What you need to apply to the registry office: a list of required documents and deadlines

When the young man makes a proposal to the girl, and she, in turn, responds with consent, a crucial moment will come: they will begin to prepare for the wedding. But in order to become a real husband and wife, you need to carry out several necessary procedures. The very first question may arise for a couple uninformed in this case: what is needed to file an application with the registry office? This will be discussed in detail in this article. Various other issues will be addressed.

We clarify all the details personally

The bride and groom must decide when they want to get married, in which month. If in the yard, for example, November 2015, and young people want to sign in September 2016, then an application to the registry office for marriage registration can be carried out only in the spring-summer period. Each registry office has its own rules. It is necessary to decide whether there will be a wedding in a festive atmosphere or just a mural.

what you need to apply to the registry office

The second important point: whether the wedding will be ordinary, without a restaurant and photo shoot, or whether the young ones dream of exit registration. All the subtleties and nuances are revealed even before the first visit to the registry office.

How to choose a registry office?

If the bride and groom are both Muscovites, then they only need to choose a registry office in the Moscow region. For example, you donโ€™t need to go to the Sverdlovsk region, where your grandmother or aunt lives. At least one of the spouses should be registered where the palace of interest or the registry office is located.

application deadline

Later we find out what is needed to file an application with the registry office . Now weโ€™ll decide how to choose a registry office. You can chat with those who recently signed, see photos of the wedding hall. It is important to pay attention to how far the building is from the house, restaurant or cafe. To make it easy to travel. To be late by the appointed time for marriage is undesirable.

Can we get married? Answers for young couples

If young people are only 15-17 years old, then they will have to wait until they are 18. Time will tell whether the couple will be together again, whether love will grow stronger, or if everything was a passing hobby.

documents for applying to the registry office

The rules for filing an application with the registry office are such that young creatures can sign at least on their birthday after reaching the age of 18, but not a day earlier. An exception is only when the bride is pregnant. It is necessary to bring a certificate from the antenatal clinic, otherwise the application will not be accepted.

What documents to take in the registry office to apply?

The time has come when you can discuss what documents are needed to file an application with the registry office. Firstly, when one of the young is married and did not file for a divorce, the application will not be accepted. If there is a divorce or someone is a widower, you must bring the appropriate certificate.

rules for applying to the registry office

Secondly, the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation should be on hand (if a foreigner is going to marry, then he should be provided with a full list of necessary documents in the registry office). In no case should you file an application if a citizen recently turned 20 or 45 years old, when you need to change your passport. Replace your passport first, and then go apply.

How to fill out the application correctly

Perhaps the most crucial moment. You need to go to the registry office employee and ask for a form. Please note that the application form is divided into two parts. On the left the groom writes his passport details, and on the right the bride writes.

filing an application with the registry office what documents are needed

It is advisable to write everything in legible handwriting and without errors. On the table next to or on the wall should be a sample. Next, itโ€™s better to immediately put the documents for submitting an application to the registry office, which we spoke about earlier.

About change of surname

At the very bottom there is a line where you need to write the last name that will be assigned when registering the marriage. In case of mistaken spelling of a maiden name it is better to ask for a new form (if allowed). It will not work to redo documents after the wedding to be fixed. These are not only the rules for applying to the registry office, but also civil law. Therefore, you need to be very careful.

If the bride wants to have both her maiden name and her husband, then she can take a double. For example, she is Silence, and he is Makarov. So, the future spouse will bear the double surname Tishina-Makarov. They talked about his wife. Now about the husband. If his surname is funny, insulting, he wants to change it, then he can write at the very bottom of the form so that he is given the name of his wife.

Waiting times

As a rule, the registry office has a schedule for filing an application and registering marriage. Let's say that the couple arrived at the registry office on January 14, which means that the solemn registration day will be scheduled for February 20. That is, almost a month later. But each registry office has its own schedule. You can apply on the same day, but sign only after 3 months. Only the department of interest will tell you when it is better to come if you want to sign on a certain day. The deadline for submitting an application to the registry office can be extended, for example, through the portal of public services. But this is just a reservation of the date and time of registration. It will be necessary to personally come to the registry office and write a statement.

Who can be painted on the same day or earlier than in 1 month?

Earlier, the deadline for filing an application with the registry office was discussed, where it was about an expectation of 1 month or more. But marriage can be registered on the day of application or in the coming days. Only solemnly no longer sign. Such condescension can be for military personnel, a pregnant bride, suffering from a serious illness, traveling to another country for a very long time. But you must have on hand a document confirming a good reason.

what documents to apply to the registry office

No need to rush to marriage, especially to those who have recently met. It is necessary to check feelings, attitudes to each other, actions. Waiting for a solemn day should not become a reason for cohabitation. The most ideal version of courtship is joint virtue, travel, work.

Can I apply alone?

All registry offices accept applications from Tuesday to Thursday at certain hours. For citizens working on weekdays, reception time is not provided, so you will need to take a leave. But it happens that it is impossible to do this. Anyone who can come to the registry office on a weekday needs to explain the situation to the employee. They will give a special form where the visitor writes his data, gives it for verification, receives recommendations and gives the document to the second half. What is needed to apply to the registry office in this case? A notarized document that, indeed, both wish to marry by mutual agreement. With all the papers filled in, he returns to the registry office and sets the date of registration.

Do I have to pay for marriage registration?

It does not matter whether the registration will be solemn or at the counter for writing statements in the corridor, the payment is the same for everyone - 350 p. No need to go somewhere to the province in the hope that it will be cheaper. Across Russia, the cost is one. This is called the state duty. You need to get a receipt at the registry office and go to Sberbank to the terminal. It is imperative to choose in it the registry office of interest and not any other. Be careful.

We now list what is needed to apply to the registry office, once again:

  • passports
  • certificate of divorce or death of the previous spouse;
  • receipt of payment of state duty.

As you can see, not so many documents are needed for future shared happiness. Do not mistakenly assume that the size of the state duty depends on the season. It can only grow from year to year.

What happens if the bride and groom do not come on the day of the wedding?

Almost all registry offices of young people ask for a few days to call or come in person to confirm that everything is valid and the wedding will take place. Indeed, the day before, employees, as a rule, are already preparing a marriage certificate. But it happens that the bride and groom or one of them does not appear on the appointed day at all, either for a valid or disrespectful reason. In this case, the painting will not take place. Documents for applying to the registry office and paid state duty lose their legal force. If the young people suddenly want to re-submit the application, they will have to start all over again, even pay.

What to bring to the registry office on the day of registration?

When that solemn day comes, the bride and groom must bring their passports to the registry office. Be careful, not rings and pads are more important, namely passports! If suddenly one of them loses shortly before the wedding and manages to get a new one or a certificate, then the marriage will not be registered. Passport data must match. It is worth noting that if, God forbid, this happens, then you need to report it to the registry office, pick up the application, and then come again for filing.

filing an application with the registry office for marriage registration

In this article we discussed how the application is submitted to the registry office, what documents are needed, whether they will sign it with a new passport. It is important to know that you wonโ€™t go against the rules, you should not persuade workers to meet them if there is no reason for this.

It is recommended that you take a pen with you to apply. Often there are times when there is nothing to write. And one more tip in conclusion: do not forget to bring your purchased certificate folder with you.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E16793/

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