How to wind the FUM tape: recommendations

When replacing plumbing, you yourself have to learn how to wind the FUM tape on the thread correctly. In addition to it, there is still tow, flax, a special thread. From the practice of installation, it is recommended to combine materials depending on the difficulties encountered.

Fixing Issues

Why do you have to figure out how to wind the FUM tape correctly. And why do you need to use it? Inconsistencies in threaded connections that are associated with differences in dimensional tolerances from different manufacturers. The opening crane to the apartment sometimes does not change for decades and is still manufactured according to Soviet standards. Chinese plumbing often has differences in thread by a tenth of a millimeter, and you can’t hide it with a minimal and invisible layer of sealant.

how to wrap fum tape

It is important for another reason to understand how to correctly wind the FUM tape. Tips for beginners can be given about its direction of application to the thread. The resulting end should look towards the rotation of the upper connection. Otherwise, the tape gradually pops out under pressure. If the tolerances are too large, a large seal layer is obtained. This in turn does not provide reliable fixation.

Mounting Options

Considering how to wrap the FUM tape correctly, do not forget to pay attention to the length of the internal thread. Often docking joints are significantly protruded. A simple calculation will save the cost of sealing material.

how much to wind fum tape

Let's figure out how to wrap the FUM tape correctly:

  • We wind it in several layers, evenly laying it along the thread so that each cavity is closed with a tubercle.
  • Remember to consider the direction.
  • The amount of tape. 3 layers are enough, provided that both compounds are from the same manufacturer.
  • If the differences in thread are large, then a thicker layer is allowed. However, winding more than 5 revolutions no longer makes sense. There will not be enough clamping force on the parts.

What's better?

There are several options for seals: tow, linen, FUM tape. The first material was often used for winding on gas pipes, impregnating it with paint. The disadvantage is the difficulty of disassembling, after a few years.

Flax is able to clog any thread. Even if after assembly there is a slight leak in the form of drops, deposits of solid particles will accumulate on the hair threads over time. The sealing material acts like a filter, blocking even the smallest possible penetration of droplets.

how to wrap fum tape tips for beginners

Important: correctly wrap tow, linen and FUM tape! Rules are similar to the above. Just keep in mind that flax and tow quickly get wet. They must be applied dry. If there is still humidity, it should be removed with a cloth or paper before starting work. Damaged threads should be removed. It makes no sense to apply silicone and other impurities; they cannot be kept in the tap fluid due to constant pressure drops in the system.


How much to wind FUM tapes, you can understand by pre-twisting the connection to the middle of the thread, and try to move it relative to each other. If you feel significant backlash, then you can safely apply 4-5 layers. With tight fixation, two turns will suffice.

FUM tape is different in purpose: for gas, cold or hot water. In the first case, professionals switch to a thread impregnated with a special composition. But such material is very expensive and not everyone will be ready to put it on water systems.

correctly wrap tow linen and fum tape

FUM tape color: white for cold water, and orange for hot. The latter type is suitable in both cases, but its cost is slightly higher. The number of layers increases with the diameter of the pipe. The most thickened places are made in the place of fastening of the lock nut and coupling.

FUM tape comes in several sizes. The thickest rolls are used on an industrial scale. For the house, a compact reel 1.5 cm wide is suitable. The advantage of the material is the absence of aging, reactions with any liquids. In addition, it does not heat up, does not break during operation, unlike flax.

When working with gas connections, quality control of the compounds by soaping should be carried out. The absence of outgoing bubbles indicates an acceptable result. FUM tape is often used to seal metal-plastic water supply branches. She also showed herself well at the joints of plastic lines.


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