Reserves of Crimea: list, photo

The unique nature of the Crimean peninsula needs protection and protection. For this, many protected areas are organized on this earth.

The reserved territories of Crimea

Protected areas comprise more than five percent of the peninsula’s land. Their basis is the nature reserves of Crimea. These include six state institutions in whose territory economic activity is completely ruled out. The main reserves of Crimea (list):

  • Crimean State Reserve.
  • Swan islands.
  • Yalta.
  • Kazantip
  • Karadag
  • Opuksky.
  • Cape Martyan.
    Crimea reserves

These are far from all Crimean reserves. The list of territories under state protection is continued by another 33 state reserves.

There are nine protected areas in the Crimea. These are small plots of land on which any object interesting to scientists is located. In addition, in Crimea there are 30 magnificent parks, 73 nature reserves.

Today, all the reserves of Crimea are available for visiting. In some parks and sanctuaries, a nominal fee is charged.

Crimean reserve

This is the oldest reserve in Crimea. It was founded in 1923. In addition, it occupies the largest territory. It stretched from Yalta to Alushta. This land is full of interesting natural attractions.

Excursion groups regularly come to this unique Crimean reserve. The bus carries them along the Romanovsky highway - a mountain serpentine. The first stop is at the trout farm. Further, the road goes around the ancient Cosmo-Damian Monastery. Today it is revived, and every year on July 14, on the day of Damian and Kosma, pilgrims from all over the Earth try to get here.

Crimean reserves list

After the monastery, the road rises even higher uphill. Near all interesting and memorable places along the route of the bus, stops are provided. For example, at viewing platforms where sightseers enjoy beautiful views of the coast. At the Kebit-Bogaz pass, all the tourists stop to honor the memory of the partisans who fought in 1941-1944 with the fascist invaders on the land of the Crimean reserve. Here he erected a monument.

On the Chuchelsky pass (1150 m) you can see Mount Roman-Kosh (1545 m) - the highest on the peninsula. Then the road will lead travelers to the Arbor of the Winds. From this place, unusual views of the mountain Crimea and its South Bank. At "Red Stone" from a height you can admire the beauty - Yalta, breathe in perfectly clean air, filled with the smells of pine needles that exudes a pine forest.

Swan islands

The nature reserves of Crimea are very different, each of them is unique. Specialists call the swan islands on the peninsula an ornithological reserve. It has international significance and is part of the Crimean reserve.

These are six separate islands that stretch along the Karkinitsky Gulf for eight kilometers. The largest of them is the fourth. Its length is 3.5 kilometers, with a width of 350 meters. On the shore and on the water around the reserve a security zone is designated.

Crimean nature reserves

These islands appeared as a result of sand and shell deposits, therefore their number and general appearance may change over time. They rise equally above the surface of the water - no more than two meters.

A diverse world of birds

The reserves of Crimea and the Swan Islands in particular are the largest nesting and wintering grounds for waterfowl and marsh birds on the peninsula. This unique nature reserve complex is located along the path where birds fly every year, setting off for wintering from Europe to the countries of Asia and Africa.

Black-headed laughter, silver gulls, laughter gulls, gray and white herons, waders, flamingos, pelicans and other representatives of birds have chosen these places. But the main pride of the Swan Islands is the mute swans. In the summer season, more than 6,000 individuals gather here. In the Karkinitsky Gulf, on the islands, mute swans are found during molting, when birds are very vulnerable. And at the end of autumn, whooper swans gather on the islands, who stop to rest before a long flight to the place of wintering.

Inhabitants of the sea

Crimean reserves carry out a lot of work to protect not only birds. In the Swan Lakes, dolphins living in the Black Sea found protection - bottlenose dolphins and white casks, big jerboa and white polecat, porpoises. Reptiles also live here - the steppe viper, yellow-bellied snake and many fish. Black Sea salmon is quite rare these days.

Crimea - Opuksky reserve

At Cape Opuk, located on the coast of the Kerch Strait, there is a mountain with the same name, which is a vivid landmark of Crimea. In its environs, the Opuk Nature Reserve was opened in 1998. Endless steppes stretch across an area of more than one and a half thousand hectares. They are inhabited by rare animals, birds, inhabitants of the sea and various plants.

Crimea Opuksky reserve

All reserves of the Crimea have some unique characteristic. In the spring, the Opuksky Reserve strikes with an abundance of white, yellow, raspberry, black and purple tulips. And at night from the caves where stone was mined for many years, countless bats fly out to get food.

Mount Opuk

Its height is only 183 meters. It is oblong, lush vegetation is no different. Mount Opuk is located on a wide base, with a gentle slope in the north and steep with rocks and stepped screes in the south.

This reserve is recognized as the archaeological site of Crimea. When excavations were carried out at the foot of the mountain, scientists discovered the remains of ancient structures, the foundations of buildings, the ruins of the walls of the village of Kimmerik. In the V century BC it was part of the Bosporus kingdom.

Pink starlings

This place is also famous for the fact that only here in the Crimea pink starlings nest. These birds have surprisingly developed genetic memory. For several millennia, these beautiful birds flock to the reserve, on the slopes of Mount Opuk overgrown with blackthorn, hawthorn and wild rose. Today, the population of the colony of pink starlings has doubled.


Four kilometers from Cape Opuk, in the Black Sea, there are four small islands. They are called Rocks-Ships. This group of islands is composed of fairly dense reef limestones with high strength. The largest stone "ship" rises above the water by 20 meters. These rocks got their name because of their resemblance to sailboats. Today they are inhabited by crested gulls, gray pigeons, black swifts, cormorants. They hatch here chicks in pre-twisted nests.

Crimean nature reserves

Lviv park

In 2006, on the overgrown territory of the former military base, where there were only dilapidated buildings without communications, the efforts of animal lovers, with the help and support of government officials, created a unique Lviv Park in the Crimea, not far from Belogorsk.

Crimea lions reserve

This is an unusual reserve of lions in the Crimea, which has no equal in Europe. The territory of the park stretches for 20 hectares, above which are laid metal platforms raised six meters above the ground. Their length is several kilometers.

Today, more than 50 lions live in the safari park - this is the largest population in Europe. Animals were collected at zoos in Russia, South Africa, Europe, Ukraine, etc. In a very large enclosure, in conditions as close as possible to the natural environment, several prides live - lion families.

Crimean nature reserves

Animals, as befits the kings of animals, freely walk around the park.
In addition to the safari park, the reserve has its own zoo, equipped with large, clean and animal-friendly enclosures that fit perfectly into the surrounding landscape. In total, two thousand animals live in the safari park.

It should be noted that the Taigan park differs from many similar institutions in that the animals here are well-fed, well-groomed and peaceful. In the zoo animals are allowed to feed, but only those feeds that can be purchased in the pavilions located on the territory.

In the summer heat, a refreshing shower is arranged for lions and bears. Near most enclosures there are benches surrounded by thick trees that create a pleasant shadow. Here roosters, quails, hens and other animals freely run, which is heard, but not always visible due to foliage. The territory of the lion park is beautifully designed - numerous footpaths, animal sculptures, a lot of shrubs and flowers planted in picturesque flower beds.

Museum-reserves of Crimea

This category of protected places of the peninsula in our article will be presented by the Tauric Chersonesos Museum-Reserve

This ancient city on the coast of Crimea has lived for more than two thousand years. Heracles founded it - natives of the city of Heraclea in 422-421. BC e. A hundred years later, it was already the largest city-state of the Northern Black Sea region.

It was a slave republic, characterized by a democratic form of government, was the center of crafts, trade and culture. Its population was more than twenty thousand people.

Museums Crimean reserves

Starting from the V century. n e. Chersonesus became part of the Byzantine Empire. After a nine-month siege in 988, the city was taken by the Russian prince Vladimir. Here the Grand Duke adopted Christianity. Ancient Tauric Chersonesos twice suffered from the Tatar hordes in the XII-XIV centuries. By the middle of the 15th century the city is gone.

Crimean reserves, photos of which you can see in our article, are of great interest to learned historians and archaeologists. That is why now on the land of ancient Chersonesus is always crowded. Excavations are still underway here, in which international expeditions also take part.

Museums Crimean reserves

Having visited this museum-reserve, you can see the ruins of the ancient theater, the quarters of the ancient city, the defensive walls with the Zeno tower and other architectural structures.

Today we have presented you only some of the reserves of the Crimea. We were not able to tell about most of them. Therefore, come to the peninsula to see the beauty of this land with your own eyes.


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