Tomato "budenovka": characteristics, yield and description of the variety

Today, many varieties of various vegetables are grown in gardens and fields. One of the most favorite plants of domestic summer residents is tomato. Its different varieties are cultivated. The tomato "budenovka" is popular. The features of growing this vegetable will be discussed later.

Grade description

Considering the features of vegetable culture, you need to start with a description of the Budenovka tomato. This is a mid-season hybrid with large weighty fruits. In terms of appearance and taste, they remind everyone of the well-known tomato "bull heart". The main characteristics and description of the Budenovka tomato variety make it very attractive for gardeners, as it is unpretentious, high yielding, late blight resistance and easy to care for.

Tomato Care "Budenovka"

This variety is indeterminate, that is, its growth is unlimited. If it develops in favorable conditions without any restrictions, it can grow up to 4.5 m in height. To prevent this, pinch the tops of the bushes, and the height of the shoots is usually up to 1.7 m. Therefore, plants need to be tied to a support and stepson, leaving two or three stems.

Bushes have a strong and well-developed root system. Leaves are few, medium in size. Inflorescences of the intermediate type. The first of them is laid over the tenth sheet. Subsequent inflorescences can be observed every three leaves.

Grade Benefits

The main characteristic of Budenovka tomatoes is the early ripening of fruits and high yield. Tomatoes ripen for about 110 days. One plant can produce an average of 6 kg of tomato, and sometimes more, depending on growing conditions.

Description of tomato "Budenovka"

The variety is suitable for both growing in open-air garden beds and in a greenhouse. Moreover, it is unpretentious and even in rainy seasons pleases with rich harvests. It is especially valuable that the fruits do not crack with increased soil moisture.

This tomato has a high resistance to various diseases of tomatoes, in particular to late blight, which saves both the cost of physical labor for its cultivation and the monetary costs of the fight against diseases. All this makes this variety very attractive for gardeners.

Fruit Description

In open beds, the fruits of the Budenovka tomato begin to ripen closer to August, filling with a delicious pink-red ripeness. Their shape is both round, with an elongated nose like a heart, and resembles a headdress, in honor of which he, in fact, was named.

The fruits of the Budenovka tomato

The fruits are quite large. Their diameter usually reaches fifteen centimeters. The fruits weigh 280-320 g, and sometimes more. The tomatoes are fleshy, with a dense skin, sugary, with a pleasant acidity. Perfect for fresh salads and for preservation for the winter, as well as for freezing fresh. Fruits are rich in minerals and vitamins, which makes them an indispensable component of diet food.

Seedlings for seedlings

Any gardener knows that the best seeds are those that are collected independently in their garden. This statement fully applies to tomatoes of the Budenovka variety. To obtain high-quality seed material, you need to choose the largest tomato without any damage and let it fully ripen without removing from the bush. The pulp with seeds will need to be carefully removed. The material is poured with water and left in a transparent bowl in a warm place.

Tomato seeds "Budenovka"

After a week, this liquid acidifies, and the grains float. They are washed, spread on a clean sheet of paper and dried in a ventilated room with low humidity. Store seeds in a glass, hermetically sealed container, filling it with half the volume.

In March-April, depending on climatic conditions, the collected material is sown for seedlings. Sowing is carried out for 62-68 days before the alleged planting in the soil in the garden. Before planting, seeds are rejected, first visually. Then they will need to be added to a 1.5% solution of kitchen salt. Unsuitable material for floating up. Healthy seeds that have settled to the bottom should be washed and treated with an antiseptic (a weak solution of potassium permanganate).

For faster germination before sowing, you can put the seed for several days in a damp cloth.

Seeds are sown in soil warmed up to 20-25 degrees, deepening by approximately 50 mm. To accelerate germination, you can cover the crops with glass or plastic film for several days, until the shoots hatch. Seedlings dive at the stage of two full leaves.


Seedlings are planted at a constant place of growth when the first brush with color appears. At this point, there are approximately 11 leaves on the bushes. Tomatoes are planted in open ground only after spring frosts. This variety loves fertile soils and feels best where zucchini, carrots, cucumbers, cauliflower or parsley grew before it.

Proper planting of tomatoes "budenovka"

Seedlings are planted in holes measuring 30 x 60 cm, to a depth of not more than two centimeters. Proper planting of the Budenovka tomato implies the placement of three bushes on 1 mΒ², and when forming in one stem, four.

Before starting the process, a handful of humus or superphosphate should be added to each well. Further care for tomatoes is the proper watering, weeding, pinching, feeding and prevention of diseases and pests. Tomatoes, as they grow, require a mandatory garter to the pegs so that thin tall stems do not break.

Watering and fertilizer

When growing any vegetable crop, it is important to study its description and care. Budenovka tomatoes require abundant watering at three stages of development - during flowering, the formation of ovaries and in the active phase of fruit growth. Watering must be done carefully, introducing moisture under the root. Liquid is not allowed on the leaves. After watering, the soil should be loosened, and the lower leaves removed. You can maintain sufficient moisture under the bushes by mulching the beds with compost.

Characteristics of tomatoes "Budenovka"

A few days after the seedlings are planted in the soil, it is recommended to fertilize the soil with nitrogen preparations. Further dressing is introduced when buds appear (approximately 20 days after planting), and the next - at the stage of fruit setting.

For this, it is best to use manure or an infusion of eggshell. Mineral bait should be used only if the bush is underdeveloped, as well as in the case of poor fruiting.

About once a week, tomato should be sprayed with antiseptic infusion (can be from garlic or other disinfectants) to prevent disease and pest control.

How to increase the yield of a variety?

The productivity of the Budenovka tomato can be increased in the following ways:

  • in order to accelerate the ripening of the fruits, it is necessary to remove the stepsons that grow near the leaves in time;
  • to stimulate the formation of lateral roots in order to better provide the plant with nutrients, pinch the main root when planting seedlings;
  • also, to form a stronger root system, lateral roots are cut as they grow;
  • pinch the top of the central stem to stimulate the formation of an additional amount of fruit-bearing side shoots;
  • to increase the degree of illumination of the plant, remove excess leaves in time;
  • for more complete pollination during flowering and an increase in the number of ovaries, lightly tap on the stalks of tomatoes;
  • by the end of the season, flowers that have not had time to form an ovary should be removed.

These simple steps will help increase yields. Tomato develops faster.

Ripening feature

The Budenovka tomato is distinguished by one non-standard feature. Ripening of fruits occurs from the inside. That is, the tomato on top is still green, but inside it has already ripened. Therefore, the fruits are plucked in brown. They are left for several days in a well-lit place so that the tomatoes ripen and turn red.

Growing tomato "Budenovka"

The presented variety has practically no negative reviews. All gardeners praise it as a universal type of tomato, successfully combining a lot of positive qualities. Such a tomato can be grown even by a novice summer resident.


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