Cherry plum and plum - what is the difference? Useful properties and features

More recently, gardeners knew only plum. However, in nature there is another variety of this culture, which also deserves attention. Cherry plum gives tasty and healthy fruits for the human body. This plant also perfectly survives in the weather conditions of central Russia. But what is the difference between plum and cherry plum? What are the beneficial properties of these fruits? Are there any contraindications?

Cherry plum and plum: what is the difference and how do these fruits differ

First of all, it is worth considering the place of origin of these plants. Plum migrated to Russia from Western Europe, while the cherry plum are considered Asia Minor and Transcaucasia. Also, these cultures differ from each other in terms of frost resistance. For cherry plum, the warmer southern climate is more suitable, and the plum tolerates frosts well. However, thanks to the efforts of breeders today, both of these cultures coexist perfectly in central Russia, although cherry plum is still recommended to be planted south. An exception are the varieties of the Moscow region, which perfectly tolerates cold up to -30 degrees.

cherry plum and plum what's the difference

Considering how the plum differs from cherry plum, it is worth noting that it requires much more care than its southern sister. This culture is often affected by pests and various diseases. In addition, next to plums it is not recommended to plant plants belonging to the genus Solanaceae. In addition, these crops suffer from diseases such as fruit and gray rot, hole blotchiness, rust and milky sheen. After trimming thick branches, rather large hollows form on the tree.

In turn, cherry plum practically does not suffer from diseases. Thanks to this, it bears fruit better.

Continuing to consider the difference between cherry plum and plum, it is worth noting that the southern beauty attracts useful insects to the plot that accelerate the pollination of other crops. This is due to the fact that cherry plum begins to bloom very early. However, it has one significant minus. If you plant a crop on the site that is not able to withstand high frosts, then there is a risk that the roots and branches of the tree will suffer greatly.

What is the difference between cherry plum and plum? The most noticeable difference is the color of the fruits of these crops. Plums grow blue, raspberry and purple. Yellow fruits are extremely rare. In this case, the plum form is oval, and on the skin there is a small light coating. Cherry plum fruits are distinguished by a round shape and yellow-red color. In addition, its bones cannot be separated from the pulp.

the difference between plum and cherry plum

Cherry plum and plum seedlings choose the same - with a closed root system. However, the yellow plum takes root much faster.

Cherry plum fruits are harvested unripe in late August. At the same time, they can be stored for a very long time and easily transported due to the fact that they differ in a rather thick skin. Plum matures earlier, but a much shorter shelf life is stored.

Speaking about the difference between cherry plum and plum, it is worth noting the different chemical composition of the fruit. Based on this, cultures differ in their useful properties.

Plum composition

These fruits have a fairly low nutritional value. Plums contain a large amount of carbohydrates, as well as fats, fiber and proteins. In addition, the fruits of this plant boasts a content of iron, potassium, magnesium, selenium, zinc, phosphorus and silicon.

The composition of plums includes vitamin complexes (groups from A to E). Also, this fruit is rich in pantothenic acid, thiamine, niacin and folates. In addition, it contains monosaccharides, starch, ash and organic acids.

The benefits of plums

These fruits have a positive effect on:

  • immunity;
  • acid level of gastric juice;
  • metabolic processes;
  • gall bladder;
  • nervous system.

In addition, the plum has diuretic and laxative properties. Thanks to these fruits, the elimination of toxins from the body is accelerated.

Harm drain

If we talk about contraindications, then it is recommended to refuse these sweet fruits to those who suffer from:

  • diabetes mellitus;
  • increased body weight;
  • rheumatism or gout;
  • gastritis.

cherry plum and plum what is the difference and how is it different

Also, do not eat these fruits to young children and nursing mothers. To understand how plum differs from cherry plum, it is necessary to consider the properties of the second type of fruit.

Cherry plum composition

By the importance of their components, these fruits are not inferior to raspberries. That is why cherry plum is an excellent remedy for colds. Plum can not boast of such properties.

In addition, cherry plum contains a lot of ascorbic acid. Her presence can be felt by biting a sweet fruit.

The benefits of cherry plum

Among the useful properties it is worth noting:

  • low calorie content;
  • high in vitamins.

plum cherry plum thorns what are their differences

In addition, cherry plum favorably affects:

  • the immune system;
  • Gastrointestinal tract;
  • liver and gall bladder.

Also, these fruits are recommended to be included in the diet for people suffering from diabetes mellitus, frequent colds and sore throats. In addition, cherry plum helps to remove excess water from the body and other harmful substances.

Harm plum

If we talk about contraindications, then that fetus is distinguished by a high content of acids. Therefore, cherry plum should not be used by those who suffer from problems with the stomach or pancreas. However, in this case, it is not necessary to refuse a sweet dessert. If you bake cherry plum in the oven, then most of the acids come out of the fruit.

Children are sometimes allergic to cherry plum, so you should give it to them with caution. First, you can give the baby to try a piece of the fetus and look at the reaction.

what is the difference between plum and cherry plum


In addition to the described varieties, also in nature occurs plum. Plum, cherry plum and thorns - what are their differences? The fact that the third species is wild. Spines grow on a bush of thorns. It also has a small height. Trees rarely grow above 3 m. Ternozliva is closer to cherry plum, as it comes from the southern regions. The fruits of this shrub are rarely eaten, as they have a sour taste, are distinguished by large bones, thick peels and a rather thick waxy coating. However, today there are varieties of thorns that are bred by breeders for growing in suburban areas.


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