The demarcation of borders is ... The problem of demarcation. Ukraine did not conduct and did not properly register with the UN the demarcation of its borders as a state

Border demarcation is a designation or definition of the state border line on the ground in accordance with the delimitation agreements and the descriptions and maps attached to them. The work on establishing the border line is carried out by the special mixed commission created by the governments of both states. In some cases, these functions are performed by a special international body, which is created as a result of peace negotiations.

Demarcation of borders is

Boundary Commission

The created commission is primarily involved in determining the exact position of the line on the ground and draws up a description - a protocol of the demarcated border with its designation on the map. She also records in this document each border post and the croc pattern of each character. Demarcation is a process that includes the introduction of some clarifications on the border line indicated in the contract and shown on the map that is attached to it. Such explanations are mainly required near settlements, on mountain ranges and rivers. This is due to the fact that the contract may indicate insufficiently complete and reliable information.

In the area, the state border is indicated by border signs. After the mixed commission signs the demarcation documents, they must be approved by all parties to the agreement in accordance with the laws in force in these states. The paper comes into force after the participants exchange documents confirming its approval.

Russian borders

Border demarcation works

The demarcation process is accompanied by topographic surveys or aerial photographs of the area. Based on the material obtained, a large-scale map of the border strip is compiled, signs are set, their topographic coordinates are determined. All demarcation work is recorded in special documents, to which are attached diagrams and photographs of signs. Border signs must not be moved, and parties must ensure that they are in good condition. Checking the previously demarcated border, replacing and rebuilding the destroyed border posts is called "re-marking".

Russian borders

Most of the borders of Russia with the countries that were formerly part of the USSR are “transparent,” that is, practically unguarded and slightly secured by customs border points. The demarcation of the borders of Ukraine and Russia, as well as Russia and Kazakhstan, was carried out at the administrative level.

Demarcation of the borders of Ukraine

There are also geopolitical borders. They are determined taking into account relations between countries. In the late 30s of the last century, the western border of the USSR was considered confrontational. This means that troops were concentrated on both sides of it. Today, the southern border of Russia can be called conflict.

Economic boundaries

For the country's economy, the most important are the contact borders that connect Russia with neighboring states by transport routes. They are divided into integration and connecting. For example, the border with Belarus is integration. Through it, ties are strengthened, people are moving, goods are freely transported.

There are barrier borders. It is difficult to make economic relations through them as a result of natural obstacles (highlands) or because of the regimes established by one of the states. From a legal point of view, there are legal, state-approved and conditional boundaries that require clarification and conclusion of the relevant agreement. It is worth paying attention to the fact that many of Russia's borders still remain conditional.

The problem of demarcation

Demarcation of Ukrainian borders

To date, the Ukrainian-Russian border line is still a controversial issue, its demarcation has not been completed. Ukraine and Russia did not bring this issue to its logical conclusion. The division of territories in the Kerch Strait also remains an unsolved problem. Nevertheless, the country's land borders were mutually recognized back in 2003 at the level of presidents. In 2004, the agreement was ratified by parliaments. It is worth recalling that the demarcation of the borders of Ukraine at the UN is not required - the agreement should be bilateral and approved only by the participating countries.

Demarcation of the borders of Ukraine at the UN

The problem of demarcation of the Ukrainian-Russian border

The issue of designing the state borders of the CIS countries arose in 1992, when the director of the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service made a statement that the Helsinki Act on the Inviolability of Borders does not apply to the countries of the Commonwealth. But the corresponding agreement was signed and approved by parliament only in 2003-2004. However, demarcation of borders is not the whole process. It also includes a delimitation step. In fact, demarcation is the establishment of border pillars. In the course of delimitation, the borders of neighboring states are plotted on the corresponding map.

After ratification of the treaty, the Ukrainian and Russian sides were to create a demarcation bilateral commission. A draft treaty “On the demarcation of state borders” was prepared, which still safely lays on the tables of officials of Ukraine and Russia.

Communication problems with Russia

Border demarcation is a bilateral agreement. But for many years, negotiations between countries have not been effective. Moreover, the lack of demarcation of the Ukrainian-Russian border greatly complicates the negotiations between the states and the European Union. This is due to the fact that approximately 80% of illegal migrants enter the EU countries just across the border of these countries. The Ukrainian side does not have a mechanism to suppress this.

demarcation Ukraine

Border demarcation is also an important factor for negotiations on Ukraine’s accession to NATO, since the main reasons for the refusal so far are the lack of a demarcated border with neighboring countries, the conformity of the armed forces to NATO standards and the presence of a candidate of foreign bases on the territory of the state. In the case of Ukraine, there are problems on the following points: the Russian base in Sevastopol, the outdated armament of the Ukrainian army and incomplete demarcation of borders. These are the reasons that complicate the negotiations between Ukraine and NATO.

The border issue of Russia and China

The issue of demarcation of the border between China and Russia was tense. Problematic was the definition of lines in the regions of the Russian Far East and Siberia. The central and regional authorities also could not find a compromise, the discontent of the parties was expressed through demonstrations and rallies. The protests were supported by some leaders of local administrations. The Governor of Primorsky Krai, Nazdratenko E., sabotaged demarcation for several years in an effort to prevent a "sale of the homeland."

As a result of controversial issues, the demarcation of the border with China was carried out intermittently. One member of the commission in protest in 1996 against the transfer of land to China resigned. But the Russian leadership nevertheless managed to smooth over the negative consequences of all the above facts and normalize the situation on such a dangerous border in the past.

The demarcation of the Russian-Chinese border

On November 10, 1997, during the fifth meeting in Beijing, Russian President Yeltsin B.N. and Chinese President Jiang Zemin made a statement that all issues regarding the demarcation of the border between China and Russia have been resolved. For the first time in the history of relations between the two countries, the border line on its eastern part was marked on the ground in accordance with the agreement signed on May 16, 1991. This result is very important, and it was possible to achieve it only thanks to mutual efforts and taking into account the interests of both parties.

China border demarcation

After an effective meeting at the highest presidential level, the parties declared their readiness to carry out demarcation work on the western part of the border between Russia and China within the agreed time frame. In addition, it was noted that negotiations between the countries would continue so that all remaining questions about the border line along its entire length were resolved fairly and rationally. The heads of state highlighted the importance of successfully completing the demarcation of the Russian-Chinese border. This is in the interests of the citizens of both countries and is a common contribution to the peace, peace and prosperity of the border regions of China and Russia. Also, the solution of the demarcation of borders between states is necessary to strengthen friendship and good neighborliness between them and to maintain stability in the region.


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