Is it possible to take a child to a cemetery - features, signs and recommendations

A trip to the cemetery is a serious test and a completely joyless event in the life of an adult. What can we say about the children, who sometimes have to visit this mournful place, accompanying their parents on the days of the commemoration of the deceased relatives or at the funeral. Today we will talk about whether it is possible to take a child to the cemetery. Answering this question, we will rely on the opinions of psychologists, clergy and esotericists.

Is it possible to take a child to the cemetery

Commemoration days

If we compare the psyche of an adult and a child, it can be noted that the latter is extremely vulnerable. Therefore, wondering whether it is possible to take young children to the cemetery, one must explain to oneself whether this trip is necessary. It is worth considering whether it is possible to leave the baby with a nanny or relatives and visit a churchyard without him.

The funeral

Not every adult can take out the funeral of a loved one without an emotional shock. But some parents, in response to the question of whether it is possible to take a child to a cemetery, give the following arguments: a loved one died, you need to say goodbye to him. Psychologists say: the psyche of the child is a mysterious thing, it is completely unclear how the baby can respond to the funeral.

Moreover, until a certain age, children do not distinguish between categories such as “death” and “life”. On the one hand, the child may not even understand what happened. It is unlikely that the baby is aware of the whole tragedy of the situation. And on the other hand, the presence at the funeral will make it possible to realize that the loved one will never be there again. That is, the baby will be able to obtain certain knowledge about elementary concepts directly in the process of burial. After all, sooner or later he will still have a question about the death of the people around him, or even about his own death.

Is it possible to take young children to the cemetery

Features of the child's psyche

If you answered yes to the question “is it possible to take a child to a cemetery”, it is worth protecting the baby from nervous shocks. He should not be present at the funeral of a loved one. Be sure to have an adult next to the child - this will allow him to feel safe. Another difficulty is that the children simply do not understand why the body lying in the coffin is lifeless and, moreover, is no longer a native person. For some crumbs, this misunderstanding can even cause mental deviations!

Age restrictions

Specialists involved in studying the psychological health of children say that children who are under the age of three should not be taken to the cemetery. They simply cannot comprehend the essence of the farewell ceremony. Is it possible to take a child to a cemetery if he has already reached a conscious age? The answer to this question is very ambiguous, all individually. In some children, the worldview has already been formed by the age of 8-9, while in others, it is also difficult for this in adolescence.

Can I take a baby to the cemetery

Young mothers are sometimes worried about the question of whether to take a baby to the cemetery. Experts give a definite answer: in no case. The baby needs constant attention, he needs care. An adult who comes to say goodbye to a loved one will not have such an opportunity - he will have to keep the crumbs in his hands all the time, monitor his well-being and mood. Young children get tired quickly, can cry out, cry. Can I take a one-year-old child to the cemetery? If you are not afraid of the vagaries of him - take it. Consider only one thing: you cannot leave one crumb for a minute!

In turn, magicians and psychics unanimously reiterate that a restless soul, “walking” through the graveyard, can enter the baby. They explain it very simply: the baby does not have protection against such an energy effect. Mages say that this can radically change the life of a little man, and more often than not for the better. Therefore, by the way, they give a negative answer to the question of whether it is possible to take an unbaptized child to a cemetery. True, representatives of the Russian Orthodox Church do not support this point of view. Any truly faithful Christian will say that the soul of the deceased cannot be in the cemetery, it does not belong there. That is, the baby is not in danger.

Is it possible to take a one-year-old child in a cemetery

Preparing to visit the graveyard

If the child has expressed a desire to go with you to accompany the relative on the last journey, it is necessary to carry out preparatory work. As part of an explanatory conversation, he should find out that during a funeral, people can cry, scream - and this is completely normal for a funeral ritual. An unaware child can be very scared or get hurt. A sudden cry of loved ones can provoke phobias and neuroses, the treatment of which will take more than one year.

If the parents answered positively the question of whether it is possible to take the child to the cemetery, they should be prepared for the fact that the child needs constant monitoring. There should always be a person next to him who will explain what is happening to him or simply take away the baby from the graveyard if he is upset or tired.

Behavior rules

It will be quite useful for the child to get acquainted with the rules of behavior in this mournful place:

  • you can not make noise and run around the territory of the cemetery;
  • do not go far from parents or grandparents;
  • to take food or toys from outsiders is also not necessary;
  • It is strictly forbidden to pick up any objects from the ground.

Is it possible to take an unbaptized child in a cemetery?

Graveyard Treats

Many parents wonder: “Can children take candy from the cemetery?” Let's try to figure it out!

The ministers of the Orthodox Church say: sweets and cookies on graves are a relic of the pagan past. Leaving them at the graves is not worth it; it is better to give out treats to the poor. Esoterics echo: it is impossible to take food from graves! After all, any item located on cemetery land has heavy energy. Even an adult can “pick up” problems, let alone a small child.

The kid doesn't want to go to the funeral

What if the children refuse to go to the cemetery? Do not force them or try to arouse guilt in them! If the child is not internally ready for the farewell ceremony, you run the risk of making it worse. Give the baby the opportunity to explain why he does not want to do this. Let the baby talk about his inner fears.

is it possible to take a child to the cemetery omens

Mages say

And what do psychics and sorcerers say when answering this question? Firstly, the energy of sorrow inherent in this place can suppress the energy field of a little man. The oppression and fear that the baby experiences may be aggravated precisely on the graveyard. On the other hand, very young children are protected by the energy of their families. That is, while next to the baby mom or dad, he is completely safe.

So is it possible to take a child to a cemetery? Signs say the following: first, the baby should attend a joyful celebration, best of all at a wedding!

Another sign says that the baby should not take either treats or beautiful trinkets from the hands of strangers. The fact is that pogosts are a favorite place of black magicians. They conduct rituals here, trying to transfer the curse, illness or sins to the deceased. Therefore, if a cute old woman comes up to a child and offers him candy, he should refuse.

Can children take sweets from the cemetery

Opinions of the priests

In his book “Life. Disease. Death ”, Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh writes that death does not need to be hidden. After all, she is just a part of life. The child can look at the deceased's face, kiss him on the forehead.

And other clergymen say that to some extent, the participation of the baby in the funeral process is even useful. This helps him to join the traditions, to understand that the deceased loved ones need to be remembered and visited by their graves. In addition, it teaches children what to value every moment of life.


What can happen to a child after visiting a graveyard? He can transfer his emotions to real life. Do not be alarmed if, playing with dolls, your baby arranges a funeral for them. Thus, he applies the experience gained.

Is it possible to take a child to the cemetery

After visiting the cemetery, do not let the child forget that he had a loved one. Talk with the crumbs about his hobbies, tell about interesting life situations. On the anniversary of death, attend church with the baby, come to the cemetery on church holidays. And try to most fully and frankly answer the child's questions about life and death, if they arise.


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