Gas cylinder for domestic cylinders

Propane gas train is a device designed to simultaneously connect the gas consumer to several cylinders at once.

By consumer is meant any equipment whose operation is associated with the continuous receipt of fuel. This is a gas cutter, and a stove, and a fireplace, and anything else.

Thanks to this device, the possibility of such an unplanned effect as icing of gas tanks is eliminated, which could very well occur if the consumer uses too much fuel.

gas train
Thanks to the ramp, it is not necessary to refuel each individual cylinder so often.

Each tank is connected to this adapter using a valve, which makes it possible to control the number of cylinders used. At any time, you can turn off one of them, leave two, three, or four.


The main problem with propane distribution is the lack of pressure stability. Swings can interfere with the normal operation of the burner. It is possible to completely disable it.

To prevent such problems from happening, the outlet gas pressure must be greater than the minimum necessary for the burner. This is necessary to compensate for this indicator in the system.

Also, the pressure should not exceed the permissible maximum at which the mechanism still works stably. In other words, it is supposed to be uniform and fit into the framework defined by the design of the burner.

To ensure such stability, propane should not come to the consumer directly from the cylinder, but through a stabilizing device that allows pressure control. This apparatus is the ramp for gas cylinders.


The design of this equipment includes several basic elements. Consider them in the order in which they are installed in the system. The first part of the device is the connection module. Then comes the filter.

The gas train, as already mentioned, not only connects the cylinders, it also equalizes the pressure. Therefore, the high pressure reducer is located further. More information about it can be read a little lower.

The stabilizer includes a pressure normalization system.

gas cylinder ramp
It is followed by a package of valves.

Connection module and filter

The first element includes two devices: a crane with which you can stop the fuel supply, and an insert that dampens vibration. It is necessary so that the vibrations generated by the burner during operation do not extend to the pipes of the gas pipeline.

The gas train also allows for additional gas purification during its consumption. For this task, after the connecting module, a filtration department is installed in it, in which mechanical additives are retained. If there were no filter, particles could prevent the shut-off valve from closing tightly.

Pressure stabilization

The stabilizing module is needed in order to reduce this indicator of gaseous fuel and to keep the outlet pressure at the same level. Moreover, regardless of how strong the fuel comes from the cylinders and how efficiently it is used.

The process of pressure reduction and its equalization is carried out by a device with a membrane.

do-it-yourself gas train
The compression ratio of the spring in it changes, this balances the valve, and a stable pressure is obtained at the outlet.

The ramp for installing gas cylinders includes similar devices for use in systems in which this indicator does not exceed 500 mbar.

If the pressure is higher, then a reducer is used, which is supplemented by shut-off, relief valves and measuring instruments, by which the operator can track changes in this indicator to exercise control over it.

There are some norms that determine what should be the pressure at the inlet to the stabilizer, and what at the outlet of it. These standards depend on how powerful the spring is installed in the module and what its performance is.

A reducer and safety modules may be needed in cases where the gas pressure from the cylinders exceeds the maximum for which the consuming device is designed.

Valve block

A module with solenoid valves includes three mechanisms. This is a shut-off type safety valve , a continuously adjustable valve and a minimum pressure controller.

The gas train providing fuel for high-power burners must contain a leakproofness control unit in its design. This module is needed in order to make sure that the valves are tightly closed before igniting and stopping the burner.

If the ramp is designed to work with consumers of medium and low power, then all the modules, except the gearbox and the connecting body, can be placed in one housing.

Such an assembly, combining the functions of a stabilizing device and a safety block, is called a β€œmultiblock”.

Depending on which burners are supplied with natural gas through gas ramps, the built-in valve modules can be of two types: single-stage and two-stage.

The ramp design contains fittings with which you can measure the pressure at the outlet of each module.

Tightness control unit

If the burner power provided by the fuel system exceeds 1200 kW, then the tightness control unit is a necessary device, which should include a gas ramp. For domestic short-circuit cylinders providing propane-like burners, this rule also applies.

Often, when buying a ramp, the tightness control unit must be purchased separately, it is not included in the delivery package.

The algorithm for the action of this mechanism is as follows.

During operation of this module, excessive pressure (about 20 mbar) is injected between the two valves.

automatic gas train
System testing time can range from 10 to 30 seconds. It depends on what pressure is currently in front of the valves, and on the volume of the tank that is being tested.

If the yellow indicator lights up as a result of the test, then everything is fine. A red light indicates insufficient tightness. In this case, the system will be emergency locked until the control unit is turned on.

Auto Ramp Benefits

In addition to the above configuration, there is also an automatic gas train.

After the cylinder is open, gas enters the valve, then into the manifold module. From there it is fed to a pressure reducer. The reduced propane enters the automatic switch, and from there through the manometer it enters the burner.

natural gas ramps
An automatic switch redirects gas production from one source to another if in the first the pressure drops below the norm set by the settings. This allows for continuous operation of the system.

Checking device operation

To make sure that the ramp for gas cylinders is working stably and correctly, you need to perform the following sequence of actions.

Unscrew the pressure connection valve located in front of the module responsible for tightness control. If the system is not blocked by emergency, it means that the tightness control unit is not working. There is a small cover next to the power connector. Open it to check the fuse. If it fails, you need to change it to a spare. It is under the cap at the top of the unit.

If everything is normal with these modules, check the quality of the connections and the accuracy of the pressure gauges if they are included in your ramp device.

How to do it yourself

On the scale of household welding, you can make some kind of ramp yourself. It is important to understand that working with combustible substances requires not only great care, but also the high quality of assembly of all devices. If you are not sure that you can ensure the quality of a makeshift ramp sufficient for safety, then it is better not to take up this matter.

Let's look at how a gas train can be made with your own hands.

An adapter should be welded from metal tubes that resembles the letter "Sh" in shape (or "P" if you intend to use two cylinders, not three). At the base of the structure, you need to make a hole, another tube is welded into it.

gas cylinder installation ramp
It is needed for the release of mixed gas. At the ends of the first three tubes, a thread must be cut to connect to the pressure gauges. After measuring devices, pipe sections with valves are installed to control the pressure. Gas must be supplied from the cylinders to these valves.

On the output tube, you also need to put a tap.

This design is very simplified, it has neither a stabilizer, nor a gearbox, so you will have to constantly monitor the pressure.

Usage Safety

A gas ramp, propane, or passing any other type of natural fuel, is a conductor of combustible substances that must be handled with extreme care. There are safety rules that must be strictly followed to avoid an accident.

Ramps should be installed away from crowded areas.

gas train for household cylinders KZ
Sometimes they are placed in a separate room, fenced with strong walls made of refractory material. In the workshops, only those ramps can be used that pass gas from no more than 6 cylinders. Sometimes cabinets with strong metal walls are diverted under them. At the same time, it is important to ensure free access to the controls so that the operator can freely control the operation of the system.

Before each start-up of the device, all necessary checks of the quality of the connections and the normal operation of the nodes must be performed.


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