How to lock a house in Minecraft as securely as possible?

In real life, no one leaves his house with open doors and windows, without locks and without an alarm. After all, there are so many intruders who are happy to seize the moment and steal from you everything that you have accumulated overwork. In Minecraft, everything is exactly the same as in real life - you build your own house, and then you want it to be protected from grippers and other users who would like to do some muck to you - destroy the wall, steal things, smash windows and so on. To achieve this, you just need to use the private function, which is carried out through the console with the help of not the most complex commands. So, in this article you will learn how to build and how to lock a house in Minecraft.

Home construction

how to lock a house in minecraft

If you want to know how to lock a house in Minecraft, then you should first get what you are going to privatize. It is not very easy to do this, especially if you are planning something beautiful and grand. Of course, you can always build a small house of four walls, a ceiling and a floor, but in most cases everyone strives for perfection, so they build houses on several floors, with beautiful finishes both outside and inside, and such a house will be very disappointing to lose. Therefore, it is recommended to choose a place to build a house, and then immediately go to the second point, which will be described later, and then return to construction. So, before you learn how to lock a house in Minecraft, you need to understand how the territory will be privatized under it.

Private Territory

How to lock a house in Minecraft? To do this, you will need to acquire your own piece of land, on which safe construction will be carried out, and then the use of your structure. What is necessary for a private territory? First you need to get a wooden ax - it is with this tool that you will need to mark two opposite points, one of which will be located on the ground, and the other in the air. The parallelogram that they form (naturally, invisible in game mode) will be your territory where no one else can carry out criminal activities aimed at harming you.

how to lock the house minecraft 152

But to make it private, you need to use the special console command region claim, after which you need to specify the name of the region that you give it - you will need it for further operations to interact with it. So you have come to the last step, from which you will learn how to lock the house "Minecraft 152" and other versions.

Private house

how to lock minecraft team house

It's time to figure out how to lock the house. Minecraft teams do not give you the opportunity to privat the entire house, but this is not required of you. All that is needed is to prevent the ill-wishers from getting inside, and for this you need to install doors and windows. However, they open without any problems - well, this can also be fixed. On each item that opens - doors, windows, hatches - use the cprivate command, and no one can open them.


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