"Military Pyatigorsk sanatorium": photos and reviews

One of the best attractions and a source of pride in the south of our country are the famous Pyatigorsk sanatoriums. In this article we will look at how it all began, the history and success of institutions, as well as how things are in the health resort today.

Pyatigorsk military sanatorium

Location and Attractions

The “Pyatigorsk Military Sanatorium” is located in the historical part of the city, near the resort area, on the southern side of Mount Mashuk, and covers an area of ​​about 20 hectares. The sanatorium has the highest rating category for the provision of multidisciplinary medical and wellness services. Customers can also visit the viewing platforms on the top of the mountain, the Tsvetnik park, the sources of drinking and healing mineral water, and the house in which Mikhail Lermontov lived.

Pyatigorsk children's military sanatorium

How it all began

"Military Pyatigorsk sanatorium" begins its history in 1922. It was first called the military resort base and consisted of two suburban cottages equipped with buildings. They brought there for treatment and recovery from injuries of soldiers of the Red Army. At the end of the 30s of the last century it was called the "Sanatorium of the Red Army". After the end of World War II, 2 more blocks were erected in the sanatorium to accommodate clients, designed for 728 beds. Also gradually built buildings for treatment and diagnosis, a sports complex, a swimming pool, a concert hall, canteens and a branch with extra beds.

Currently, according to international standards for hotels and places of residence, the “Pyatigorsk Military Sanatorium” has the category of “3 stars” for two bedroom buildings and “4 stars” for the other two bedroom units designed to accommodate special guests. Medical services are also licensed. There are separate programs for minor children of military personnel. They can visit the Pyatigorsk Children's Military Sanatorium.

FAC Pyatigorsk Central Military Sanatorium

Treatment and prevention

In the health-improving part of the sanatorium, consisting of 7 departments, up to 750 people can undergo treatment and diagnostic procedures at the same time. The arthrology department successfully treats diseased joints. Experienced traumatologists will help you recover quickly after suffering injuries. Gastroenterological procedures will help improve the condition of the gastrointestinal tract. They will also provide qualified care to patients with cardiovascular, gynecological, urological and neurological diseases.

More than 60 doctors of a wide profile of the highest qualification serve patients of the resort. Among them: specialists in the field of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, gynecology, urology, candidates of medical sciences. 25 attending doctors have the first category, more than 20 specialists of the highest category, the staff also includes the Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation and honored workers in the field of medicine. Huge accumulated experience allows us to carry out treatment and prevention as efficiently as possible.

Departments of the sanatorium

“Military Pyatigorsk sanatorium” has seven medical and diagnostic departments for procedures. To diagnose diseases and disorders of the body conduct clinical studies. A more detailed analysis is carried out in a biochemical laboratory. If there is such a need, immunological and biochemical tests are carried out. The trauma unit is equipped with an X-ray room. Violations in the work of internal organs are detected using ultrasound and endoscopic procedures.

"Military Pyatigorsk sanatorium" provides treatment with traditional methods using modern achievements of hirudotherapy. There is a physiotherapy department, a department with therapeutic muds and a gallery of mineral waters for the treatment of gastroenterological diseases. In inhalation and salt rooms (halochambers), patients with respiratory problems and pulmonary diseases are treated. There are also departments of dentistry, reflexology, treatment with ozonation, cosmetic procedures and SPA.

To strengthen and maintain their tone, the sanatorium instructors conduct fitness classes, fitness exercises, as well as therapeutic massage for patients. Loads are selected personally by experienced trainers of the sports center.

military sanatorium Pyatigorsk reviews

Diseases that are successfully treated in a sanatorium

The greatest results in treatment are achieved in patients with arthrological diseases (disorders in the joints, spinal cord injuries), in the field of gynecology and urology (prostatitis, impotence, cystitis, stones in the urinary tract, urinary incontinence, endometritis, adnexitis), and diseases of the female genital non-inflammatory organs (ovarian dysfunction). Good progress has been made in the treatment of infertility in both men and women. A noticeable improvement is observed in patients with diseases of the respiratory tract (asthma, bronchitis) and in patients with problematic skin (rash, dermatitis). Sequential therapy eliminates damage to the nervous system. Ulcers, gastritis can be treated more quickly.

In the cardiology department, vascular therapy is carried out and the post-thrombotic syndrome, lesions of the blood and lymph nodes of the lower extremities (obliterating), varicose diseases are cured.

Pyatigorsk military sanatorium preferential vouchers

The procedure for conducting procedures in the Central Military District (Pyatigorsk Central Military Sanatorium)

Referral to treatment and preventive measures is carried out only by the attending physician, depending on the diagnosis, indications for treatment, as well as the individual characteristics of the body and contraindications. If, due to various contraindications, the patient cannot be referred to any procedures included in the course of treatment, then they are replaced by equivalent ones in terms of therapeutic effect and cost.

In addition to the basic procedures included in the cost of the permit, there are additional services provided by the Pyatigorsk Central and Pyatigorsk Children's Military Sanatorium for a fee. In the event that the patient did not appear at the appointed time for the procedures (without good reason), the procedure is canceled. Medical services are provided during working hours on all days except Sundays and holidays. Commercial procedures - by agreement.

Pyatigorsk Central Children's Military Sanatorium

Additional services

List of additional services provided by the Pyatigorsk Children's Military Sanatorium:

  • Histological examinations - they are carried out in a specialized laboratory for enzyme immunoassay.
  • The service of the dental office is also optional and includes an examination of the oral cavity, treatment of teeth and gums, whitening, as well as prosthetics using modern materials.
  • Treatment with therapeutic leeches (hirudotherapy) - this method is used to treat patients with polyetiological diseases (endometriosis, benign ovarian tumors, fibroids), thrombosis of the inner walls of the veins (thrombophlebitis), varicose veins, and also for the treatment of hemorrhoids.
  • Ozone therapy - is prescribed for patients prone to colds. When a patient inhales ozonized air, which is a good antioxidant, the blood supply to internal organs improves (hemodynamics). Ozonation is the service due to which Pyatigorsk Children's Military Sanatorium has found its popularity in treating children with respiratory diseases. Reviews show that this procedure stimulates the immune system to fight against pathogenic bacteria and viruses, which contributes to a speedy recovery.
  • Halotherapy - this method is based on the inhalation of artificially created healing air, similar in properties to the air of salt caves. Using this non-drug procedure allows you to normalize the drainage of the respiratory tract and treat asthma, bronchitis, allergic diseases, atopic dermatitis.
  • Manual therapy and therapeutic massage - with the help of these methods it is possible to get rid of back pain, curvature of the spinal column, as well as diseases associated with the musculoskeletal system and nervous system.

It is precisely for this that patients are so fond of the Pyatigorsk Central Military Sanatorium. The reviews that customers leave motivate us to further develop the treatment and diagnostic base. Advanced treatment methods are constantly being improved. Indeed, a developed infrastructure, quality service and treatment programs are the main components of any resort. Therefore, the flow of people who want to relax and gain strength in the PCVS (Pyatigorsk Central Military Sanatorium) does not dry out from year to year. Especially worth mentioning is the local environmental conditions. The mild climate of the foothills promotes relaxation and relaxation almost all year round. Even in this region a large number of sunny days. Winter temperatures rarely drop below zero.

pyatigorsk central military sanatorium reviews

"Military sanatorium Pyatigorsk." Reviews

After treatment, vacationers very often express gratitude to the doctors and staff of the institution. In general, many note the very pleasant and friendly atmosphere that prevails here. Employees strictly monitor the cleanliness of territories and premises.

Patients note the high quality of service by visiting the Pyatigorsky Military Sanatorium. Feedback from grateful customers is the best reward for staff and doctors for their work. People with digestive diseases get better quickly. Clean mountain air and the resort part of the city are perfect for a relaxing holiday and recreation.

Patients, as a rule, certainly want to visit again the "Military sanatorium Pyatigorsky." Reviews of many of them indicate the effectiveness of treatment and prevention. People suffering even severe forms of gastritis, chronic ulcers feel better after a course of treatment. In the evening, there is an entertainment program for vacationers. These are dancing evenings, and concerts with the participation of local and guest artists, all kinds of contests, competitions. And, of course, a special program for children who came to the Pyatigorsk children's military sanatorium. The children’s reviews are emotional and full of vivid impressions of unforgettable moments spent at the resort. Many of them are not the first time to come here.

Preferential vouchers

Now the rest is available to everyone. Anyone can visit the Pyatigorsk Military Sanatorium. Preferential vouchers provided at the state level to support military personnel and their families, entitle you to discounts for this category of customers. The costs of such courses are provided in the budget of the country. There are programs on preferential terms and for recreation of children of military personnel. The Pyatigorsk Central Children's Military Sanatorium provides full services to minors.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E16875/

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