A romantic gift for a girl - we seek and find

A girl is such a vulnerable and marvelous creature that sometimes you don’t even know which side to approach her in order not to offend or, on the contrary, not to make him angry. It is also quite difficult to like a girl if she herself had not shown any signs of attention earlier.

But now, you have already achieved that She agreed to go on a date with you. Another question arises: what romantic gift will we give the girl? In such a situation, one fantasy is not enough. It’s worth the effort and the money, and you may need the help of friends.

Whoever says anything, but every young beauty loves gifts and surprises, and in every guy a romantic is hiding. Therefore, if you delve into yourself and know what the chosen one prefers, you may be able to avoid failure.

So, gifts for the girl must be chosen, as they say, wisely. After giving her the usual key chain, you are unlikely to catch her heart. BUT! You can present the same keychain, but at the same time a little embellishment of the presentation. For example, to tell you what exactly with such a thing you associate her personality, or whether this small piece of metal helped melt your icy heart. Such an original gift to her beloved will not leave her indifferent.

You can also have dinner. Best if you cook it yourself. And let the dish be not complicated, but rather simple and even banal, anyway you have already made a romantic gift to the girl.

But it also happens that you can’t supper, don’t want to give a trinket, but there is a desire to really surprise your beloved. Then we turn for advice to our so stormy imagination.

So, the very first thing you can write with chalk on the pavement is touching words, for example: "Good morning, darling!". A charge of good mood and a warm kiss is provided to you! During the day, you can send to work a bouquet of gorgeous flowers. Remember, you need to choose her favorite variety and color. And do not forget to drop a few nice words - they are so warm! In addition, it will make the girl a little nervous in anticipation of the evening. Then invite her to the cinema, and no matter what the film will be, the main thing is that you are there.

If the street is warm, the weather is good, then there is another romantic gift for the girl - a trip to the roof of a multi-storey building. Just imagine how beautifully it will admire the sunset, then the stars in a bottomless sky. At the same time, do not forget to bring along a warm blanket, a bottle of champagne and a bar of chocolate.

If you are guilty and want to atone for your guilt, but don’t know how, then buy a lot of balloons. Then fill them with helium, tie in one bundle. Attach a teddy bear to such a bunch and put your missus under the window. Such a gesture will not be ignored, and forgiveness will surely follow (with time).

If you are looking for a romantic birthday present for a girl, then you will be the best surprise. To do this, you will need a large box (from under the refrigerator or washing machine), gift ribbon, wrapping paper, as well as the help of friends. We decorate the box with paper and ribbon, make several holes to get air, we climb inside with a bunch of flowers. And in the end - we ask friends to deliver you to the desired destination. We also provide instructions on how to handle the gift. For example: wash, dress, comb, feed 5 times a day, love daily, walk for several hours in the morning and evening, monitor cleanliness, do not scold and do not offend if something breaks somewhere, encourage kisses and hugs.

Any gift that comes from a pure heart always leaves only the warmest feelings in the soul of a girl. Give her gifts and more often remind how much she is dear to you and how you love her!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E16735/

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