Quotes about evil: its manifestations in human life

Evil has existed since time immemorial, because its grains are in each of us. It should be so, but it is only up to a person to decide how much the dark side will guide his life.

To get the better of him, you need to have willpower and determination. By educating these qualities in oneself, a person can not commit evil. If everyone does this, then his footprints in our lives will become almost invisible.

The article uses quotes about the evil of famous personalities.

Look into yourself

Quotes about the evil

Many complain about the huge amount of evil and injustice around. But it is worth remembering that like all good things, the bad also has an author. In order to suffer less from evil, one must not commit it himself. And even if it's just a drop in the ocean, but if everyone makes such a decision, the world will forever change.

Perhaps a few quotes about evil will help you understand that at all times people believed that it was first necessary to eradicate it within themselves.

Evil does not see what is evil (Basil the Great).

If the arm is not injured, poison can be carried in the arm. The poison will not hurt those without wounds. He who does not do evil is not subject to evil (Dhammapada).

Evil done by man often outlives himself (Agatha Christie).

Whether evil is great or evil, it does not need to be done (Aesop).

Evil in relation to others

It is no secret that evil has a destructive power. If you constantly cause evil to other people, over time it will take over all the thoughts and aspirations of man. Someone thinks that evil deeds can help achieve your own goals, but such a belief is deceiving. Every evil act does not pass without a trace. As a result, a person is confronted with the fruits of his affairs, moreover, he himself can seriously suffer.

If you do not try to harm someone, life will be much nicer. After all, when one's own conscience is clear, it is easier to open oneself to others. In support of the above, it is worth quoting about evil people. Their fate can hardly be envied.

Evil people in this mortal world will always be mixed with the good, and always the good will suffer from evil crimes (F. Karpov).

The evil we inflict brings us less hatred and persecution than our virtues (Laroshfuko).

The one who has experienced evil on himself can forget it, the one who committed it - never (A. Mare).

All for the good

In life, it is very difficult to draw a clear line between โ€œblackโ€ and โ€œwhiteโ€. They constantly mix, creating different shades - situations where, when causing harm to another, we try to act in his interests. Here it is very difficult to determine whether a person can actually be considered a scoundrel.

It takes a lot of strength and patience to do good to loved ones, but it is much more difficult to do what, in their opinion, is evil, but at the same time save them. However, it is worth remembering that in life there is always a choice. It is worth thinking more than once - perhaps there is another way. The power of this world also speaks about the difficulties of choice. A lot of quotes were heard from their lips about evil, which also contains a particle of good.

If someone does good to us, we must patiently endure the evil caused by this person (Laroshfuko).

It is most difficult to fight and eradicate the evil that is committed under the guise of good (Pierre Bouast).

And if a friend hurts you, say this: "I forgive you for what you did to me; but how to forgive the evil that you have done to yourself by this act?" (Friedrich Nietzsche).

Fight against evil

good and evil

For many, this is the only noble occupation. Of course, making the world a better place is a must. But sometimes the methods that people use are highly questionable. The struggle distorts the original noble design. As a result, evil is not eradicated, but only grows in scale.

A special category is made up of actions that are only covered by good intentions. Unclean people are ready to do evil, but at the same time declare that they pursue only the kindest goals. The world knows a lot of quotes about evil, which say how dangerous it is to fight it.

Before you gang up on evil, consider whether you can eliminate the causes that gave rise to it? (Luc de Clapier Vauvenargues).

Very little evil would be done in the world if it were impossible to do evil under the guise of good (M. Ebner-Eshenbach).

No villains and criminals have done so much evil in the world, have not shed so much human blood as people who wanted to be the saviors of mankind (S. Frank).

Is it permissible to eradicate villainy by killing villains? But this means multiplying their number (B. Pascal).

Everything will be back

Wise people do not do evil, because they know that all the troubles caused by others can more than come back. Many books and films confirm that a retaliatory strike can come upon a person at the most unexpected moment, thereby violating the already fragile happiness. If each of us, even for the sake of our own well-being, does not do evil, then the world will become much safer and better.

By the strangeness of human psychology, the names of the sowers of good gradually disappear from his memory, but the names of the great villains remain forever (A. Avtorkhanov).

Good is repaid for good, and evil responds to evil (Plavt).

Sow evil - so wait for the bloody harvest (Racine Jean).

Yin and yang

Quotes about good and evil

In the world, harmony cannot be dispensed with. No matter how strange it sounds, but without evil, good would simply not show up. These two opposites coexist side by side. When misfortune happens in life, it is worth remembering that this is only a temporary phenomenon, which will necessarily be replaced by something good. Quotes about good and evil, which are inseparable, are a confirmation of this.

Any sweetness has its own bitterness, each evil has its own goodness (R. Emerson).

Maybe good and evil have the same face. It all depends on when they meet on the path of each of us (Paulo Coelho).

In order to be evil, you must learn to be good: otherwise you will just be ugly (V. Klyuchevsky).


They say that the truth is different and each has its own. Probably the same can be said of evil. Someone is ready to turn a blind eye to him, while others devote their whole lives to fighting him. That for some is the greatest evil, for others it is a necessary measure. On which side to be, we can decide only ourselves. Quotes about evil given in the article will also help to make the right decision.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E16799/

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