Guide to the Duma, "Dota 2": how to farm?

In recent years, Dota 2 has become one of the most popular multi-player entertainment in the world. In fact, there is no plot here, there is no continuous promotion of the character - each time you start all over again, and each time you need to re-level the hero. What makes “DotA” so special, because at first glance everything looks pretty boring and monotonous? Indeed, from the outside it may seem so, but in reality everything is quite different. Firstly, you constantly play against different opponents, and each of them has its own approach to the character. Secondly, there are a lot of these characters in the game, so you can try them all and more than once. Thirdly, you yourself improve in the process of the game, and over time, you begin to competently pump a character, distribute his skills, and select the necessary things. Well, of course, it should be noted that Dota is in a constant state of development. This means that this game is not ready - objects, heroes, skills and so on are constantly added to it. Therefore, every day it becomes only more fun. But it is always difficult to start, so now the guide to the Duma will be considered. "Dota 2" is full of different characters, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages, but the good old power is what has always attracted gamers. And this is what Doom can offer you.

Why exactly this character?

Hyde Dota 2

When the player sees the character selection screen for the first time, he can immediately fall into a stupor - how to understand what character to start playing for? You can choose it yourself and start to swing slowly, but everyone wants to achieve something as soon as possible - this is exactly what this guide to the Duma is for. "Dota 2" offers you three classes of characters, which, however, cannot completely determine the direction of their development. The fact is that some characters initially have a higher indicator of strength, others have dexterity, and others have intelligence. And for each of these indicators there is a steady increase. And if you want to know why you need to choose the Duma, then the first answer is that it has one of the highest strength gains in the game. Given the fact that its initial damage is already quite high, it turns into a real monster to further levels, which by the power indicators are passed by single characters. In addition, he has a fairly good increase in intelligence, given that he focuses on strength. This is easily explained by the fact that Doom has very interesting skills, for the use of which you will want to have as much mana as possible. I hope you are intrigued, and you have a desire to read the guide to the Duma. “Dota 2”, however, is in no hurry to hand in the hands of players heroes who are obviously the strongest - an ideal balance is observed here. Therefore, it is immediately worth mentioning some of the minuses of this character.

Cons Duma

Doom DotA 2 Hyde Forest

The advantages of the Duma are very impressive, but what can be said about its disadvantages of the guide to the Duma? Dota 2 is a game in which physical attacks play an important role. As mentioned above, the Duma’s damage is gorgeous, but it’s necessary to establish a balance at the expense of something. Therefore, both the initial indicator of dexterity and the increase in this skill leave much to be desired. And this means that Doom runs “naked” almost the entire game, that is, unprotected from physical attacks. And it can play a very cruel joke. At first, Doom also has problems with the supply of mana, so he especially can not turn around in the use of skills. But at the same time, it is dangerous for him to go into hand-to-hand combat, since our Doom can very quickly die there. “Dota 2” - a guide (the forest is the main location here) on the character of this game will talk about how to turn the Duma’s weaknesses into advantages, and how to make its impressive advantages even more frightening.

Characteristics of the Duma and what to do with them

a guide to Duma Dota 2 in the forest how to farm

So, it’s worth starting with the characteristics of this character - but this is only a fraction of what the guide to the Duma will tell you. Dota 2 in the forest - how to farm? This is a question that should worry you greatly if you have chosen the Duma as your character. There are other questions, but they will be discussed later. Now it’s worth taking a look at what Doom comes into play with. He has 26 strengths and 3.2 growth per level - an incredibly impressive and terrifying indicator. 13 intellects - not so much, but an increase of 2.1 will allow you to quickly gain the required mana. But with dexterity, everything is deplorable - an indicator of 11 and an increase of 0.9, with this you will definitely need to do something. Then follows health - from 644 at the beginning of the game, it increases to 2483 at level 25. Mana also increases from a little more than a hundred to more than a thousand - this is very useful to you. Damage increases during pumping three times, but protection increases only to 6 - and then only to level 25. Now you’ve got acquainted with the main characteristics of the character, what did the guide to the Duma prepare for you further? "Dota 2" is a game in which you cannot win on pure characteristics, you will need skills. And it is about them that we will discuss later.

Doom Skills

Dota Dota Guide

So, all characters have four skills - starting from the cheapest and weakest and ending with the most expensive and strongest, this is how Dota 2 works. A guide to the Duma can please you - the first skill of this character cannot be called weak at all - it can absorb any creep, enemy, their own or neutral, while acquiring his abilities. Therefore, it is very important for you to know the abilities of creeps in order to be able to get what you need in a specific situation in time. Using the second skill, Doom sets fire to the space around him, causing small damage to the enemy. But this is not the main goal - in fact, this skill is used for tactical retreat, when it is used by the Duma, the speed of regeneration and movement increases for a while. The third skill is an interesting lottery. With it, you can set fire to the soul of an adversary, inflicting standard damage on him and stunning him. But the most interesting thing is that, depending on the level of the enemy, he can take twenty percent damage from his health, so with proper luck this skill will become a powerful weapon. Well, the fourth skill is a real paradise, with it you can block the use of skills for any enemy character for fifteen seconds, while it will receive permanent damage. Here it is impossible not to admit that the skills of the Duma are a powerful weapon.

Skill building

dota 2 thought guide

Skill building is the most interesting thing that includes a guide to the Duma. Dota 1 also offered certain skills, but in the second part everything is much more interesting. So, for the competent pumping of the Duma, it is recommended to apply the tactics of alternately pumping the first skill with the other three on the first seven levels - so by the seventh level you will already have the maximum indicator of this skill. Then you need to maximize the third lottery skill, distract it to the fourth, maximize the second, and then raise the fourth skill and characteristics to the very top.


Guide to Duma Dota 1

Naturally, there are different approaches to playing for the Duma. First you need to master farming, that is, killing creeps and weak opponents, since in the initial stages you can hardly do something against strong enemies. Only when you gain a little experience and get a good supply of mana - go to larger opponents.

Battle tactics

Everything is simple here - rely on your enormous strength, do not forget about protection and use skills. They will help you defeat even the most powerful opponents.


As for equipment, you can use various sets, but the most important thing is to raise your defense as soon as possible, which naturally sags very much and does not rise itself. Therefore, forget about other indicators - focus on protection.


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