Beauty bromeliad - home care

home care bromeliad
Bromeliad flower is a plant native to the tropics, which easily adapted to indoor conditions. It is easy to care for her, she has an original leaf shape, and with proper care it blooms very beautifully. A flower such as bromeliad is ideal for both offices and home.

Home care begins with a choice of location. It is necessary to choose a container with good drainage. You can position the plant in partial shade. In winter, with a lack of daylight, fluorescent lamps can be used .

What conditions are ideal for bromeliad?

Given that the flower’s homeland is tropical forests, it requires high humidity. This can be achieved by placing the pot in a special tray with wet sand or pebbles. High humidity conditions are most relevant in the winter or when there is an air conditioner.

The flower prefers acidic soil. It is not recommended to use garden soil, it is better to take a special one, a potted mixture for orchids is also suitable.

bromeliad flower
An interesting fact: bromeliad, which is properly cared for at home, can also grow outdoors. For fastening flowers, pieces of wood are used, to which they are glued with non-toxic glue or carefully wrapped with threads. Plants that live in the air need to be watered every day, and also periodically kept in water to saturate them with moisture.

Bromeliad, which is properly managed at home, will certainly bloom. Most often, bloom falls in the winter months. During this period, it is advisable not to feed the flower.

Certain types of bromeliads die after a flowering period. Do not be discouraged and do not rush to throw away the flower. As a rule, such species give rise to new shoots. They can be transplanted or left, cutting off the dead mother plant.

Bromeliad, home care for which is quite simple, may not bloom for quite a long period of time. In order for the plant to bloom, it is recommended to increase the light level or put a plate of apples next to it for about a week. The fact is that fruits emit ethylene, which provokes flowering.

bromeliad photo care
Bromeliad (photo), the care of which was carried out properly, blooms quite a long time, up to about 3 months.

Useful Tips

When purchasing bromeliads in a store, be sure to pay attention to the general condition of the flower, as well as the leaves and root system. Remember to carefully inspect the leaves and roots. The first should be saturated green without any specks, the second should not be damaged.

Having bought a weakened plant, you simply throw money away, because it will either die, or will constantly hurt and will not be able to grow at full strength. Almost all the nutrients Bromeliad gets from the leaves, so you need to feed it by spraying with dissolved substances in water. This plant practically does not need a transplant; it is performed extremely rarely. When replanting a new pot should be a couple of centimeters more. Do not be afraid to plant this glorious flower. Its unpretentiousness and charm will delight you every day.


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