DIY hood in the garage

Ventilation is an important system in the garage. The integrity of the vehicle and the microclimate as a whole largely depend on its work and functionality.

A proper exhaust in the garage is necessary to supply fresh air, which is so necessary for both the owner and his car. This type of communication is also responsible for the removal of volatile toxic substances and excess moisture.

do-it-yourself exhaust hood for the garage

Why extractor hood in the garage?

Many garage owners are confident that the non-residential premises do not need ventilation. The characteristic consequences caused by the absence of this system will help to refute this erroneous opinion:

  1. The dampness that appears in the garage has a destructive effect on the metal parts of the body, the electrician, on the electronic devices of the car. In addition to causing damage to the car, excess moisture accelerates the process of spoiling and decay of food supplies, causing fungi on the walls, wooden poles and other structural elements of the room, which are made of wood and metal.
  2. The formation of a toxic environment negatively affects the health of the owner. If the hood is not made in the garage, an adverse atmosphere will form, causing a painful condition, headaches, poisoning. Even if vapor from the incomplete combustion of gasoline, gas, diesel by the owner of the garage is not felt at first, the accumulated toxins will certainly make themselves felt later on.

A simple or complex ventilation system avoids many negative consequences. Moreover, farm buildings, according to the requirements declared in SNiP 21.02.99, must be equipped with this communication system on a par with housing.

how to make a hood in the cellar of the garage

How to make a hood in the garage?

Properly executed ventilation system is the key to a long life of the car.

If the hood in the garage is arranged correctly, in accordance with all the norms and rules of SNiP, then 180 l or more fresh air will flow into the room daily.

In order to make ventilation in the garage, you should:

  • know the number of cars that will regularly be in this room;
  • make a calculation of the overall dimensions of the garage;
  • determine the most comfortable location of the ventilation system;
  • choose the right material for arranging the hood;
  • install, if required by the plan, additional equipment.

The hood in the garage is equipped in both two-story and standard one-story buildings. Be sure to arrange ventilation in the cellar of the garage, because in an isolated room in the basement there is insufficient air circulation to eliminate odor and dampness.

how to make a hood in the garage

Types of ventilation

There are several ways to provide a car with a โ€œbreath of fresh airโ€:

  1. A natural ventilation system, built on the principle of the occurrence of an air flow without coercion through a temperature difference between the indoor and outdoor.
  2. Forced (combined) garage ventilation scheme, working on the principle of forced exhaust from the premises of the exhaust air and its natural flow from the street.
  3. Mechanical ventilation, in which special devices (module, monoblock) are responsible for the air exchange in the garage, which draw in fresh air and forcefully polluted out.
  4. Exhaust ventilation, in which an exhaust hood is used for ventilation. The disadvantage of such a system is that there is no air flow, because air moves in only one direction.
  5. Supply and exhaust ventilation.

proper hood in the garage

How to make a hood in the garage? It all depends, as a rule, on the financial capabilities of the owner. The mechanical system, ideal in all respects, will cost the owner of a car $ 1200 and even more. And the installation of expensive equipment will be carried out by a specialist. If a hood is made for the garage with your own hands, then you should choose a natural or forced ventilation system. All types of ventilation systems are equipped with one or two channels.

Garage ventilation methods

Not only the garage itself must be ventilated, but also the additional rooms adjacent to it:

  1. The ventilation of the cellar in the garage should be made by the exhaust method so that the products stored in it do not deteriorate. How to make a hood in the cellar of the garage is described below.
  2. In an underground garage, ventilation should be carried out by a combination or mechanical method. Otherwise, the entire room may be covered with fungus and mold.
  3. In the vegetable pit of the garage, it is best to equip a combined system.
  4. The hood in the paint garage should be mechanical with many additional devices. Thanks to a continuous stream of fresh air, the paint will dry much faster. In addition, a properly made hood for the garage for painting improves the quality of painting, reduces the cost of replacing filters, saves electricity, and also increases the speed of forced drying.
  5. In the inspection pit of the garage ventilation is equipped in a natural way. Its effect is due to the through flow of air.
  6. In a metal garage, the hood is equipped even during its construction. It is important that the ventilated opening has such a volume that cold air does not allow the room to heat up.
  7. In a brick garage, a combination hood is ideal.

hood in the garage

To form a hole for the ventilation system, metal and asbestos pipes are used. The diameter is selected in accordance with the volume of the replaced air masses.

Natural ventilation

This is the most affordable and inexpensive way to organize air exchange in the garage. Already at the stage of construction of the building box, it is necessary to provide two holes in the walls for such a ventilation scheme:

  1. Fresh air inlet opening located near the floor (at least 10 cm from it). The output pipe passing through it is raised above the ground even higher (about 30 cm). At the end, a grid and a conical roof are fixed.
  2. An exhaust hole located near the ceiling (10 cm lower) to remove contaminated air. The exhaust pipe is raised 50 cm above the roof and is also protected from rain and insects by a net and a hood.

garage hood for painting

The disadvantages of a natural ventilation system

This system has a number of significant disadvantages:

  1. The effect of natural ventilation in the summer is practically reduced to zero. This is due to the fact that outside the garage the temperature is higher.
  2. The pressure drops inside the building will create a draft, which is undesirable for people who devote a lot of time to caring for their cars.
  3. Due to the small size of the garage, differences in temperature and pressure are not always enough for good circulation.
  4. It is difficult to predict the direction of the wind, because the air flow is not always delivered to the inlet.
  5. The condition of the discharge and supply devices must be constantly maintained: in summer, clean from dirt, accumulated dust and burning, in winter from ice that has grown due to temperature changes.

how to make a hood in the garage

Given these shortcomings, people who do not want to depend on gifts of nature, it is better to invest more of their money and make more expensive, but constantly functioning ventilation in the garage.

Combined ventilation

In structure, this system is similar to a natural extract. There are 2 openings in the garage: for fresh air (at the floor) and for exhaust (at the ceiling). But the difference is that there is no longer any dependence on the location of the holes. They can be located on the same wall and even on the same level, only they cannot be placed against each other, otherwise the air circuit will close and air will not enter the room.

The difference between such a system is the installation of electric fans in the output channels. Air exchange takes place according to the principle of pressurization: already exhausted air is forcibly removed from the garage, and fresh air enters the vacated space.

The combined ventilation system can serve all year round, and the exhaust fan is inexpensive and does not consume much energy (100 W).

Forced exhaust ventilation in garages and cellars

In terms of price / quality ratio, this is the most optimal option. Only in this way can effective ventilation of the basement in the garage and good air circulation in the inspection pit be created. In addition, this is the only option for underground garages.


A hood in the garage is a must, which should not be neglected. You can equip budget natural ventilation or, if possible, install an expensive but effective mechanical system. Garage owners can also choose a combination method that is a cross between a natural-type fixture and a mechanical installation. What the owner of the garage and the car will choose will depend on its financial capabilities and requirements.


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