Museums of Yelabuga and its outstanding personalities

Elabuga is an old merchant city with a thousand-year history. The name of this place is associated with the names of such prominent artists as the landscape painter Ivan Shishkin and the poetess Marina Tsvetaeva. In their honor, memorial complexes were created in the city where anyone can get acquainted with the history of their life.

What other museums in Elabuga will be interesting to visit?

Museum of the famous artist

In Elabuga there is a one-of-a-kind house museum dedicated to the Russian artist I. I. Shishkin. In it, the future painter spent his childhood and youth, it was here that his rich career began. This place is interesting not only for its famous resident, but also for its interior, which reflected the atmosphere of the Russian merchants of that time.

View of Elabuga Shishkin

The Shishkin Museum in Yelabuga is a two-story house located in the historic city center near the Toyma River. The first floor is represented by a series of rooms: a large and a small living room, an office of the artist’s father, a dining room and a buffet. The large living room solemnly hosted guests, and the small living room served as a gathering place for the painter’s large family. The exposition of the second floor is an exhibition of paintings by the artist, his bedroom and workshop. Here you can not only see the authentic paintings and graphic works of the artist, but also plunge into the atmosphere of the life of the great master.

Not far from the house-museum in Yelabuga, the only monument to Shishkin in the whole world is erected. The monument is located on a small elevation, from where the painter seemed to admire the paternal house and the beauty of his native places, which he displayed in his paintings.

Monument to Shishkin in Yelabuga

Additional Information

This museum in Yelabuga is located on Naberezhnaya Street 12. It works from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. all days except Monday. The cost of admission is 200 rubles.

Memorial complex of the melancholy poetess

M.I. Tsvetaeva lived in Yelabuga with her son in the summer of 1941. In memory of her, a memorial complex was created, which consists of several interesting places:

  • Memorial Square, where a bronze bust of the writer was installed.
  • Literary Museum in her honor.
  • Libraries of the Silver Age, which contains the works of many figures of that era.
  • Church of the Intercession, where every year on August 31, the day of death and memory of Marina Tsvetaeva, a memorial service is served.
  • Peter and Paul Cemetery, where the poetess is buried.
  • Museum "Portomoynya" - here Tsvetaeva, most likely, came for clean artesian water.

House of Remembrance

Bronze bust of Tsvetaeva in Elabuga

Tsvetaeva lived in the house of the Brodelshikov family for only 12 days, but now all fans of her work know about this place. Today, the situation of those days is reproduced with maximum accuracy. In addition to household items, the owners of the house in one of the rooms have unpacked suitcases of the poetess with her beret on them. Her knitted blanket lies casually on the couch. It seems as if it was August 1941, and the newly arrived roommate was about to return to sort her things.

A special place in the museum is occupied by the notebook of the writer. She was found after the tragic death of Tsvetaeva. On August 31, she committed suicide in this house.

How to get there

The museum in Yelabuga is located at Malaya Pokrovskaya, 20. It also works from 9 am to 6 pm.

Museum of the heroine of World War II

Nadezhda Durova photo

For 30 years, a veteran of the Patriotic War of 1812, the famous female cavalryman Nadezhda Durova , lived in Yelabuga . She was an outstanding personality of her era, as well as a writer, whose work was appreciated by such masters as Pushkin and Belinsky.

The house has preserved the atmosphere of a brilliant and heroic era. The exposition is represented by five rooms, each of which reflects a certain stage in the life of an amazing woman. Here you can get acquainted with the childhood years of Durova’s life, with the war period, as well as with the literary, or Elabuzhsky. Unfortunately, the heroine’s memorabilia was lost, but visitors can look at samples of her uniforms, as well as unique correspondence with Pushkin and excerpts from her “Notes”.

Museum Finding

The house of memory of Nadezhda Durova is located at Moskovskaya, 123. Opening hours: from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., Monday is a day off.

Local history complex

Elabuga photo

The complex unites several museums of Yelabuga at once: the Museum of Urban History, the Tavern Museum, the Exhibition Hall and interactive workshops. It is located in the merchant house of A.F. Nikolaev and in the shopping arcades built in the middle of the 19th century.

Here visitors can learn more about the long history of Elabuga and Russian restaurants, try national dishes, look at works of art of various genres, as well as observe the work of skilled craftsmen, even try their own handicrafts.

Location of the complex

Museums are located on Kazan Street 26. They operate from Tuesday to Sunday from 9:00 to 18:00.

Other interesting places of the city

Old Elabuga photo

All museums of the city are united in the state museum-reserve of Elabuga. It includes other fascinating places:

  • Museum of County Medicine named after V.M. Bekhterev.
  • Museum of Yelabuga Merchants.
  • Elabuga settlement, located near the city.


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