Dubonos what eats? Dubonos (bird): photo and description

Three species of birds represent the genus oak tree (Coccothraustes) in nature: common oak tree, evening oak tree, hood oak tree. These birds just love all kinds of bones, especially cherry. Dubonos is a bird so bright that there were cases when it was mistaken for a parrot who had fled from a cage. The life of these handsome men is interesting, but they are used to behaving quietly and carefully, without once again drawing attention to themselves. Although they can stand up for themselves, thanks to their "oak" beak. Because of this, the birds got their name.

Dubonos is a bird with character

As for the size, the oak trees are small - something like starlings, only the body is denser and shorter. The head is large, with a large thick beak. Seen from the side, it seems that it is interfering with the bird, but this is not so. What makes a oak tree with such a big "nose"? One thing is clear - he does not suffer.

Dubonos what eats
A powerful beak helps birds to obtain food, breaking bones, in addition, it serves as a weapon in a moment of danger. Dubonosy, when they are angry, strike with their beak right and left. If a person who is unaware of the explosive character of a little brave man picks him up, he risks a strong blow. The beak is able to tear the skin on the arm. The tail is short and straight, half shorter than the wing, legs are also short, but strong. The weight of the bird is approximately 20 g, the body length is about 12 cm.

It is possible to distinguish where the female is and where the male is by plumage. He is much brighter and more attractive than her, a real "mod", especially beautiful in the spring. The girl on the background of the boy looks dull. As already mentioned above, the "clothes" of these birds are very beautiful, different colors are intertwined in a beautiful combination. The people say that the oak-bird is what it eats, and then dresses. We will talk about the fact that they like to eat these "parrots" a little later.

Where does the oak tree live?

Dubonos, as they say, is a bird of wide flight! You can meet her from the British Isles to Japan and Alaska, throughout Eurasia. He does not like to just fly to the north. For Dubonos, Russia is like a native home, Crimea and the Caucasus, too.

Dubonos bird

Favorite places for building a house are deciduous and mixed forests, gardens, groves, parks. The proximity of people does not scare them, if only nearby were their favorite cherries and cream, or rather, their bones. Apple orchards, especially the old ones, the edges of oak groves and cemeteries are favorite places for nesting oak trees.

These birds love to hide in the crowns of trees (this secretive oak-tree is very secretive). What does a feathered bird eat and why does it often pick fruit orchards for a settlement? The answer begs one - fruit. Only this answer is not entirely correct.

The insatiable oak-tree bird. What does she eat in the wild?

Nature did not in vain give the oak tree such a large and strong beak. These birds feed on the seeds of cherry, plum, and bird cherry. Moreover, it is cherry drupes for them - the same thing as our favorite delicacies, they love them so much. What Dubonos eats, he lives near it. Cherry orchards for sweets - it's just a paradise! They simply throw out the pulp of berries, and peck the bones with the beak, and do it with ease.

Dubonos bird than eats

The fruit bones of the oak tree diet are not limited. They eat - albeit with less appetite - elderberry and mountain ash. The bird menu also includes sunflower, maple, hornbeam, and thistle seeds. Beech nuts are also used. In the spring, one of the favorite treats is the buds and young shoots. And to eat indispensable bird bones can be days on end!

Now it’s clear, what an insatiable oak tree? They seem to have found out what it eats, but you can’t call him a vegetarian. Although this bird is considered to be granivivorous, but if some living creature gets under the beak, they eat without hesitation. In the summer, insects, caterpillars and May dodgers go for food . Catching the prey in the form of a bug, the oak-tree beak will make its beak work. Settling down on a branch, he first removes all the hard and inedible parts, and then proceeds to a meal. Nevertheless, plant foods are preferable for them.

Does a oak-tree benefit or harm a person?

Undoubtedly, there are benefits from oak stands: they destroy various garden pests. Birds catch insects and beetles right on the fly, caterpillars also cannot walk on those trees, which the aviary orderly chose. In general, everything would be fine, if only they were not so arrogant and voracious ...

Against the background of the harm that a flock of oak trees can cause to a person, the benefits are almost invisible. These birds are a real scourge for gardeners and gardeners. One bird can cause significant damage to plantings, and if a flock gathers and raids the garden, then you can completely lose the entire crop.

Dubonos beak

We have already figured out that a very gluttonous oak-tree, what this bird eats is also clear, it remains to tell that the feathered handsome is terribly persistent. He has the habit of constantly returning to his favorite place, whether it be a tree, bush or pea bed. The bird will not lag behind until it destroys everything.

Does the oak tree sing songs?

The oak-bearers have a very beautiful appearance, but can they sing as wonderfully as they look? Unfortunately, singing is beyond their power, and all they are capable of is the sharp exclamations of “qi” and “cycle”. Another feature of these birds, in addition to a huge beak, is their taciturnity. Only in the spring during the mating season can the oak-bearers diverge a little and more often than usual, make alternating clinking sounds. Such singing is far from attractive. When the male is next to the female and trying to care, he lifts feathers on his head and publishes a quiet “bu-bu-bu”. Unwilling listeners definitely will not like such a serenade, but the female is delighted.

Is it possible to contain oak tree at home?

In the cells of common European oak trees, they are very rarely kept, although such a pet deserves attention. Its bright plumage can decorate your decorative house.

What makes a oak tree
At home, the oak tree can live for a long time. A bird cage with such a strong beak should be completely metal, otherwise your pet will soon have a bite of the bars and will be free. Of course, it is recommended to purchase a spacious bird house, with a drinking bowl and a durable bathing suit. So that the oak tree sometimes can "calm the nerves", having fought with someone, hang in it a toy in the box that he can scuff. The first days in captivity, the feathered newcomer will be vicious, then he will gradually get used to it and will behave quite peacefully.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E16713/

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