Harry Gray: biography and work of the writer-gangster

Harry Gray is a famous American writer. He is the author of three books that accurately describe the life of gangsters who have long dominated America.

Harry Gray Biography

In the life of the writer there were many difficulties that he could overcome.

harry gray

Harry Gray was born on November 2, 1901 in Ukraine, in the city of Odessa. The real name of the writer is Herschel Goldberg.

After spending only a few years after the birth of the boy in Odessa, the family decided in 1905 to move to North America. As he got older and smarter, Harry managed to succeed.

Talented brother

Harry Gray had a brother who ran a column in a New York newspaper. Gray's brother did not take a pseudonym and simply signed his articles - Hyman Goldberg. He was known at one time as a talented publicist and critic. In addition to his column in the newspaper, Hyman soon became the author of several books that did not receive wide popularity, but aroused respect from colleagues.

Family ups and downs

In 1912, the head of the Goldberg family became seriously ill. Harry's father was admitted to the hospital, where he had to undergo an emergency operation.

harry gray books

During his father’s stay in the hospital, the Golberg family had a very precarious financial situation. It was at this time that Celia, the mother of Harry Gray, was trying to start her small business. She opened something like a small shop with inexpensive food. The store really enjoyed success, since it was at this time that many Americans and emigrant families had problems with money.

When Harry Gray's father returned from the hospital, he saw how glorious things were going in his wife's business. After much deliberation, the Goldberg family decides to open their own small restaurant. After that, they improved their position. In the family business, sons also helped - both Hyman Goldberg and Harry Gray.


Despite the fact that Harry Gray had the opportunity to learn and get a decent education, contrary to all the instructions of his parents, the young writer finished seventh grade, and then left school.

Years later, Harry realized how important education was. After realizing this, Gray managed to go to college.

Creating your own family

In 1932, Harry Gray offered his hand and heart to Milred Becker. She did not think about the answer for a long time and agreed. In the same year, Harry Gray and his young wife played a wedding.

Soon after the wedding, the young family has its first child. Gray, like Milred, was insanely happy. But at this stage the family did not stop - after his death, Harry Gray left three beautiful children.


Harry Gray began to write his books only at the age of fifty. The main impetus for writing for him was an accident in which he was badly injured. After spending a long time in hospitals, Gray decided to describe his whole life in America, starting from the twenties of the last century. It is not a secret for historians that at that time gangster movements developed strongly in New York. All Harry Gray books are based on real events, many moments of the plot also happened to the writer himself.

harry gray biography

It was at this moment that Herschel Goldberg decided to take a pseudonym in order to simultaneously engage in writing and protect his family.

The photo of Harry Gray, which is presented in the article, was just taken in those years when he was already engaged in writing.


The first book that was written by Harry Gray was the book Bandits. The work immediately became famous, many critics spoke very ambiguously about the book, because Harry described the gangster life, being himself a gangster. All newspapers wrote that Gray's work would surprise every reader.

The book gained fame due to the fact that it was written by the writer in prison, where he was serving a term for participating in the activities of criminal gangs. The book “Bandits” became the story of Gray’s life, it was there that he described all aspects of those years: changes and toughening of the law, prostitution, constant murders, the appearance of hired professional killers - all this was described by the writer very accurately and believably.

harry gray photo

Despite the huge amount of opinions, the book really turned out to be very believable. This is exactly what the famous director Sergio Leone noticed, who decided to film the book of Gray, calling the film Once Upon a Time in America. Harry himself did not see the resulting film adaptation, since he died in 1980, when the film was just started to be shot. The film received many awards and became known throughout the world. The main role was played by the young Robert de Niro, who was already quite a popular actor.

Other famous books

No less famous work was the book of Gray "Call me, Duke." The work was a continuation of the book "Bandits", which told about the adventures of one of the heroes of the first book - he needed to find the treasures hidden by the main character. The book was also a huge success and gained widespread fame throughout America.

The third part of this series was the book “Portrait of a Bandit”. It told about the ascent to the top, and then the fall of one of the most famous gangsters of those years. Soon the book was filmed by director Joseph Pevni. The film was released in 1961.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E16721/

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