Garage heating with electricity: the most economical way. Recommendations, tips

If you are the owner of a garage, then you probably wondered more than once on how to provide economical heating of the room. There may be many options here, but for some reason, not all of them can be implemented.

System selection

garage heating with electricity is the most economical way

Among the most acceptable, you can highlight heating with electricity. A similar system can be fully equipped independently. The voiced concept is quite broad, two methods of organizing heating are hidden under it. The garage heating scheme presented in the article will allow you to do the work yourself. As the first, the presence of an intermediate coolant can be distinguished. In this case, the system must have a circulating coolant, which is heated by the boiler. The latter is powered by electricity.

The second system provides direct heat transfer, and you can use a variety of equipment that converts electrical energy into thermal energy. Here you can highlight the heaters, convectors and fan heaters.

The benefits of heating from electricity

how to make heating in the garage

If you decide to implement garage heating with electricity, the most economical way you should definitely consider. The use of electricity allows you to get many advantages, namely durability and high efficiency, ease of use, ease of installation of devices, as well as the absence of the need for maintenance. It should be noted that the use of electricity is safe, the devices will operate silently and will not emit dust. Each of them can be easily replaced, as well as the components of the equipment. The owner of the garage will not have to receive permits for the installation of the system.

If you are interested in heating the garage with electricity, the most economical way will probably also interest you. One of the main disadvantages of this approach is the high cost of electricity. But it is possible to organize heating by electricity, if you install a temperature controller that will turn off the system at a time when the air temperature reaches a certain point.

Savings Options

You can use a multi-rate meter to save, which will reduce the cost of energy consumed at night. During this period, the temperature is lower and more enhanced heating is required. That is why it will be very beneficial to use a low tariff. Cheap garage heating is very important today. Experts advise to thoroughly warm the house, then it will be possible to pay less for electricity.

do-it-yourself garage heating

What you need to know before starting installation of the heating system

As the only obstacle to the installation of heating equipment, which is powered by electricity, it is possible to distinguish low power lines. Appropriate calculations must be made in advance. On average, one kilowatt of power per hour will go to heat a room with an area of ​​10 square meters. Electric heating of the garage, whose area is 150 square meters, will assume 150 kilowatts. Heating in the garage from electricity may need to be implemented, and if we are talking about an outdated power line, with the above indicators, the system may fail. It is important to take into account the fact that in addition to heating devices, other devices that consume a certain power will work. This indicates the need for adding about 5 kilowatts per hour to a given design power.

economical heating

Installation of convector system

If you are interested in heating the garage with electricity, the most economical way must be considered. Experts quite often recommend a device based on convectors. This method is one of the most common today. Devices will use air convection in their work.

garage heating circuit

Functional principle and device

Heating devices of the described type consist of a metal casing into which tubular heating elements are built. They are controlled by a thermostat. Each of the heating elements is a high-resistance conductor, which is placed in a ceramic shell. The conductor housing is sealed and made of steel or aluminum. This design allows you to significantly increase the area of ​​interaction with air, providing heating. The temperature of the element can vary from 60 to 100 degrees. Before you make heating in the garage, you should familiarize yourself with the principle of operation of the convector. After switching on, heating of the heating elements begins. According to physical laws, air, the temperature of which decreases, begins to fall down. It enters the structure through the lower grill and passes through the heating elements. This allows you to get a constant movement of air. The process of multiple air pacing allows you to create a comfortable microclimate in the garage. If necessary, you can use the fans, through which natural convection will be accelerated. If you are thinking about how to make heating in a garage, you should remember that convectors, due to their design features, have one main drawback, which is expressed in uneven heating of the air. Thus, the temperature at the surface of the floor remains lower compared to that which is kept at the ceiling. However, it is worth noting that this drawback is inherent in water heating. As another additional minus, one can distinguish the rise of dust, which occurs during the circulation of flows. In order to maximally eliminate this drawback, you should choose more modern convectors that are devoid of these features.

Recommendations for choosing a convector type

garage heating by electricity

If you decide to implement garage heating with electricity, it is recommended to evaluate the most economical way before starting work. Experts quite often advise a system based on convectors. It will only be important to decide which type of devices - wall or floor - to choose. Wall structures have a height of 45 centimeters. Their distinguishing feature is the mounting method. The device can be installed directly on the floor or fixed on the wall. Floor-standing appliances are narrower and longer; they are installed under low-lying stained-glass windows and in the area of ​​baseboards. Despite the fact that such devices have less power than wall-mounted counterparts, they will need less time to warm up the room. If you decide to equip the heating in the garage with your own hands, then you should think about which convector model to choose. Both types of devices, which were described above, can be equipped with built-in or external thermostats. Among other things, on sale you can find designs that do not burn oxygen and do not dry the air.

Calculation of the number of devices

Before proceeding with the arrangement of the heating system, you must calculate the power and number of appliances that will be needed. In this case, one must take into account the volume of the room in which it is supposed to install devices. First you need to determine the average value of power, which is necessary for heating one cubic meter. Do-it-yourself heating in the garage can be equipped only after you determine whether the surfaces are well insulated, whether the floors are insulated, whether the insulation is sufficient. Thus, a well-insulated garage that meets energy-saving standards will require 20 watts per cubic meter. If there is an insulated ceiling, double-glazed windows on the windows will require 30 watts per cubic meter. With insufficient insulation, you need to increase the power to 40 W per 1 cubic meter, while with poor insulation, the power increases to 50 W per 1 cubic meter. If you are equipping economical heating, it is important to consider the above values ​​in order to determine the power that will be required to heat the room. You will need to determine how many devices are needed.

cheap garage heating


Even if you have a wooden garage, electric heating will be safe if you choose the right equipment and install it according to the recommendations of specialists. This is an important factor in the arrangement of the heating system.


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