Bathroom in a wooden house: design and device. Waterproofing a bathroom in a wooden house and finishing

A cozy wooden house is the dream of many. But everyone knows how difficult it is to correctly equip it, especially when you need to think about arranging a bathroom in a wooden house. If more recently, a booth standing somewhere on the edge of a suburban area was in this capacity, today modern technologies have done their job, so you can create all the comforts in your home. How to do it right? What should not be forgotten?

The main thing is timely attention

bathroom in a wooden house

As a rule, the location of the toilet and bath in the house is determined at the design stage. When constructing a bathroom in a wooden house, you need to do this in several stages.

  1. Arrangement of a sewer system.
  2. Installation of ventilation.
  3. The implementation of the waterproofing layer.
  4. Selection and installation of plumbing equipment, accessories.
  5. Wall decoration, ceiling, floor.

The stages are the same for any cottages - from logs, profiled timber or manual cabin.

Follow the rules

bathroom in a wooden house

A bathroom in a wooden house should be built wisely, since how efficiently and for a long time it will be operated depends on the quality of the work performed. Firstly, you need to remember that any house made of wood shrinks, since no one has canceled the seasonal changes in wood.

Accordingly, in order to divert water, it is best to use pipes made of plastic or metal plastic, which will not deform under the influence of changed walls or partitions. Secondly, the pipeline must be mounted on special clips or clamps with rubber gaskets.

The installation of a bathroom in a wooden house is best done on the basis of technology of an independent wall or a sliding frame, since in this case neither shrinkage nor deformation of the walls will lead to problems in creating a bathroom.

What is a sliding frame?

This system is an independent supporting structure, which does not depend on the walls and their movement during shrinkage. Pre-created frame of the metal profile, which is attached with the flat side to the wall. An important role is played by calculations.

  1. We pull the cord along the height of the wall to the bottom: 10 cm should remain from the floor, we retreat 70 cm from the ceiling.
  2. We mark the entire width of the wall. It is these labels that will have to be guided in the future in order to install drywall sheets.
  3. The sheet is stacked so that it half fits on the next sheet.
  4. Between the ceiling of the bathroom and the ceiling must be left about 40 cm. In this space, for example, ventilation pipes or electrical wiring can be laid.
  5. If the walls are made of logs, then the profile is mounted on metal elements that are mounted in grooves cut in the logs.

In order for a bathroom in a wooden house to be equipped with high quality, pay great attention to fixing the profile to the wall. It must be mobile - this is the most important requirement. To do this, you need to drill not round holes, but somewhat elongated, so that the screws enter them without clinging to the material of the walls. The profile is attached to the walls with screws and washers, but do not tighten them too tightly. This method will make the profile movable and protect against deformation during shrinkage of the wall.

installation of a bathroom in a wooden house

How to fix drywall?

After the profile is installed, we prepare the base for drywall sheets. We turn the U-shaped profiles we created into box-shaped ones by attaching the same profiles to them. The box is aligned, the elements are fastened with aluminum rivets. Before sheathe the bathroom in a wooden house with drywall, you should consider the location of the wiring. Drill holes of a certain diameter in advance, into which a braid or a casing with wires will be inserted. The second ends of the wires must be brought to the junction box located outside. Drywall is fastened with self-tapping screws, then the coating can be finished with tiles.

Floors and ceilings

The floors in the bathroom of a wooden house and the ceiling space should be properly equipped. Ideally, a suspended ceiling should be made, since ventilation ducts can be removed there , and fixtures can be built into the ceiling itself. As for the floor, it is equipped in several ways. If the base is in the form of a concrete slab, then the floor is laid by analogy with the construction of a stone house. If the floor is located on wooden logs, a different approach will be required.

  1. On the logs of the floors, a flooring is made of two layers of waterproof plywood up to 20 mm thick.
  2. We cover the layers with hydroglass glass.
  3. A reinforced screed is laid, inside of which a cable or pipes are placed.
  4. Ceramic tiles are laid.

After the floors in the bathroom of the wooden house are ready, you can proceed with the installation of equipment. Pipe openings are best done with an oval section to avoid possible deformation of the tree.

Ventilation features

finishing a bathroom in a wooden house

Let's start with the ventilation. As you know, wood is a material that is not resistant to moisture. As a result, fungi and mold appear on it, and subsequently the wood is destroyed. To avoid this, you need thoughtful ventilation in the bathroom of a wooden house. We’ll make a reservation right away that if you are going to make forced ventilation, then along with the compensation gaps between the air ducts and the walls, special fans with a high fire protection class will also be required.

The best place for ventilation is the attic. A few rules should be followed.

  1. When mounting, avoid contact with wooden structures, and use only special brackets as supports.
  2. Ventilation ducts and fan must be made of non-combustible materials.
  3. Ventilation ducts should exit only through special openings that will protect the system from displacement during shrinkage of the cottage.
  4. The ventilation system must have fire dampers.

The device of the bathroom in a wooden house requires attention to the competent summing up of electrical equipment. The fan should be protected from moisture.

Features of waterproofing

floors in the bathroom of a wooden house

The choice of material and method of waterproofing should depend on what is the quality of the treated surface, and on the technical capabilities of the room as a whole. The waterproofing of the bathroom in a wooden house can be made on the basis of polymer floors, laying of roofing material, filling the soil mixture, which is additionally enriched with liquid glass and concrete. But it is not always cheap and environmentally friendly, therefore, most often floors are waterproofed in the following ways:

  1. A water-repellent mixture is applied to form an impermeable membrane.
  2. Glued roll material that protects the surface from moisture.

In the first case, waterproofing is done by coating, in the second - by gluing. Any of these methods will work when a bathroom is equipped in a wooden house. Finishing suggests that preparatory work is carried out first - the surface is cleaned, cracks are smoothed out and so on.

Before laying the waterproofing, the weak points of the bathroom are determined, that is, those areas that are most exposed to moisture. The most problematic areas are the floor and ceiling. In a private house, it is rational and logical to finish them with ceramic tiles that protect against moisture. In this case, waterproofing is carried out in several stages:

  • a base for tiles made of moisture-resistant wood-shaving or cement-shaving boards is equipped;
  • tile is laid.

The result is a well-equipped and moisture-proof bathroom in a wooden house. Finishing it will depend on the wishes of the homeowner, because in most cases they simply save on this room.

When decorating the walls, you should first treat them with antiseptics, which will protect the tree from mold, decay. Transparent solutions and impregnations, which preserve the natural structure of the tree, are best suited for these purposes.

waterproofing a bathroom in a wooden house

Features of water supply

Finishing a bathroom in a wooden house is the final stage of work, and before it in this room all systems should be thought out, from ventilation and sewage to sanitation. When constructing drainage networks, you need to remember that they can not only leak, but also freeze in severe frosts. To prevent the occurrence of such situations, you must perform the following work:

  • to insulate the floor base with vapor barrier film and expanded clay;
  • insulate pipes with appropriate materials;
  • equip the drain valve.

Finishing Features

A bathroom in a wooden house can have a very different design. Moreover, it can be located not only on the first floor, but also on the second, but all thanks to the development of building technologies and materials. Finishing can be done with various materials: ceramic tiles, mosaics, porcelain tiles or adhesive cork, which are processed in various compositions.

The most traditional and simple is the decoration of a bathroom in a wooden house using a slatted ceiling from a lining or imitation of a beam. False ceilings look beautiful, but this is an expensive pleasure, and to mount it rationally and logically in a room with a certain design and style. For wall decoration, ceramic tile is most often used, presented in a wide variety of colors and textures and characterized by moisture resistance and ease of use. If there is good ventilation in the bathroom, then you can do without finishing at all. The main thing is to treat wooden surfaces with special compounds for wet rooms.

How to attach?

ventilation in the bathroom of a wooden house

If you buy a standard project or will build housing yourself, then a bathroom and a bathroom will be planned at the design stage. However, if you bought an old house and want to attach a toilet room to it, this is also possible.

Not everywhere there is a sewage system connected to the site. In such cases, an extension of the bathroom to the wooden house will help out. It must be located next to the water source and the outlet to the sewer system. You can not do without good ventilation, so that the level of humidity and unpleasant odors do not go off scale.

bathroom in a wooden house design

The bathroom will be built in several stages.

  1. The base is being built.
  2. Mounted walls with openings for doors and windows, if any.
  3. Floor slabs are in progress.
  4. A roof is being put.

But the most important question is to plan the location of the toilet in relation to the house. Pouring the foundation, it is necessary to link it with the base of the house with the highest quality, so that the extension subsequently does not crack. This can be done using metal ligaments. Much attention should be paid to the joining of walls. You can tie them together with specially created recesses in the old walls. After these works are completed, equipment is installed.


In the most convenient and efficient operation of the house, each room and its connection with the rest of the rooms play an important role. The bathroom equipment should be given close attention and not only care about its aesthetics, but also about protection against moisture. In addition, any bathroom located inside the house or outside should be equipped with a good ventilation system.


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