How to choose a cat toilet: recommendations of veterinarians

A cat is not only a beautiful, graceful and affectionate creature, but also extremely clean. If you purchased an animal, but did not take care to create all the conditions for its life in the apartment, then blame yourself. And one should not scold the pussies if he begins to leave his "business cards" in the form of excrement and unpleasantly smelling puddles in secluded and prominent places. The cat tray is the thing to take care of in advance.

In the past, in order to organize an animal's place to cope with its natural needs, they used a shallow box or plastic container, which was covered with sand, torn newsprint or wood sawdust. Not only did such a cat's toilet have an unbearable aroma, but its filler during the “process” stuck to the legs of an animal, which, of course, subsequently carried it throughout the apartment. At that time, pet owners could only dream of cleanliness, actively taking a rag soaked in a disinfectant on the floor.

Today, progress is evident, and a modern cat toilet, purchased at a pet store, will be the guarantor of hygiene and cleanliness in the home. True, many are lost, seeing on the shelves a sort of variety. How to choose? But you still need to take into account the tastes of your cat - if she doesn’t like your purchase, she will definitely defiantly crap near the tray, and not in it.

Just want to note that the toilet in the form of a tray or basin with a plastic grill, no matter how ideal it may seem to you, can cause bewilderment of the pet. A cat, like all animals, follows its natural instincts. She needs to dig holes, dig in piles, hiding traces of her intimate presence ...

More attractive in this regard are trays designed for bulk fillers. The cat's pot should not be too small, otherwise you will have to carry a constant watch with a broom near it, noticing that it will fall out on the floor each time. Putting a cat toilet in the “public” room of your house (kitchen, living room, bedroom) is not worth it. The place should be secluded enough so that no one and nothing interferes with the kitten doing its “affairs", and at the same time it is easily accessible for him as a user and for you as a cleaner.

Which filler to choose - wood or clumping? Consider both options.

The wood filler for cats is a woodworking waste (the same sawdust, only compressed). The main effect of such a product is the absorption of liquid. Just want to note such a drawback as the smell of wet granules. The cat will turn over the layer of the filling, removing soaked lumps on the surface, which will exude unpleasant odors. Therefore, cleaning such a toilet requires regular and thorough. And the cost of wood filler is rather big.

To date, it is believed that a cat toilet filled with clumping adsorbent filler is an ideal solution. The granules, which include clay, absorb cat feces and solidify, forming dense lumps. Such a filling is cheaper and more economical to use. Some time after the animal has settled its need and buried everything, with the help of a scoop you simply remove the lumps and fill up fresh granules. And no unpleasant smell to you! Only in order to avoid problems with the sewer system, in no case do not throw the used clumping filler into the toilet.

By the way, many owners of kittens are worried that the animal begins to eat clay granules. Do not worry - you can not be poisoned with such a bulk. Because of its natural curiosity, your pet simply tastes a product unknown to him, but immediately understands that this is not a treat at all, and begins to use the contents of the tray for its intended purpose.


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