Landscaping a small plot: tips and tricks

Space restrictions do not mean that you need to abandon interesting design ideas. In a modest area, you can implement a lot of projects that emphasize its advantages in various aspects. Another thing is that the design of a small site should be developed according to certain rules, both aesthetic and economic.

Three basic rules

Garden plantings

Firstly, it is worth abandoning the construction of massive buildings and structures. On 6 acres, such objects take attention, complicating attempts to create decorative compositions. But completely abandoning the buildings is not necessary. The main thing is that they are organically combined with hedges, landings and recreation facilities. For example, a cottage in a small area will be appropriate if you carefully distribute the plantings around it, establish a barbecue, small architectural compositions, etc. It is advisable to experiment with the decoration of the house so that it does not violate the style of the general background.

Secondly, large trees have no place in a small area. And itโ€™s not only the size of the trunk with a crown that will block the sun, but will also stand out against the background of undersized plantings. The powerful root system of a tall tree will not allow the efficient use of an already modest piece of land in full for other vegetation.

Thirdly, the denial of a dense high fence will also be justified. It further isolates the area, blocking the path of the same light and natural air circulation. In extreme cases, you can use a high mesh netting or low wooden picket fence.

Site zoning

If we are talking about the integrated operation of a summer cottage area with the introduction of design decoration elements, then about 75% should be allocated directly to the garden and vegetable garden. 10% is allocated to the same buildings, and the remaining 15% will be occupied by functional, communication and hydrological systems and installations. If the plot is not planned to be used as a garden, then the ratio between the territory of the kindergarten and buildings with a recreation area may be equal.

Site zoning

As for zoning itself, from the point of view of practicality, it is better to place a country house as close as possible to the approach to the site. The side of the facade is oriented towards the main street, but not in the center, but on the side. In the background in the depths of the site will be buildings. Moreover, beautiful small plots necessarily include elements of conditional delineation of functional areas, recreation areas, flower beds, etc. This can be done with small hedges and small decorative fences inside the plot. Vegetation is planted randomly, but it is advisable not to forget about the biological requirements of each species (for example, sensitivity to the sun, wind and topography).

How to approach the choice of style?

When the approximate plan of the site is ready, you can begin to select the optimal landscape design style. First of all, its general orientation is determined - natural or regular. There will be few differences between them in a small area, but in the second case, the presence of a certain central object is required, which will set the starting point of the general style. This is a kind of axis of the garden composition. As a rule, regular landscaping of a small site is carried out with strict observance of geometric shapes: the emphasis is on straight, straight lines. Preference should be given to rectangles, squares, straight paths and thin high trunks. Natural style is more advantageous in a small area, as it gives more freedom in the choice of forms and decorative elements. The fundamental rule is to maintain a variety of components, be it architectural structures or flower beds with shrubs.

Secrets of Proper Gardening

Flowerbed near a house

Trees with shrubs should be planted in such a way that their height increases in the direction from south to north. Low vegetation should be in the southern part, and the tallest trees in the northern.

Regardless of the type of plant, you should prepare the soil in advance. In all areas where the landing is planned, you need to do an audit of the land. If the soil is poor, manure and compost will not fix the situation. Special fertilizers or delivery of fertile soil will be required.

When determining the places for planting, the color palette should also be taken into account. The textured basis of the design of small plots is usually a lawn and crowns of bushes with trees, that is, the green color will dominate. Further, in different angles and zones, contrasting islands of various shades are created. It is advisable to use group plantings of the same tone, since single dot colors can be lost.

What to do with flower beds?

Alpine slide in the garden

Despite the external simplicity, the flowerbed is a well-designed version of the flower garden, in the device of which there are a lot of nuances. At a minimum, when organizing such facilities, three questions should be answered:

  • What to make the construction of? The simplest household appliances and materials can be used. Standing flowerbeds near the house are constructed of old furniture (chairs, chests of drawers), scraps of containers, drawers and tires. And in each case, attention should be paid to the decorative design.
  • What are the options for floral arrangements? Allocate group and single plantings in the flowerbed. But the most interesting and attractive composition will be assorted. For example, an alpine hill in a small area contains not only several different types of flower plants, but also stones with small trees or shrubs.
  • Which plants to use? In spring, you can prefer daffodils, pansies, crocuses and tulips. By the middle of summer, peonies, cornflowers, irises and carnations are planted, and closer to autumn, chamomiles, asters and chrysanthemums.

Water objects

Pond in a small area

Of course, we canโ€™t talk about large reservoirs, but at least the symbolic presence of a decorative hydrological object on the site will be a plus. How to solve the problem in conditions of shortage of free space? The best option is to create a small seasonal or year-round artificial pond. Its device does not require much effort - it is enough to build a supporting structure in a dirt niche or in an applied version to the wall. No less attractive will be the design of a small area with a fountain. The smallest construction will take only 30-40 cm in diameter and 100 cm in height, but the effect will be very noticeable. The only difficulty is the need for a water pipe with pump support.

Design at different levels

If the site does not give space in length and width, then you should use the height as much as possible. Different levels with step transitions give the area volume and additional features for the design of vertical surfaces. The means of increasing the visual space in the design of small sections also include the use of ornate zigzag plantings and structures. Irregular shapes, coupled with emphasis on smooth and smooth lines, provide more opportunities for the organic connection of different zones. The main thing is not to forget about the stylistic conformity of structures during transitions from one level to another.

Multi-level layout of a small area

Paths in the design of small sections

Narrow winding paths will make the territory not only more interesting, but also more functional. They visually increase the distance between different zones and objects, which is also beneficial. Most preferred in landscape design is a small stretch of track with bizarre shapes that may resemble certain shapes. The material used is stones, road embankments or dense soil. Large-format tiles should be discarded.

Walkways in a small area


A lot in the design and direct design of the site will depend on its individual parameters. The basic characteristics with the size and shape of the site, and indirect ones, such as local climatic conditions, influence the landscape design. For example, the choice of flowers for a flower bed near a house is largely determined by the region. Another thing is that there are frost-resistant all-weather plants, like garden geraniums and purslane. Also, do not completely abandon purely economic facilities that will help care for the site, maintaining its condition. These can be hozbloks, places of keeping watering equipment, senniki and auxiliary communication systems.


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