The mysterious nature of Australia

Australia is one of the most amazing continents on earth. It is unusual first of all because in such a small territory there is a huge number of unique plants and animals that are not found anywhere else in the world. The nature of Australia, which most can only see through the Internet, is amazing and unusual. The mere fact is that almost all the natural lakes on the continent are salty, and most of the rivers dry out during the hot season, making people respect who have settled and survived here.

Australia nature photo
In general, the nature of Australia, like a litmus test, as a kind of filter that rigidly and quickly reveals and eliminates everything that is not viable and does not have sufficient endurance. Both plants and animals adapt to such a harsh climate. Despite the severity, the nature of Australia is very bewitching, bewitching. Only here you can see so many strange animals, for example, marsupials, the most famous representative of which is the koala - an unusually gentle, toy animal that feeds exclusively on eucalyptus leaves. One cannot but mention such animals as a kangaroo, a dingo dog, a marsupial possum, a marsupial devil, which is found only in Tasmania.
Nature of australia

The nature of Australia is also no less strange plants that managed to survive in arid areas, thanks to the developed amazing abilities. Here you can find mangroves, ferns, palm trees, oaks, aspen, birch, pine Huon and King William, with valuable wood. More than 70% of all plant species are found only on this continent. But most of all there are eucalyptus and acacia trees: there are 500 species of both. This is the nature of Australia, the photo of which is pleasantly pleasing to the eye. I must say that the flora and fauna of these places is so different from the flora and fauna of other continents that many scientists until recently assumed that it evolved according to its unique program. But later it was found that the preservation of relic plants and animals was possible, due to the remoteness and isolation of the continent. However, civilization has come here a long time ago.

Australia nature
By the 21st century, 83 species of plants were destroyed, and about 840 were on the verge of extinction. More than 40 species of birds and 60 species of mammals have disappeared from the face of the earth or are under such a threat.

Australia, whose nature does not cease to amaze, boasts an unusual relief. The land surfaces formed in the Tertiary period are preserved here, while they have changed little over such a long time. This explains the preservation of ancient species of plants and animals. Therefore, the nature of Australia simply makes you talk about yourself with great respect and admiration.

For such a small continent, the diversity of not only land but also underwater inhabitants is quite natural. The water world is inhabited by sharks, of which there are a huge number, jellyfish, sea snakes, a variety of fish. By the way, the length of such snakes exceeds several times the growth of the native Australian. I must say that the Aborigines subtly and deeply felt their world and tried to save it.


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