Children's syrup "Lazolvan": instructions for use, analogues and reviews

One of the most common childhood illnesses is a cold, often accompanied by a cough, which causes a child to torment. Therefore, as soon as the child begins to cough, you should immediately begin treatment, for which the Lazolvan syrup is best suited, instructions and reviews of doctors which indicate that it is one of the best, effective and safe means of treating cough in children, and, both dry and wet.

The line of drugs "Lazolvan"

Before you start studying the instructions for use of the Lazolvan syrup, you should understand what other forms of this drug are produced, and why children are most often prescribed syrup. So, in addition to this form of release, "Lazolvan" is also sold in the form of flat tablets of yellowish or white color, and a solution for inhalation, used with a nebulizer, as well as an injection solution, administered intravenously. So, the difference between these drugs is that tablets can be taken only for children over six years of age, the use of a solution for inhalation is possible only if the child is able to breathe correctly during the procedure, and the solution for injection is indicated only in cases of severe lung diseases and is most often prescribed to adults. The syrup is indicated for children of all ages, it is as easy to use as possible, has a pleasant taste, is able to relieve cough, remove sputum and facilitate breathing as soon as possible.

types of lazolvan

The most popular form of drug release is "Lazolvan"

The most popular form of release among the line of these medicines for children is syrup, sold in pharmacies without a prescription. It is produced in a cardboard package, which contains instructions for the drug "Lazolvan", the syrup itself, placed in a dark glass bottle with a volume of 100 ml or 200 ml, as well as a measuring cup, which helps to quickly determine the amount of medicine needed for the child. The syrup itself is a transparent or almost transparent liquid, which is characterized by a small viscosity and lack of color. This medicine is sweet to taste. Moreover, parents can choose which drug they should buy for the child, focusing on their preferences, since there are two types of cough remedy - with the taste of raspberries or apricot.

It is important to remember that the shelf life of the syrup is only 3 years from the date of its release, which is indicated on the cardboard packaging of the drug. It should be stored in a dry, dark place not accessible to inquisitive children, the temperature of which does not exceed 25 0 .

Composition of Cough Syrup

children's lazolvan

Focusing on the instructions for the baby syrup "Lazolvan", you can find out the composition of this drug. The main active ingredient of the drug is Ambroxol hydrochloride, the amount of which per 5 ml of syrup is 15 mg with a capacity of 100 ml and 30 mg with a capacity of 200 ml. It helps to increase secretion in the respiratory tract, which is why a pulmonary sufractant is better produced and mucus transport is enhanced, making coughing easier and sputum better. And among the excipients in the syrup, you can see flavor enhancers, flavors, purified water, liquid sorbitol, 85% glycerol, benzoic acid, hyetellose and potassium acesulfame.

Indications and contraindications for the use of the drug

The instructions for the Lazolvan syrup will also help us deal with the purpose of the drug, where it is precisely indicated in which cases it should be taken. So, it says that taking the medicine can be used to treat both chronic and acute respiratory diseases, the main symptom of which is the release of viscous sputum. Such diseases include pneumonia, which is also called pneumonia, various types of bronchitis, bronchiectasis, chronic rhinitis, bronchial asthma with problematic sputum discharge and respiratory distress syndrome in infants and premature babies.

And among the contraindications in the instructions for use of the syrup "Lazolvan" you can see only hypersensitivity to any of the components of the drug and the initial stages of pregnancy. In addition, in the presence of renal or hepatic insufficiency, one should be very careful when taking syrup, and it is even better to consult a doctor before treatment.

baby doctor

Side effects of taking the medicine

Considerable attention when reading the instructions for use for the children's syrup "Lazolvan" should be given to the presence of side effects from taking this drug. According to pharmacists, this medicine most often they are completely absent, but sometimes you can observe side effects of the drug, signaling the need to stop treatment. So, among the side effects of treatment, there are sudden weakness, the appearance of nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, various allergic reactions, a rash all over the body, dry throat or mouth, skin itching, hypersensitivity and even anaphylactic shock. Having noticed such an inadequate reaction of the body to taking the syrup, you need to immediately stop taking it and consult a doctor who will prescribe another cough remedy and symptomatically cure side effects if they have not passed on their own after stopping the use of this medicine.

Drug overdose

A very important attention when reading the instructions for the syrup "Lazolvan" should be given to a possible overdose of this medicine, which can occur if the child drinks a large amount of the drug, if he has a metabolic disorder, if there are problems with removing the drug from the body due to liver pathologies and kidneys, as well as if the syrup is taken for a long time. Symptoms of such an overdose may include vomiting, nausea, abdominal pain, allergies, diarrhea, or dyspepsia. In this case, you need to immediately induce vomiting and cleanse the baby’s stomach, and then consult your doctor to prescribe symptomatic therapy.

Method for using cough syrup

baby and cough syrup

According to the instructions for use of the syrup "Lazolvan" with dry or wet cough, the dosage of this drug always depends on the age of the child who will take it.

  • Newborns and babies up to the age of two should take 2.5 ml syrup twice a day;
  • For children from two to six years, the medicine should be given three times a day, 2.5 ml;
  • Children from six to twelve years old are required to take 5 ml of the drug three times a day.

Despite the fact that the medicine has a pleasant sweet taste, the instructions for use of the Lazolvan syrup recommend that you still drink it with warm boiled or purified water. It is recommended to take the drug for five days. If during this time no improvement is noticeable, you should immediately consult a doctor. In this case, the pediatrician can increase the course of treatment or replace the syrup with another cough medicine, focusing on the age of the child, the severity of the disease or the reaction of his body to ambroxol.

Instructions for use of the drug "Lazolvan" for infants

Separately, it is worth mentioning the use of cough syrup for infants. Despite the fact that this medicine is sweet and tasty, babies may be squeamish and not want to take the drug. Therefore, to prevent this from happening, children who are not yet a year old can be given medicine by mixing it with water or milk. Moreover, in combination with a plentiful drink, the action of the syrup will only intensify, the child will be cured even faster.

Lasolvan in the hand

By the way, it should be noted that although it is recommended to take 2.5 ml twice a day in cough syrup for infants, it is better to check the dosage with your doctor.

The interaction of syrup and other medicines

In accordance with the instructions for "Lazolvan" cough syrup, it is very important not to take any other cough remedies at the same time, as this can cause problems with sputum discharge. Also, care should be taken to treat other drugs with the advice of combining them with syrup, as combined treatment can lead to fever, pain in the body and throat, rhinitis and cough. In this case, some mothers immediately begin to give children a cold medicine, but this will be a mistake, so it is better to stop taking the syrup with these symptoms. But with antibiotics like amoxicillin, erythromycin or cefuroxime, the drug combines perfectly, increasing the degree of their penetration into the bronchial secretion and accelerating complete recovery.

Reviews about the syrup of pediatricians

pour the syrup

So we finally fully acquainted with the instructions for the syrup "Lazolvan". Pediatricians' reviews about this syrup are positive, since almost all the patients to whom they prescribed it recovered in less than a week. They noted that the drug copes with problems with bronchial secretion and sputum discharge. And all this is because it is the most effective mucolytic agent, which perfectly stimulates the mucociliary activity of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, which eliminates respiratory infections at any stage. So, if a child with a wet or dry cough is brought to the pediatrician, he prescribes Lazolvan syrup, occasionally supplementing the treatment with certain antibiotics, depending on the severity of the disease.

Opinions on the drug of parents of coughing children

After reading the instructions for use of the Lazolvan syrup, it is very important to find out the reviews of mothers and fathers who gave it to their coughing children. Their opinions, like those of pediatricians, are most often very positive. According to the parents, their children began to feel better after a few receptions of syrup. And at first, within a couple of days after the start of the intake, the children's cough became only stronger, but on the third day it softened and gradually completely disappeared. Separately, mothers and fathers noted that children take syrup with joy and do not refuse it, thanks to its sweet raspberry or apricot taste. True, some parents complained that their children had side effects from taking the syrup in the form of nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, or urticaria, but there are very few such cases.

syrup for children

Effective analogues of "Lazolvana"

If you are not satisfied with something, the instructions for using the Lazolvan syrup for wet or dry coughs, you did not find it on sale, or it turned out to be too expensive for the family budget, you can use effective analogues of this drug for treatment. These include:

  • "Ambrobene" perfectly relieves cough of children of any age;
  • “Flavamed” allows you to quickly soften the cough and get rid of both infants and older children;
  • "Codelac Broncho" not only treats coughs, but also relieves inflammation, however, it can be used only for children from two years of age and older;
  • "Ambroxol" is most often used to treat infants and one-year-old children, but only on the recommendation of a doctor;
  • "Bronchorus" is most often prescribed by a pediatrician to treat cough in infants.


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