Conflict of the South and the North. U.S. Civil War Games

The war that erupted between industrial and slave states has become one of the most global in the history of America. Many films and series have been shot about this, and a large number of books have been written. For some reason, computer games about the Civil War in the United States are not so popular. But they are, and in this article examples of some projects will be given.

History Civil War: Secret Mission

The American television channel History Channel, which specializes in historical programs, suddenly decided to try its hand at an unusual project. And he did it in the form of a game about the American Civil War - History Civil War: Secret Mission.

games about the civil war in the usa

Over ten secret missions, the player is destined to take on the role of a soldier in the partisan detachment of one of the opposing parties. The task is to prevent the enemy in any way. Acting secretly, it is necessary to destroy enemy ammunition, equipment, food depots, blow up bridges, railroad tracks, participate in skirmishes and naval battles. At the beginning of each task, a documentary is played, which highlights important events of that time.

Take Command: Second Manassas

The conflict between the North and the South was also implemented as a strategy. The action of the game about the Civil War in the United States Take Command: 2 nd Manassas, the developer associated with the events that took place in the second year of battles. We are talking about the second Manassa campaign, which consisted of several large and small battles. The player will control the armies from one side and the other.

games about the civil war in the usa on pc

The creators of the game offer to go through about 50 missions, the events of which will be interconnected by the plot. Will have to manage both small detachments and serious military formations. Everything will happen on five historically reliable topographic maps. The game has three game modes, including user, free and historical. The outcome of the battles will depend on many factors: on the choice of place, on the mood of the soldiers, on fatigue, etc. By the way, all the facts were taken from the library of Congress.

"Conquest of America: A Divided Nation"

The games of the American Conquest series ("Conquest of America") usually pay attention to events that occurred during a particular period of US history. The Divided Nation Supplement is a series of Confederate General Thomas Jackson missions. He was considered one of the most talented generals of the South, and his death was considered one of the main reasons for the defeat of the Confederate army.

games about civil war in usa list

As part of this game about the Civil War in the USA, the player will be provided with about 50 maps, hundreds of units and nine historical campaigns. The game features include a wide variety of soldier uniforms, firearms, heavy weapons and armored vehicles of that time, as well as the destructibility of most game objects. Morale is also very important, the low level of which can cause fighters to lay down their arms and leave the battlefield. Victory will depend not only on large-scale armed clashes, but also on the capture of strategically important targets.

American Civil War: Gettysburg

The Battle of Gettysburg is considered one of the most bloody among those that occurred during the war. The Severovirdzhinskaya Army suffered serious losses, which forced General Lee to withdraw his troops and take a defensive position. They were saved only by the fact that the enemy also did not have the strength to strike. The American Civil War: Gettysburg project will continue the list of PC games for the US Civil War.

games about the civil war in the usa

To repeat the battle, 16 campaigns were invented, during which you will have to play for both sides of the conflict. The developers promise magnificent landscapes recreated from historically reliable maps, various types of troops, terrain features that can give an advantage or, conversely, interfere with the battle, and realistic 3D graphics.

"Call of Juarez: The Ties of Blood"

Call of Juarez, a shooter developed by Techland, will complete the list as yet another U.S. Civil War game. The action of this game begins in the Wild West in 1866, when one of the characters goes in search of the Aztec treasures. And although by this time the Civil War was over, after the initial scene, the plot is carried over two years ago.

games about the civil war in the usa on pc

The story will be presented on behalf of one of the brothers - Thomas or Ray, one will have to choose one. The player is waiting for a fairly diverse gameplay. There will be duels, bank robberies, jailbreak, horse and cart rides, as well as a large number of callorite characters. An economic model was created for the game, according to which the hero will dress and arm with the money received for completing tasks. In general, in comparison with the first part, a more beautiful, thoughtful and dynamic game turned out.


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