Lanyards for knives. Use and DIY

What is a lanyard for a knife? So called a special kind of braided lace, which at one end is tied to the hilt of the weapon. Using it, you can make the knife more functional and aesthetic. What exactly is this device for and how to make it yourself, we will consider further.

Main functions

There are only two main types of lanyards:

  1. With a loop. Such a device is necessary primarily in order to prevent the loss of weapons in the event that they accidentally slip out of hand. When cutting, such a lanyard with a loop thrown in, let a little, but removes the load from the brush. You can also quickly release your hand. The knife will just hang on it. If necessary, weapons can be suspended by a loop during transportation or storage. Loop lanyards for knives are among the most functional.
  2. Drawstring or tail. When using this variety, the knife can be removed very quickly from a pocket or a case. The lace in this case is a kind of flexible continuation of the weapon itself. With wide movements, the knife to which such a device is attached behaves more predictably, since it acquires additional inertia. Another function of such lanyards is purely decorative. Sometimes they serve as a decoration, for example, premium weapons.

lanyards for knives

Varieties of fixtures

The lanyards for knives can vary according to the method of weaving the lace. The loop can also be performed using different schemes. In addition, there are various nodes with the help of which fastening to the hilt is performed. Very often, decorative accessories are additionally hung on the lace. It can be shards, beads, etc.

what is a lanyard for a knife

What can weave

Lanyards for knives can be woven from almost anything. But the most acceptable option is synthetic lace. Such material will last a long time, as it is durable and does not rot. Experts advise using a round rather than flat lace. It is desirable that its color be bright enough. If the knife falls, say, in grass or snow, then it will be easier to find. Sometimes even the usual new shoe laces are used.

lanyard for weaving knife

Among other things, you need to choose the right length and width of the lace. The size of the finished product itself will ultimately depend on these parameters. For the manufacture of a thick and short lanyard, a coarse voluminous lace about half a meter long is suitable.

DIY weaving lanyard

With your own hands you can make a very practical lanyard for a knife.

do-it-yourself lanyards for knives

Weaving begins with the preparation of a pre-purchased cord. Its ends should be slightly fused. In this case, the attachment to the knife will be more reliable. Weaving is carried out in several stages:

  1. A hole with a diameter of approximately 5 mm is drilled in the handle of the knife. Unless, of course, it is not there initially. Sometimes there is a special loop on the knives. In this case, you also do not need to drill anything.
  2. The cord must be cut into two parts of 25 cm. One of them is tied to the handle with a conventional knot. This cord will need to be attached also to the middle of the second part. A very good solution would be to take two cords of different colors for work. In this case, much more attractive knives are obtained.
  3. The resulting four free ends of the cords will need to be weaved into a cage. This technology is very simple. The ends overlap at an angle of 90 degrees. In this case, each previous cord passes under the one located in front. In the process of weaving, the ends should be tightened as tight as possible. In this case, the finished product will be more convenient and last longer. In addition, tightly woven lanyards look much neater.
  4. After weaving, you will need to tie a knot. The ends should be trimmed, cropped, and hidden inside the resulting product. Sometimes they are pre-melted. This can prevent the cables from opening. However, it is worth considering that the lanyard itself will be less reliable. The finished product can at one point simply spread out, and the laces become tangled. In this case, the lanyard from the knife will have to be cut.

If you wish, you can learn how to make very beautiful and practical do-it-yourself lanyards for knives. The technology considered above is absolutely simple. A convenient knife holder can be made in a couple of hours.


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