Black Sea bottlenose dolphin is a highly developed species of marine mammals

The Black Sea bottlenose dolphin is a species of bottlenose dolphins belonging to the order of cetaceans, a class of mammals. It lives not only in the Black Sea (as the name may seem), but also in almost all warm and temperate waters of the World Ocean. The approximate number is 130 thousand individuals. By

black sea bottlenose dolphin
the official classification is called Tursiops truncatus, and unofficially the big dolphin.

The Black Sea bottlenose dolphin grows on average up to 3 m in length and weighs about 250 kg. Males are usually larger than females. The head is small, it accounts for about a sixth of the total length of the animal. The high dorsal fin has a crescent notch at the back. Broad pectorals with a sharpening. Body color is mostly dark, only the abdomen is gray-white. Teeth from 76 to 100 may have a Black Sea bottlenose dolphin. The photo presented in the article shows a longer elongated lower jaw compared to the upper.

These marine animals are not lonely by nature, they roam in packs. The coastal zone attracts them in terms of bottom-line subsistence. Their diet consists of various fish, shrimp, octopus, mollusks. During the hunt, they help each other. Up to 15 kg of live food can be eaten per day. In pursuit of prey, they move in jerks with sharp turns. They can reach speeds of more than 35 km / h, jump out of the water at 5 m in height.

black sea bottlenose dolphin photo
The Black Sea bottlenose dolphin has a unique vocal apparatus. Among themselves, individuals communicate at frequencies from 7 to 20 kHz. Oriented at depth using echolocation clicks. They sleep mainly at night near the surface of the water, without stopping the movement. The hemispheres of the brain at this time rest alternately.

The Black Sea bottlenose dolphin reaches maturity by 6 years. During the rutting season in spring or summer, mutual stroking, biting, and peculiar bending of bodies are observed. Short-term mating occurs several times, on the go. Pregnancy lasts a year. During childbirth, which can last up to 2 hours, “aunts” help other expectant mothers from the pack. They drive away relatives, providing rest.

A baby is born with its tail folded into a tube forward. Its mass is about 16 kg, and its length is about 1 m. The assistants push the newborn to the surface of the water for the first breath. And later they help to find the nipple. At first time

black sea bottlenose dolphin red book
the cub eats often (up to 30 times a day), does not sail from the mother. At about 4 months old, he begins to eat solid foods without giving up milk for up to 2 years.

The Black Sea bottlenose dolphin is not aggressive towards humans. Moreover, many cases have been described when these animals saved people from sharks or pulled out drowning people. They are remarkably trained. Experienced trainers claim that they can use certain sounds to talk with people. Understanding human speech is evident when performing tricks during performances.

Unfortunately, dolphins are exterminated for the sake of meat, often they die from entanglement in the nets. Commercial fishing affects their livelihood. Pollution of the oceans and the use of powerful sonars do not contribute to the increase in the number of such a good-natured and intelligent animal, like the Black Sea bottlenose dolphin. The Red Book of Russia was replenished with the subspecies Tursiops truncatus in 1966, since then fishing has been banned.


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