Red begonia: a photo with a description, planting and care at home

Red begonia is a worldwide popular plant with a unique leaf shape and incredible beauty. In the wild, the greatest concentration is observed in the tropical forests of South America and Asia, as well as in India and some regions of the African continent. The plant is characterized by long and abundant flowering, for which many gardeners fell in love with it. In the article, we will talk about the key features of breeding and care for begonias at home.

general information

red begonia

Red terry begonia belongs to the begonia family, represented by both annual and perennial herbaceous plants and shrubs. A characteristic distinguishing feature is the leaves having a unique shape, as well as various colors and sizes. In some varieties, they are plain, while in others they have a fancy pattern.

Separately, a few words should be said about the shape of the leaves. It can be the most diverse and resemble a maple or palm, or resemble an oval saucer. In the center of the sheet is a longitudinal vein. The upper side, regardless of variety, is always bright green, and the lower side can be of various shades, ranging from red to purple.

Red begonia blooms (photo of the plant you can see in this article) throughout the year. Inflorescences are formed by several very beautiful buds and have a complex structure. They fill the air with a pleasant aroma that spreads throughout the apartment and delights residents. The color of the petals can be the most varied: red, pink, snow-white, lilac, pale yellow or orange. As soon as the plant fades, small boxes with seeds are formed on it, which can be used to breed the plant.

Most common types

fimbriate begonia red

We will dwell on this aspect in more detail. Red Fimbriata begonia, landing and care for which does not require much effort, is far from the only representative of this family. Today, more than one and a half thousand plant species are known, of which no more than a hundred are bred at home. Most of them were bred by crossbreeding different varieties and are hybrids.

The most popular begonias are the following types of begonias:

  1. Royal. It is considered one of the most beautiful species. The leaves of the plant in shape resemble hearts with small notches at the edges. They can be raspberry, light brown and purple. The flowers are small and pink.
  2. Tiger. This is a herbaceous plant with a long creeping stalk and velvety leaflets, which can be either plain or multi-colored. During flowering, friable inflorescences of a characteristic soft pink hue appear on this type of red begonia.
  3. Everlasting. Belongs to a group of shrubs with a direct powerful stalk. A distinctive feature - the leaves are perfectly round in shape. Flowers of a simple-looking plant with smooth or velvety petals. After the flowering period ends, seed bunches are formed in place of the buds.
  4. Coral This begonia with red leaves also belongs to shrubs and is very popular among gardeners. It differs from its relatives in a decorative appearance, due to which the plant is used in landscaping or for decorating flower beds. The leaves have an oval slightly elongated shape, dark green color with silver splashes.
  5. Elator. This variety is perhaps one of the most popular among indoor plant lovers. It differs in large buds and long flowering. Its shoots are erect and very dense. Leaves are slightly elongated with a smooth glossy surface.
  6. Ampelic. This species got its name for a special form of shoots. It is ideal for planting in household plots. The flowers are simple in shape, but in different sizes and shades.
  7. Tuberous. This is a universal species, which is bred as an indoor or garden plant. Inflorescences are very lush and resemble the shape of roses of various colors.

No matter what type of red begonia you choose, breeding and care will not be difficult. The plant is unpretentious, as well as high resistance to pests and diseases.

A few words about leaving

begonia red care

As mentioned earlier, this plant will not cause any special problems. All care for red begonia is to maintain an optimal indoor climate. The plant feels best at an air temperature of 15 to 20 degrees. It is not recommended to transfer flowers from one room to another. It is best to give them a permanent place with plenty of sunlight. Experts say that the best option is windows facing the east side. With a shortage of light, begonia will simply not bloom.

Humidity and watering

So what do you need to know about this? Begonia is red, home care for which will not cause any problems even for beginner growers, needs enough moisture. However, watering should be balanced and not too plentiful, otherwise the probability of decay of the root system and death of the plant is high. So that the water does not stagnate, it is recommended to provide a drainage system at the bottom of the pot, which will ensure its drainage.

You can determine the need for regular watering on the ground. If its top layer became dry to a depth of 1 centimeter, then the time has come. Since tropical forests are the historical homeland of begonias, you need to worry about air humidity. It should be high so that the flower does not begin to dry. In this case, it is necessary to moisten not the leaves themselves, but only the air. For this purpose, the pot can be placed in a small container, at the bottom of which there will be small pebbles and water.

A few words about the landing and the quality of the soil

terry begonia

This aspect should be given special attention. Red begonia grows best on neutral soils that pass water and air well. When grown at home, you can purchase a universal substrate or independently prepare it from peat, sheet soil and sand with a large fraction. The size of the pot does not matter. The main thing is that the root system feel comfortable in it.

When transplanting the plant should be removed along with a lump of earth. Then it is placed in a new, more spacious pot, sprinkled with soil, slightly compacted and well watered. To harden and increase the flower's resistance to diseases and pests, the root system is pre-treated with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Too often transplantation is not necessary. As a rule, it is enough once in several years.

Fertilizer application

begonia care

Begonia with red flowers looks simply amazing, however, to achieve maximum decorativeness, it needs regular feeding. During the period of active vegetation and flowering, complex minerals are introduced into the soil, and in the case of deciduous species, the nitrogen content of fertilizers.

Diseases and Pests

So what do you need to know about this? Almost all representatives of the Begoniaceae family are distinguished by good health and high resistance to negative environmental factors. According to experienced gardeners, they are very rarely ill. However, with poor quality care and a lack of sunlight, flowers can be affected by root rot, mold, or ashtrays. If the first signs of the disease are detected, begonias are treated with fungicides. To protect against harmful insects such as aphids, spider mites and worms, use chemicals or a soap solution.

Breeding methods

To breed dark red begonia at home is possible using several technologies. The following methods show good effectiveness:

  • seminal;
  • root division;
  • cuttings;
  • layering.

The most common is breeding by seed. Planting material has a high percentage of germination, so there will be no special problems with it. Sowing is best in late winter or early spring. In this case, the seeds do not even need to be pressed into the soil. They are simply distributed on the surface of the earth, after which they are moistened with a spray bottle, covered with garden foil and placed for a while in a warm place, for example, placed near a battery. As soon as the seedlings appear, they are distributed in plastic cups or immediately in pots. Begonias begin to bloom from the first year.

Possible growing problems

begonia breeding

It is advisable to familiarize yourself with this issue first. As a rule, with proper care, as well as timely watering and top dressing, special difficulties do not arise.

The appearance of the plant will tell about the presence of problems:

  • If the leaves began to turn yellow and dry, then this indicates too dry air and high temperature in the room.
  • The appearance of characteristic spots indicates the defeat of the plant by cucumber mosaic. In this case, begonia needs to be dug up and burned.
  • A prolonged lack of flowering can be caused by a lack of sunlight, drafts or an excess of fertilizer. Changing the conditions of detention will solve the problem.

Here, in fact, all the difficulties that flower growers encounter when breeding begonias.

Use in design

Absolutely all varieties have excellent decorative effect, due to which the flowers have gained great popularity around the world. They are bred not only as indoor plants, but also used to create unique compositions in personal plots and in landscape design. Species of large size are particularly suitable for the latter. For home breeding, experienced flower growers recommend ampel varieties. But there are no strict rules, so you can grow those begonias that you like best for your appearance.


proper begonia care

Begonias are truly amazing plants, striking in their beauty and elegance. They will be an excellent decoration for an apartment or a private house, and also will make the garden more vibrant and attractive. These flowers are very rarely ill and unpretentious in care, therefore, both experienced and beginner flower growers can cope with their breeding. Be sure to get at least one begonia and you will not be disappointed.


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