Which radiators are better: aluminum or bimetal? Sorted out

Most Russian city apartments are connected to a central water heating system. Due to the lack of necessary funds, the operation of the entire heating infrastructure is not effective enough. Considering the fact that obsolete cast-iron radiators are widely used, which does not allow to obtain a sufficiently comfortable temperature, at the moment, a new type of heating batteries that are designed to operate in water heating systems have become widely used. And then the question arises as to which radiators are better - aluminum or bimetal? It’s worth understanding this question.

Which radiators are better aluminum or bimetallic
In appearance, aluminum heating radiators are very utilitarian, they have a strict rectangular shape, and the entire outer surface is a large heat dissipator. The heat transfer efficiency increases due to the presence of several more plates inside the radiators. If we talk about which radiators are better - aluminum or bimetallic, it is worth noting that almost all aluminum batteries consist of standard sections, in the amount of 6-12. The total power depends on the number of sections, which must be taken into account when designing a heating system for a particular apartment. Attractive appearance is guaranteed through the use of high-quality powder enamel. These characteristics allow them to fit into the interior quite harmoniously.

The difference between bimetallic radiators and aluminum
If you understand which radiators are better - aluminum or bimetallic, then it is worth saying that the former have high thermal conductivity, so they quickly warm up the room. However, when the heating is turned off, they cool off just as quickly, since the heat capacity of aluminum is very low. The most serious drawback of such batteries is the high demands on the quality of the coolant. In imported radiators, it manifests itself most of all. Domestic manufacturers are well acquainted with the situation in our country, so they are trying to take into account all these features. In the central heating system in the coolant there are a lot of mechanical impurities that have a strong abrasive effect on aluminum. If we talk about choosing aluminum or bimetallic radiators, then it is worth noting the need to install local filtering systems. In this case, safety can be guaranteed.

Aluminum or bimetal radiators
If you understand the question of what is the difference between bimetallic radiators and aluminum radiators, it is worth saying that the former were designed to preserve all the advantages of the latter, with the aim of obtaining batteries that are resistant to corrosion and mechanical wear. Outwardly, they are no different. The difference lies in the use of two metals - high-strength steel and aluminum, which conducts heat well. In terms of heat transfer, bimetallic radiators are almost inferior to aluminum ones, however, they are able to withstand greater pressure, and they are also less demanding on the quality of the coolant. That is why they are increasingly being used in apartments.

Answering the question about which radiators are better - aluminum or bimetallic, one cannot say for sure that some are one. Under certain conditions, both types can be used equally effectively.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E16753/

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