What is urea as a fertilizer. Urea (fertilizer): instruction

Many gardeners, gardeners and florists today can no longer imagine how to do without fertilizers. Thanks to complex top dressing, growth stimulants, cultures grow faster, form beautiful, lush foliage, a strong root system, are less susceptible to disease. The main thing in this business is not to overdo it and to know exactly what fertilizers are suitable for someone, so that later there will be no unpleasant surprises.

what is urea like fertilizer

What is urea?

As a fertilizer, urea is widely used to activate growth, produce abundant crops, and maintain plants in a presentable state. Nitrogen is necessary for both vegetable and decorative crops. It is present in the protein and promotes rapid growth. With a lack of nitrogen, plants give few shoots, branches and leaves become thin, small, light green or yellowish in color. Flower buds may fall, the fruits do not get tied.

What is urea? As a fertilizer, it is used for private use. Urea is very concentrated, it contains about 45% nitrogen. It can be called a universal fertilizer suitable for all types of plants. It looks like transparent or white granular balls that dissolve perfectly in water and are odorless. Urea can increase hygroscopicity with high humidity. Urea (fertilizer) is used as top dressing for agricultural plants in neutral soils.

urea as a fertilizer for indoor plants

Instructions for use

Urea can be used on all types of soils, even waterlogged, because it is well fixed by the soil and not washed out by precipitation, such as ammonium nitrate. Urea is used both as a top dressing and as a main fertilizer. For vegetable crops, it is possible to introduce urea before planting, as well as top dressing in the growing season at a dose of 5-10 g per 1 m 2 . Before flowering, it is necessary to pour a solution of 50 g per 10 liters of water, its approximate consumption is 3 l / 100 m 2 . For decorative and fruit bushes and trees, urea can be fed immediately after flowering and again after about a month with a solution of 30 g / 10 l of water.

urea fertilizer instruction


Each fertilizer has its own characteristics that must be considered before using it for its intended purpose. Ammonium carbonate decomposes very quickly in air, and it follows from this that the surface use of urea is ineffective. This is money thrown away, because the plant will not receive the substances it needs. Agrotechnicians recommend the use of urea in protected ground. After fertilizing, it must be immediately embedded in the soil, the only way to prevent the loss of gaseous ammonia. You need to know what urea is, how fertilizer it is quickly washed out by sediments, therefore it is most effective to bring it under the root of the plant in the form of a solution.

urea fertilizer garlic application

Protection of bushes and trees

Urea is used not only as a top dressing, but also as a remedy for pests. As soon as the warm spring days come, a urea solution should immediately be used to combat such wintering insects as weevils, aphids, copper flakes, etc. This procedure must be done before the buds swell. Preparing a pest control agent is very simple, for this you should dilute 0.5 l of a concentrated solution of the drug in 10 l of water.

Urea also protects plants from purple spotting and scab, while spraying is carried out in the fall, when the leaves begin to fall. It is necessary to process all the foliage - both fallen and the one that remained on the bushes and trees. The solution is prepared the same as for the destruction of pests.

Feeding indoor plants

Absolutely all plants need fertilizing, but you need to think carefully before using such an additive as urea (fertilizer) for green pets. The use of nitrogen for indoor plants is necessary because it allows you to create a lush crown, accelerate growth, and prevent yellowing and falling of leaves. Urea is very concentrated, so its use should be approached with great care. If you miscalculate with a dosage, then you can lose your pet or spoil his appearance.

You need to understand what urea is. As a fertilizer, it is suitable for creating lush, lush foliage. And for flowering plants, nitrogen is not so useful, since its oversupply slows down the process of bud formation. Bulbous (hyacinths, hippeastrum), woody (oranges, ficus, lemons), rhizome (irises, callas) from the first days of life need nitrogen fertilizing, so they can be fertilized with urea without any fear. But tuberous (caladium, gloriosa) need to be fed after the first leaves appear. Urea as a fertilizer for indoor plants is used as a solution. The tool is prepared at the rate of 20 g per 10 liters of water, it is enough for 10 m 2 .

urea fertilizer application for indoor plants

Fertilizers for vegetable and fruit crops

Urea is suitable for fertilizing almost all types of plants, it is especially effective during vegetative growth. However, it should be remembered that for different cultures it is necessary to varying degrees concentrated, such as urea, fertilizer. Application for garlic, onions, cabbage, potatoes, peppers and tomatoes is possible at a concentration of about 20 g of urea per m 2 . Under peas and cucumbers, fertilizer is applied at a rate of 7 g / m 2 .

Tomatoes, strawberries, cabbage and cucumbers can be periodically fed with a solution of 25 g / l, and a halved concentration of urea before buds are opened should be watered with gooseberries, currants and other fruit and berry bushes. Urea promotes the formation of a beautiful crown; therefore, it is recommended to apply it under apple trees (230-250 g), plums and cherries (110-150 g). Carbamide can be scattered in the hole, and then it is good to fill it with water. Feeding with a solution is allowed, but watering cannot be ruled out.

If we compare urea with other nitrogen fertilizers, for example ammonium nitrate, then it wins in many ways: it accelerates growth as much as possible, is suitable for foliar top dressing and does not burn leaves at all at normal concentration. Proper use of urea not only improves the appearance of plants, but also contributes to a rich harvest.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E16699/

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