almost did not communicate with people, he was mainly engaged in translating works of foreign writers. His main interest was English literature.

In addition to translations, in 1907, work began on the semi-autobiographical novel by Marcel Proust, “In Search of Lost Time,” which later became the most famous work of the writer. The idea came to Proust at the beginning of his literary career - similar scenes, characters and motifs were found in his drafts for "Jean Santei", but found a clear form only after many years.

Despite the fact that currently “In Search of Lost Time” Marcel Proust is considered a brilliant work, the writer for a long time could not find a publisher for publication. The novel had to be rewritten and shortened.

“In Search of Lost Time” is a cycle consisting of seven books that were published between 1913 and 1927, even after Proust died from pneumonia in 1922. The novel tells the story of more than two thousand characters, the prototypes of which were the writer's parents, his acquaintances, as well as famous personalities of that time.

Awards and prizes

In 1919, Proust received the Goncourt Prize for the second book from the cycle “In Search of Lost Time” - “Under the Canopy of the Girls in Bloom”. This caused a serious resonance in the literary society - many believed that the award was presented undeservedly. The excitement around Proust and his work several times increased the number of admirers of the writer's work.

Analysis and criticism of works

The main idea of ​​the books of Marcel Proust is the individuality of the human person. The writer seeks to convey the idea that consciousness, and not material objects, are the foundation of everything.

For this reason, Proust considers art and creation the highest values ​​in life. By nature, the writer was quite reserved and uncommunicative, it was his work that helped him overcome this.

Contemporaries of the writer spoke positively about the style of Proust’s narrative, describing it as “somewhat unclear”, “spontaneous” and “sweet”. In the twenty-first century, Marcel Proust is considered a classic. His works are included in the list of books required to read.


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