Connection of current transformers. Connection diagram of current transformers

Transformers are electromagnetic devices. Their main task is the conversion of direct current. This process is carried out using electromagnetic induction. Today, power and pulse transformers are being cut.

There are also many varieties of separation models. Counters, in turn, are divided into single-phase, two-phase and three-phase. The transformerโ€™s connection will be directly affected by its type, power and type of meter.

Connection to a single-phase meter

The connection of current transformers to a single-phase meter is carried out, as a rule, through a transistor. In this case, the voltage parameter plays a large role. If we consider a pulse transformer 220/220 V, then it is connected using a beam transistor. The adapter will need a one-pin.

transformer 220 220

Different types of capacitors are used to lower the frequency. Today, capacitive models are considered the most common. However, analog devices also have a right to exist. Directly connecting the converter is carried out after checking the negative resistance on the transistors.

How to connect to a two-phase meter?

The connection of current transformers to a two-phase meter is often done through a latitudinal transistor. However, if we talk about step-down models at 220 V, they can only be connected via capacitors with a large conductivity parameter. Transceivers in circuits are used quite often. They fight electromagnetic interference quite successfully.

connection of current transformers

In order to prevent a large overload on the transistor, a stabilizer is used. Converters for connection can be found mainly analog type. The negative resistance parameter in this case should not exceed 60 Ohms.

Connection to a three-phase meter

The connection of current transformers to a meter of this type occurs mainly through a discrete transistor. In stores, they are presented with different conductivity parameters. If we consider a pulsed three - phase current transformer , then in this situation it makes sense to immediately put a two-pin converter.

connection of current transformers to the meter

In order to prevent malfunctions in the circuit, high-capacitance capacitors are used. Direct connection to the meter is via a choke.

Linear Transistor Circuit

The connection of current transformers through a linear transistor can occur only when using modulators. In this case, power transformers are not uniquely suited for connection. Directly the adapter is more appropriate to select a two-pin. At the same time, many experts recommend installing an inverter. It should be located behind the transistor. However, before this, the negative resistance in the circuit is checked. A parameter of 55 ohms is considered normal. Exceeding it indicates that the converter is installed low resistance.

Transformer connection through an operational transistor

Connection through an operational transistor can be carried out only to a single-phase meter. The characteristics of the transformer in this case do not play a special role. The problem is sometimes to increase the frequency of the converter. Capacitors for the circuit are used only open type. The conductivity should be at least 6 microns.

three phase current transformer

You should also pay attention to the parameter of negative resistance. If it exceeds 50 Ohms, then there is a high risk of overheating of the converter. In this case, even a two-pin switch is suitable.

Conductor Relay Circuit

Connection through a conductor relay is quite simple. The characteristics of the transformer in this case do not play a special role. In this case, an adapter is not required. Capacitors, many experts recommend installing an analog type. The converter, in turn, will require a low resistance. Due to this, problems with a reduced frequency occur quite rarely. Before putting the capacitor, the negative resistance on the transformer is checked. The specified parameter must be less than 60 ohms. Otherwise, the capacitor may not withstand.

Connection via transceiver

Using a transceiver, the meter is connected via current transformers with single-cycle converters. If we consider pulse transformers, then the transistor will need an analog one. Additionally, single-contact switches are used. In this case, the current conductivity should be at the level of 5 microns. If we talk about isolation transformers, then only single-phase meters are suitable for them. The parameter of the limiting frequency in the circuit, as a rule, does not exceed 6 Hz. Converters in models are usually installed low resistance. Due to this, failures in transformers are quite rare. In this case, the adapter is not heavily loaded.

transformer specifications

Also, the connection of step-down transformers should be considered separately . They belong to the class of high-voltage devices. In this case, the operating frequency parameter in the circuit can reach 80 Hz. To cope with it, the converter must be installed single-contact. In this case, transistors are used mainly beam. If we talk about modifications to 500 V, then an additional small stabilizer is placed in front of the counter. To increase the current transmission, it is ideal.

Using auxiliary thyristors

Using auxiliary thyristors, the meter is connected via current transformers only when using single-contact converters. However, if we talk about pulse transformers, then you can use two-contact modifications. In other cases, this is prohibited. Circuit transistors are used without a stabilizer. In this case, the connection to the meter is via a choke. Also, many experts recommend installing semiconductor modulators to increase the frequency.

The use of a single junction zener diode

Single-junction zener diodes are famous for being able to work perfectly with power transformers. Converters for these purposes are selected single-contact. If we consider the isolation transformer 220/220 V, then the stabilizer in this case must be installed near the meter. Modulators are mainly used analog. However, some prefer wave modifications.

installation of current transformers

At a voltage limit of 300 V, they are considered more efficient. They also significantly reduce the risk of transformer failure. Connection to single-phase meters is carried out thanks to a choke. In this case, only the two-conductor type can withstand the voltage.

Connection via low frequency comparators

The connection of current transformers to the meter is sometimes done through low-frequency comparators. They withstand a voltage limit of 500 V. Thus, power transformers are well suited for connection. However, lowering analogs can also be used. To do this, you need a high-quality single-contact converter. Without a beam transistor in this situation can not do. To increase the throughput of the converter is possible only with the help of a stabilizer. The switch in such a circuit should be in front of the counter.

Using high frequency comparators

Through high-frequency comparators, the installation of current transformers can be carried out only to three-phase meters. In this case, transistors are allowed to use only the magnetic type. The current conductivity parameter in the circuit does not exceed 7 microns. The operating frequency is on average 80 Hz. Two-pin converters are used to increase sensitivity.

meter connection via current transformers

Beam transistors are rarely used, because they cope poorly with electromagnetic interference. If we talk about step-down transformers, then their connection can occur only with the participation of a powerful modulator. However, before connecting it, the negative resistance in the circuit is checked. Ultimately, it should not exceed 50 ohms.

Permanent tetrode circuit

Permanent tetrodes in the circuit do not allow the converter to burn, even if the limiting frequency exceeds 80 Hz. In this case, much depends on the type of transformer. If we talk about power devices, then the adapter can be safely taken single-contact. Converters are often used analog. Their conductivity should be at least 7 microns.

Negative resistance in the circuit should not exceed 60 Ohms. If we talk about step-down transformers, then they can be connected through a tetrode only with single-phase counters. In this case, the transistor is used beam. In turn, wave modulators are installed. The output voltage parameter must not exceed 200 V.


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