How to Plan a Summer Cottage - Highlights

If you have purchased a summer cottage and are planning to start construction on it, then it’s better to immediately think carefully about how to plan it correctly. It should immediately be noted that the territory must be divided into several parts, which will have their purpose. You yourself can decide how to plan a summer cottage depending on your needs and desires. It can be divided into an economic part, a garden, a vegetable garden and a recreation area.

Cottage - site planning

how to plan a summer cottage
Site planning must necessarily be reflected on paper. Initially, it is decided where the house and other buildings will be located. Then, based on how much free space remains, possible beds, flower beds, trees, front gardens and any decorative elements are applied to the plan. If you do not do such a project, then you may encounter a lack of space for some important zone for you. It is best to entrust this to an experienced agency that can draw up not only a plan of the house and outbuildings, but also engage in landscape design. Specialists in this matter will be able to suggest how to plan a summer cottage correctly. Of course, you will need to talk more about your preferences and wishes.

Convenient location of functional areas on the site

When designing any functional area, all factors and features of the site should be considered. It may already

cottage plot planning
grow any trees that you want to leave. In this case, it is necessary to consider the location of the beds or flower beds so that they do not appear in the shade. Before planning a summer cottage, consider its relief features. If it has a slope or elevations, then you can not fix it, but mainly highlight. To do this, you should arrange flower beds in such areas, you get a cascading and beautiful placement. If the territory is fairly even, you can plant it with a lawn and flowers, as well as place a gazebo on it. On such a site you will get a wonderful relaxation area. The presence of any building or flowerbed should be agreed with all family members. In order to avoid discord, it is necessary to take into account the interests of everyone. You can make both a beautiful summer cottage and functional, which will provide outbuildings, such as a garage, a neat barn, etc.

Location on the cottage plot of trees

beautiful summer cottage
When distributing land for tree planting, you should consider that each crop is planted separately from each other. If you are going to plant several varieties of apple trees, it is better if they are collected in one part of the site. Also plan so that the beds with various vegetables or berries are located away from them, because the soil under some trees is not at all fertile. You can do everything yourself, but if you don’t even know how to plan a summer cottage, turn to professionals who specialize in this field and will do everything correctly, so you will be satisfied.


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