What is the term of the traffic police fines? Statute of limitations fines traffic police

Almost all the drivers of our country prefer not to delve into all the details of the bills that concern them. As it turned out, you can, for example, not pay the fines of the traffic police, while the bailiffs will be on your side. There is a specific limitation period for fines, after which you have a legitimate opportunity not to pay them. Does everyone know how long the traffic police fines last? In this article we will try to talk in more detail about this and talk about all the features of the law.

About the bill

Not every motorist knows the validity period of the traffic police fine, but owning such information is extremely important. Awareness will allow you not to fall on the hook of the traffic police, as well as save your money and nerves. The limitation period for fines of the traffic police, according to the bill of the Russian Federation 31.9, is two months. Calculation of two months begins from the day of receipt of the receipt.

A national decree dated April 5, 2013 states that the minimum limit for non-payment of a fine is increased. Upon the expiration of the time period indicated in the bill, the official shall forward the matter to the court for a mandatory recovery within a week. Calculation of two months begins from the day of receipt of the receipt.

Nuances and pitfalls

If you carefully study the bill, you can find out that it by all possible methods lengthens the period during which it is necessary to pay a penalty. For example, according to the decree, the debt repayment period is extended if it is proved that the non-payer avoided legal proceedings.

traffic fines

If the statute of limitations on fines of the traffic police expires after a couple of days, but the traffic police found out new information about the offender, a new countdown begins. This is evidenced by the second part of the law. It should also be noted that most often bailiffs rarely enough try to find out all the information about the intruder. That is why the second part of the bill is used extremely rarely.

Monetary judgment

The order to recover money from the violator begins to be valid ten days after the imposition of the fine. During this time, a citizen has the right to demand an appeal. In fact, the validity of fines of the traffic police is 70 days. It is worth emphasizing that if the offender submits a request to appeal the penalty, then the countdown of 70 days starts from the day the trial ends. A similar situation develops if the order was sent to the violator by mail. Then the deadline for the payment of a fine by the traffic police will begin its countdown from the day the driver receives the document.

It is worth noting that often litigation continues for a long time. Few people know, but in such cases there are loopholes in the law that benefit the offender. If the court order has not been issued within three months after the violation, the fine can no longer be paid.

deadline for the payment of a fine traffic police

And one more important point. The validity period of the traffic police fines (a violation was recorded from CCTV cameras) can be considered invalid if the collection order was not issued within 60 days.

Debt repayment penalty

The Code of Administrative Violations contains Art. No. 25.25. It states that the offender, in case of non-payment of the debt on time, is obliged to pay it in double amount. In case of non-payment, the debtor risks imprisonment for 15 days. The punishment for a person is chosen by the judge individually.

Few people know, but the bill introduced another type of punishment - community service. Their maximum number can be 50 hours. No changes this year. Today, in case of non-repayment of debt on time, you can even lose your driver’s license.

validity period of unpaid traffic fines

Penalty for violation detected by a surveillance camera

If your violation of the rules of the road was recorded by a CCTV camera, after a while you should receive a letter informing you of the imposed penalties. And if the driver does not want to pay compensation for the violation for a total amount of 500 rubles, then, as we said earlier, he has 10 days to appeal the court decision. In case of refusal to suspend penalties, the offender has two months to pay the penalty.

How long is the traffic police fine?

If within the term of the fines of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate fines the monetary penalty will not be repaid, after 20 days the traffic police may draw up an act on the offender and transfer it to the court for further proceedings. Bailiffs provide the offender with five days for voluntary repayment of a monetary penalty. If the driver does not pay the fine even after this time, he will need to pay twice as much.

If the order was sent by mail, but did not reach the recipient, it is believed that the offender was still notified and the deadline for paying the traffic police fine begins to count. To be always aware of debts, we recommend that you regularly visit the official website of the STSI.

validity of fines traffic police cameras

Can a fine be invalidated?

The penalty may not become invalid, but it is possible to wait for it to be debited or to avoid double payment. According to the decree 31.9 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, the violator may not pay a monetary penalty if the court order was not executed within the validity period of the traffic police fines. If the violator nevertheless paid the fine on time, and on the official website of the traffic police he is still in debt, he needs to contact the city or regional traffic police body and present a receipt for payment. Within five working days, employees of the State Automobile Inspectorate will remove the non-payer from the list of debtors.

Prohibition of traveling abroad

Today, if the debt has not been repaid during the period of validity of the unpaid fines of the traffic police and the non-payer evades liability, bailiffs, in accordance with the law, have the right to prohibit him from leaving the territory of the Russian Federation. For this reason, the driver must regularly monitor the presence of unpaid fines and pay them in a timely manner. You can check for outstanding fines at airports, in specialized terminals. You can pay the penalty in any convenient branch of the bank or use the electronic system.

statute of limitations fines traffic police

Changes adopted in 2016

Since January this year, the bailiff has the right to suspend a driver’s license for non-payment of a fine. However, such a decision applies only to those drivers who owe more than 10 thousand rubles. As we said earlier, if the statute of limitations for fines of the traffic police has expired, the amount that will have to be paid doubles. This year, a clause was added to the law, which implies a third option for debt repayment - community service. As we said earlier, this is 50 hours.

Possibility to return a driver’s license

We found out how long the fines of the traffic police have and that after it you can not pay them. However, the Code of Administrative Offenses warns that in this case the violator will not be able to return the driver’s license until he compensates for absolutely all debts on the collection of the traffic police. We recommend that you pay all fines in advance, since it is difficult to renew rights.

What is the period of fines for traffic police

Half penalty payment

Last year, motorists had a wonderful opportunity to save on penalties. Few people know, but the government has adopted a new bill, which, in his opinion, should provoke an increase in the repayment of arrears on fines of the traffic police. If the offender wants to save, he just needs to pay the penalty within the first 10 days. In this case, the driver can pay only half the fine. However, it is worth noting that its amount cannot be less than 100 rubles. According to the State Duma, such a decision will be an excellent incentive for the timely payment of penalties.

Opinion on the bill

Despite the short period of existence of the bill, which allows the violator to save his money in case of timely collection, the decree has collected a fairly large number of driver reviews. Many experts and motorists believe that such a law is contrary to the foundations of the law. In their opinion, even in the case of increased payments to the state, such a bill will still remain incorrect. Experts believe that a decrease in the amount of fines will provoke an increase in violations. However, we recommend that you remember that in case of repeated violation, the driver will be required to pay the full amount of the penalty. It is also worth emphasizing that a similar law is valid in some other countries.

The bill also has obvious flaws. As we said earlier, the amount of recovery with a discount should be at least 100 rubles. However, other decrees state that a driver who has violated the rules of the road must pay more than 250 rubles. That is why the bailiffs can not impose the penalty specified in the bill to reduce penalties.

To summarize

It is worth recognizing that the offender may well avoid paying penalties. If the driver was first noticed in violation of the rules of the road, then during the first ten days he can pay only half of the total amount. As we found out earlier, punitive measures for motorists are toughened every year, and today, in the event of a serious violation, you can not only get a fine, but also be imprisoned. We strongly recommend that you follow the rules of the road, and in case of violation pay the penalty on time.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E16897/

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