What is a casemate: all definitions of a word

We dedicate this material to the end of a word that is not understandable to many, which has several similar and radically different meanings. Let's start with a series of his definitions.

What is casemate?

A casemated room, a casemate is:

what is casemate

  • Strong vaulted stone buildings inside a number of fortifications (fortresses, bunkers, forts, etc.), protected from bullets, fire, explosions.
  • Capital big dugouts under the shaft.
  • The premises in the fortress, where the criminals are kept.
  • Separately allocated, separately built cell or room in prison.
  • Stone vaulted rooms in which prisoners are serving their sentences.
  • A number of rooms in defensive structures built specifically to protect both fighters and weapons, ammunition, food, etc.
  • An armored camera on a military ship, where ship artillery guns are installed. It is also used to shelter combat personnel from fire.
  • In tsarist Russia and many bourgeois countries, until the beginning of the 20th century, special cells in fortresses where political prisoners were held were so called.
  • Prison in the most general sense.
  • The obsolete value is the cell where especially dangerous criminals are serving their sentences.

Origin and synonyms

Understanding what casemate is also helps to some extent in getting to know the origin of the word. It came from the French casemate, which, in turn, has Italian roots: cas, casa - "hut", "house"; mautt, matto - "dark", "obsessed", "matte". Other dictionaries say that the Italian word casamatta may also be the source , which literally translates to “insane asylum”; in another sense - “blind building”, “invisible fortification”.

casemate launch procedure

To say what is casemate, in other words, synonyms of this term will help:

  • jail;
  • camera;
  • dungeon;
  • the room;
  • prison;
  • bullpen;
  • carriage;
  • a prison
  • caponier;
  • punishment cell;
  • dugout;
  • blockhouse.

Casemates and WoW

Those who play the popular online game World of Warcraft are familiar with such an underground location as "Guardian Casemates", the passage of which requires the presence of 110 levels. The procedure for launching the "Guardian Casemates" is described in many video guides, as it raises many questions among gamers. Upon its passage, the player receives 75 so-called reputations from the Kirin Tor and 100 from the Sentinels.

What is casemate in a few words? This concept has three main meanings: a room as part of a fortification protected from fire and bombing; an armored camera for placing artillery and protecting fighters on ships; a kind of specially fortified prison premises for different categories of criminals.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E16698/

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