How to find an oasis in the quest in Stalker: Call of Pripyat?

It's no secret that the game "Stalker: Call of Pripyat" is a real storehouse of various tasks that can both advance you along the storyline and serve only as an addition to the main story. With the help of side quests, you can earn experience, weapons and equipment, as well as useful and unique artifacts. However, some of the tasks for gamers cause a lot of questions, as well as difficulties with passing. For example, there is a side quest called "Oasis", and it is with it that very often serious difficulties arise. People simply cannot find this oasis, so they often leave the quest incomplete. But after all, everyone dreams that the book with the tasks would never contain reminders of those quests that you could not afford. Therefore, from this article you will learn how to find an oasis in Stalker: Call of Pripyat.

Getting a quest

how to call Pripyat in a stalker to find an oasis

Each task, story or side, you need to get from a particular character. Therefore, before looking for answers to the question of how to find an oasis in Stalker: Call of Pripyat, it is better to make sure that you are given this task. To do this is quite simple - at any time you can get this quest from Professor Ozersky. Its essence lies in the fact that the oasis is a kind of mysterious location that no one has seen. Everyone who went in search did not return - there are rumors that the oasis is the embodied desire of one of the stalkers, and most importantly - it contains a powerful artifact. Ozersky sets the goal for you - to find an oasis and bring to the professor the evidence that you did it. Now you need to go to the ventilation complex and start looking for answers to the question of how to find an oasis in Stalker: Call of Pripyat. This will not be very easy to do, because this complex is full of hidden passages that you have to travel.

Movements and fights

call of Pripyat oasis walkthrough

When you find yourself at the ventilation complex, you will naturally have a desire to enter its ground part, because it is it that is visible immediately. However, this is a meaningless undertaking - you will only lose time. If you want to know how to find an oasis in Stalker: Call of Pripyat, you will have to give up the obvious solutions. Go to the embankment near the railway - there will be a small structure, which serves as the entrance to the tunnels through which you have to make your way to the oasis. Just be careful - a large number of jerboas and zombies live in the pipes, and there will be little room for maneuvers. So it makes no sense to try to get away from the battle and save ammo - just stock up on a lot of ammunition and try to neutralize the enemy before he can attack you. Thus, you will move through the pipes for quite some time until you find yourself in a room with columns - here the most interesting part of the quest "Call of Pripyat - Oasis" begins. Walking through this room without assistance can take you a lot of time.

Puzzle room with columns

call of Pripyat how to find an oasis

When you find yourself in this room, you may again have a very logical desire - to go between them and finally get to the oasis. But if everything was so easy, then this quest would not be one of the most difficult in the game "Stalker: Call of Pripyat." How to find an oasis? Very simple - you have to solve the puzzle with columns. When you pass between a pair of columns, you are teleported to the starting point in the room. Immediately, it becomes clear that just going through does not work. So now carefully monitor what happens when you pass between two columns - you are teleported back, and between them a certain force field is formed. Now the task is simplified - you need to work your way through the selection method so that a full-fledged route consists of force fields. Only then can you follow this makeshift path to your goal. Now you have found the answer to one of the most popular questions on the game "Stalker: Call of Pripyat." Where to find an oasis, you understand. You found it - what next?


call of Pripyat where to find an oasis

The oasis impresses with its beauty, but your impressions will not serve as evidence for Professor Ozersky and will not bring you profit. Find a large tree - on its branch and the artifact you need is located. But be on the alert - as soon as you pick it up, a dangerous psi dog will attack you. When you're done with her, you can come back to meet with the professor.

A reward or an artifact?

As in many other quests in this game, in Oasis you have a choice. You can give the artifact to Professor Ozersky and get a reward of seven thousand rubles, which is quite a lot and is a good reward for your efforts. But you can also leave this artifact to yourself - then you will not receive money, but you will own it until the end of the game. By the way, when choosing the second option in the final clip there will be a mention of your visit to the oasis.


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