Do you know which flowers bloom first?

Everyone knows how frosty Russian winters are. It is at this time that I especially want to admire some flower, so that my soul “immediately gets warmer”. However, everything has its own time and the laws of nature cannot be changed - flowers can only be seen with the advent of spring. However, not everyone has an elementary idea of ​​which flowers bloom first. And the answer suggests itself. Indeed, it’s easy to guess. Even the children, when asked which flowers bloom first, will immediately answer that they are snowdrops.

What flowers bloom first

However, adults can ask the question, what is called, backfill: "Are there any representatives of the flora that bloom before snowdrops?" And few will answer it.

So, for those who do not know which flowers bloom first, this information may be interesting. First of all, it is Chinodoxa. It blooms in late winter, when everything else is white and white. For this reason, it was called the glory of the snows. The plant grows in the mountains. Not far from the extremities of the Alpine mountains you can admire the blossoming lilac, white, lilac and blue buds. On a sophisticated stem, there are about ten flowers that visually resemble bells.

What flowers bloom first yet?

Which flower opens first

One cannot but mention Eranthis hyemalis. This miracle of nature pleases with its yellow inflorescences that exude a honey aroma. Its flowering period falls on January-February. The people of the above flower was called "spring". The stem is short and the buds are placed in close proximity to the ground. From cold and snow, the plant is protected by a massive green perianth.

Some may ask, “What flower does it bloom first?” Of course, mention should be made of the Iris net (Iris reticulata). It can be found in most Russian regions. It has amazingly beautiful lilac buds interspersed with yellowish and whitish shades. This flower blooms first, and it happens in March.

Flower blooms first

True connoisseurs of flowers note the charm and splendor, as well as the aesthetic perfection of several varieties of Iris net. These include: Harmony - has blue petals with yellow patches, Clarette - has light blue inflorescences with white spots, and Hercules - its buds are purple in color with a bronze hue.

Of course, you should talk more about flowers such as snowdrop and hellebore, as they also bloom early.

Snowdrop has a stable immunity to winter precipitation, which often falls in the early spring, and it does not die from frost. This plant has white inflorescences that resemble the shape of a bell. The buds begin to blossom immediately after the first leaves have appeared.

A flower called hellebore has not only brightly beautiful flowers, but also original leaves that are visually dissected. The hellebore bloom period is early spring. The buds open in various color shades: red, pink, burgundy, white, yellow.


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