How to build a pattern of a women's shirt?

To make a pattern of a women's shirt is not difficult. Gradually moving to a women's wardrobe, such an item of clothing as a shirt acquired a lot of variations and styles. Decorating it with some details, you can get a romantic or democratic style. Thus, this detail of the toilet can even become a blouse. But its basis is always the same - the pattern of a classic shirt. We will get to know her now.

to build a pattern of a female shirt

Necessary measurements and how to take them correctly

In order to carry out the construction of a shirt pattern, it is necessary to take measurements. They are removed directly from the person on whom the future product is sewn. Measures are called the values ​​obtained by measuring the girth or length of body parts with a centimeter tape.

So, we measure the neck, while placing a centimeter tape at the level of the clavicle and the protruding cervical vertebra behind. The resulting value is written. In the future, all measurement values ​​are fixed on paper with maximum accuracy, it depends on the correct sewing of the shirt.

Next, we need to measure the length of the shoulder - from the base of the neck to the shoulder seam, that is, to the place where the sleeve usually begins.

The circumference of the chest, waist and hips is easy to measure. It is worth remembering that the hips and chest are measured at the most prominent points.

The length of the product is measured from the cervical vertebra to the mid-thigh line parallel to the spine, and the length of the back to the waist.

Build a shirt shelf

It is not difficult to build a pattern for a woman’s shirt if you know that its main part consists of three elements - a back and two shelves in front. Shelves are two halves connected by a fastener.

how to make a pattern of a female shirt

On a large sheet of paper we build a pattern of a women's shirt, starting from the shelf.

  1. Draw a horizontal line, the length of which is equal to the circumference of the waist. Sign the line.
  2. On the right, leave 5 cm and put a point through which we draw a vertical line in the middle of the front.
  3. On this line, we postpone up and down such values ​​so that the length of the product is obtained. We put the points.
  4. From the top point to the left, draw a perpendicular.
  5. On it we set aside the girth of the neck and mark it with a dot.
  6. From the starting point, it is necessary to postpone the depth of the neck, which is about 1 cm more than the girth of the neck.
  7. From the end point of the girth of the neck we set aside the length of the shoulder to the left.
  8. And from the point of the end of the shoulder down we measure 4 cm. We connect the beginning and end of the shoulder line so that it turns out to be beveled down.
  9. From the waist line along the line of the middle of the front down, we postpone the size of the hips.
  10. From the found point to the left, we draw the perpendicular, which will be the line of the hips.

Build the back of the shirt

The pattern for the back will be slightly wider than the shelf. It is built much easier.

  1. On the thigh line from the middle of the front, set aside the size of the thigh circumference with an increase in fit and seams of about 2-3 cm.

    women's shirt pattern

  2. From the found point, we draw the perpendicular upward, it will be the line of the middle of the back.
  3. On it up from the waist line to postpone the measurement of the length of the back to the waist, mark.
  4. From here we lead the perpendicular to the right to a length equal to the circumference of the neck. We put an end again.
  5. Also, from the original point, set aside 2 cm for the depth of the neck.
  6. As on the shelf, we postpone the length of the shoulder with an increase of 1 cm to the seam and fit.
  7. We make a bevel of the shoulder by 3 cm, connect the points with a line.
  8. We draw the height of the sides and the line of the chest.

Calculation of the width of the elements relative to the chest line

It is impossible to make a pattern for a woman’s shirt without checking the measurements obtained. The width of the product in this case is much more important than its length.

We make a small increase to the girth of the chest (7-8 cm), divide the amount by 4. The width of the shelf will be equal to this figure increased by 2 cm, and for the back should be taken 2 cm from the resulting number. On the line of the chest, we postpone these values ​​and mark with dots. The same values ​​at the waist will be a couple of centimeters less, since the waist is already chest.

Calculation of the width of the elements relative to the line of the hips

In this case, dots are applied to the pattern of the women's shirt, the location of which is calculated similarly to the previous one. The only difference is that in the end it is necessary to draw a sideline, connecting the waist, hips and chest at the extreme points.

building a shirt pattern

And in conclusion, it remains to put a few small strokes on the drawing:

  1. Create an arbitrary tuck on the chest.
  2. Seamlessly draw a line from the edge of the shoulder to the edge of the chest line. It will be a shirt armhole. A sleeve is sewn here.
  3. Draw a tuck from the waistline to the hips line 1 cm wide.
  4. The "waist" tuck on the back is located from the line of the hips to the middle of the side.
  5. We deepen and expand the neck a little.
  6. Plotting the line for the button line parallel to the middle of the shelf.

It is possible to build a pattern of a women's shirt quickly and easily, if at the same time show persistence and attentiveness. It is available even to a beginning seamstress. It is enough to understand once how to make a pattern of a women's shirt, so that on its basis to develop more complex models of shirts and blouses.


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