How to tie belts correctly?

The belt is a beautiful, stylish detail of the wardrobe of men and women, capable of emphasizing an individual sense of style and taste, as well as human wealth. Today this is a sign of good taste, and in the Middle Ages such accessories performed protective functions, and also served as a place for fastening important items (weapons, wallet, keys).

how to tie belts
Depending on the image for which the belts are intended, classic (two or three centimeters, a simple simple buckle for strict trousers and a suit), as well as a wide variety of jeans, are distinguished.

When wearing them, it is important to consider the matching of clothes, shoes, other accessories both in color and in style.

This item of clothing should be expensive, but correspond to the cost of trousers with which it must be worn. Men's leather belts create a certain image, while a fake is always noticeable and reduces the level of impression. When choosing, do not focus on textiles or those made from pressed leather. In addition, it is important to properly care for your accessories.

methods of tying belts
Women's belts require a special art of how to tie belts. There are many options for this. For example, you can highlight some methods of tying belts at the waist:

- the use of a wide wardrobe item as a belt (cross overlapping ends with the formation and tightening of the loop);

- in the form of a butterfly: the ends are pushed in such a way that a loop is formed on each side;

- you can use the reception of a single loop (only one of the ends forms a loop, the second is brought under the first).

How to tie belts if they are not wide?

This issue can be solved based on the type of clothing, connecting imagination and imagination. For example, you can make a double revolution around one end of the product with the other by wrapping it through a buckle. Such wardrobe items will give an easy charm to simple dresses.

leather belts for men
Long accessories can be tied with an eight, covering the buckle. To do this, hold the free end through it, and then from the inside and from the outside.

Having included imagination, you can come up with a lot more options for how to tie belts using various types of knots that make the dress elegant and the image is original.

An interesting solution to the problem is the combination of this wardrobe item with a satin scarf, which is tied at the waist first. Then put on a thin leather belt. Shawls threaded into loops on trousers look peculiar and stylish. Moreover, options for how to tie belts, combined with models and types of scarves, create a rich collection of coquetry, chic, choice of opportunities and originality of the created image.

When using narrow products, it is also important to ensure that they are tied freely, not too tightly touching the body, not creating the impression of limited capabilities, without distorting the beauty and unity of the composition. Thus, it is up to you to decide which belt to choose. Enjoy the shopping.


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