When to plant dahlias - the basic rules

when to plant dahlias
This article is intended to educate readers about when to plant dahlias and how the planting process takes place. Read further gardener tips.

Planting Dahlias in Spring

The end of May is an excellent time period for planting flowers in open ground. When is the best time to plant dahlias ? Of course, in the springtime, to get beautiful buds already at the end of summer. However, beware of frost. Some of the precautions drop them off in the early summer. In the case of frost, it is recommended to cover the plants with cardboard boxes or other covering material (with the exception of iron objects).

Spring planting

Dahlia in the spring takes root much better. The root tubers of the plant are removed from storage places in advance in early May, and are cleaned of dried roots and of sick, rotted areas. Slices sprinkled with "Fundazole" or charcoal. If kidneys are seen in the basal cervix, division of the root tuber can begin. In the case when the buds have not yet grown, they are sent to germinate: put in boxes on a thin layer of soil, sprinkled with peat, moss or other loose material that holds water well. Capacities are put on light (the temperature should be about 18-20 Β° C). From time to time, seed is watered to prevent stagnation of water. The buds will start growing after 2 weeks, then the root tubers can be divided. Dahlias are divided not only to obtain more planting material, but also to improve it, since when grown too large bushes degenerate the variety.

Dahlia planting in spring
If the bush has several stems, then they must be carefully loosened and separated. In the case when the uterine bush is dense, the root tubers are cut with a sharp knife so that each split remains with one or two buds. Sliced ​​areas are slightly dried. The resulting material is planted in the ground, if, of course, weather permits. Disembarkation can also be done in boxes for growing. In May, dahlias can also be propagated by cuttings. When to plant dahlias with cuttings? Definitely, in early May, since it was at this time that the cuttings would take root quickly, which would take a maximum of a week.


The site for dahlias must be excavated in advance - either in the fall or early spring. When planting, only holes thirty to forty centimeters deep are excavated, on the bottom of which compost or humus (about a quarter of a bucket), ash (about two spoons), superphosphate (about twenty grams) are poured; everything is thoroughly mixed.

planting dahlia in spring
A strong stake (not less than a meter high) is clogged next to the hole for tall dahlias, to which grown stems are tied up during growth. Tubers are planted so that their necks are 4 cm below the ground. Dahlias, which are grown from cuttings, are planted deeper - 10 cm. The soil around the plants is neatly sprinkled, watered and mulched. We hope this article helped you learn when to plant dahlias and how the process is going.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E16832/

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