What to do if the chick falls out of the nest? How to save?

With warming, birds in our area are nesting. A young generation of birds appears, the districts are flooded with bird twittering and large flocks. And among this spring paradise, only one thing bothers many people. Chicks, growing up, begin to push in the nest and, as a result, fall out of it on the ground. And often this is certain death. What to do with the chick that fell out of the nest?

swift chicks fell out of the nest what to do

Let's try to help

Being in the fresh air while walking in nature, people often see fluttering chicks on the ground. If the chick fell out of the nest, what should I do? Can a person help? The chick is alone, beeping, trying to shout to his parents, and there are no birds nearby. A reflex reaction is to help the unfortunate.

Do not torture nature

If a sparrow's chick falls out of the nest, what should I do? Unfortunately, nothing can be done with this. The problem is that help in the vast majority of cases in this situation is not needed. This is a necessary stage in the development of many birds (mainly in small passerines). Their chicks leave nests with semi-fledged birds. At this time, they are still not able to fly, but they are already smartly mastering the space around them - they jump from branch to branch, awkwardly re-fly. Just these pretty lively chicks are seen by people walking.

It looks like a sparrow chick.

sparrow chick fell out of the nest what to do

Signs of "Fidget"

What to do if the chick falls out of the nest? It is not difficult to distinguish in appearance the young sparrow that has fallen from the nest: it is already feathered or still covered with growing feathers; the chick is large enough (half the size of an adult sparrow). He is often very sharp, opens his mouth and asks for food. Parents did not leave their chick, but only flew away for food. Of course, while people will be near the chick, adult birds will hide. And if you wander around for a long time, it is possible that parents can leave the baby to their own devices.

Small birds

When the chick seems very small and helpless, do not try to help him. You can’t take chicks home and try to feed them like kittens or puppies. What to do if the chick falls out of the nest? No need to touch the bird, pick it up or otherwise try to help. Such birds as warblers, warblers, larks, wagtails, create their nests on the ground, their children spend the first time in the grass. The presence of people in this regard is undesirable due to the fact that magpies and ravens observe the movement of people and can see where they went, track down and kill the chick. It’s better to leave. If the chick is dry, warm, mobile, well-feathered, he does not need help.

Chicks swallows

In the middle zone of non-black soil, where most of European Russia is located, nests and other birds, for example, swallows, are arranged. In our area, mainly the so-called coastal swallows live, which live on the banks of water bodies. Such birds can arrange nests in the roofs of houses and household premises, where later several chicks will be raised.

If swallow chicks fell out of the nest, what should I do? The reasons for the loss of chicks from the nest are still little known. According to one version, this can happen through negligence, according to another - parents throw the weakest out of the nest so that the rest have more food.

Based on this, it is necessary to act. First you need to put the chick back in its nest. It is important not to hold in your hands for a long time. If the bird smells of a human smell, parents will not take it in any case.

If you were not able to arrange a baby in the nest and you are not afraid of “parental” efforts, you can take a swallow chick to yourself while growing up. Caring for birds will not let you get bored.

The grown chicks will fly away to build their own lives. No need to rush them and toss them up. Bird reflexes themselves tell the kids the time to be in the air. This is how the swallow chick looks.

what to do with the chick that fell out of the nest


And if the swift chicks fell out of the nest, what should I do? First you need to determine their approximate age. Chicks and very young swifts can be distinguished from the rest by small white borders at the end of the feathers, as well as by a bright spot on the neck.

Most often, chicks fall out for various reasons. And here human help is very necessary. After seeing that this is a chick, do not pass by, take it to your home. The main task is to feed the bird until it is ready for independent flight. This, depending on the age at which you have a chick, will take several days or weeks, maximum a month. Swifts grow slowly enough and, as a rule, become “flying” six weeks after emergence. However, unlike other chicks, young swifts should not be taught - all the necessary skills are embedded in them at the genetic level. This is how the swift chick looks.

swallow chicks fell out of the nest what to do


Blackbirds are useful and interesting birds. But if a thrush chick falls out of the nest, what should I do? First of all, do not worry. Blackbirds, like other passerines, develop very quickly. In chicks, childhood is divided into two periods: the first - in the nest, the second - on the ground.

It is very easy to see the chicks in the summertime in the thick grass. Having been born in 15-20 days, they tend to get out of the nest into the grass. People do not need help. Chicks are in the grass, hiding from predators, waiting for their parents to fly to feed them, grow. This is their usual life. Remember that in most cases no one needs to be saved.

Even if there is an immediate danger, for example, your cat decided to diversify the diet or a broken wing, you can take the chick home. But keep in mind that you have to take care of the baby (feed, drink, clean the cage) yourself. Captive birds are completely helpless. And one more thing - brought thrushes may well remain in the house, delighting you with unique singing for several more years. It looks like a thrush chick.

nestling fell out of the nest what to do


Another species of birds that people constantly encounter is gulls. They live almost everywhere a person’s foot has gone. In Russia, there are about 20 species of sea and river gulls, and, for sure, everyone saw these gluttonous birds or at least heard their piercing cries. There are frequent cases when the gulls chicks fell out of the nest. What to do?

This is a very difficult question. And the answers from nature lovers, ornithologists are very different. But in any case, if you find a gull chick and see that he is healthy, try putting him back in the nest. Feathered live in colonies, you can just give it there. Without adults, it will be hard for a chick to survive.

If you see signs of various diseases or damage, you can take it to yourself, although it will be difficult. Seagulls are not poultry, and it’s almost impossible to train them to live in a house. But if you can cure and grow a seagull to an adult state, it means that life has not lived in vain. This is what a gull chick looks like.

what to do if the chick falls out of the nest

Help Wanted

What to do if the chick falls out of the nest? If the situation is critical and you see that the chick can die (regardless of the type of bird), then he has to be saved. But at the same time, certain rules must be observed:

  1. Carefully, but in a very short time, inspect the location of the chick. Sometimes this makes it possible to know the type of bird.
  2. Take the bird in your hands (carefully) and quickly bring it into the house.
  3. On the way, inspect the chick for damage. If the baby has clearly seen fractures of the legs, wings, blow to the head, then you can not do without medical help. In this case, it would be nice to seek help from an ornithologist.
  4. If there are no traces of physical damage, and the general condition of the chick is normal, then it is better not to touch it, but only provide food and shelter - nature will cure itself and it will recover.
  5. Bringing the chick home, it is necessary to protect him, for safety reasons, from contact with other animals.

What to feed

There is a popular misconception that birds can be fed normal plant foods. Alas, if this is not a pigeon, then living insects will be normal food. So get ready. Either you need to run to the pet store for worms, grubs and something else like that, or you need to catch / dig / collect wild insects. Do not feed:

  1. Dead insects, because it is not known what they died from.
  2. Colorado beetles.
  3. Brightly colored insects.

How to feed

What to do if the chick falls out of the nest and asks for food? Birds, and especially chicks, have a very fast metabolism. This must be taken into account and fed them often, literally constantly. Otherwise, they will simply die of starvation. At the same time, some of them, especially waterfowl, need water. Representatives of these species need to put a drinker. The remaining chicks get water from food.

gull chicks fell out of the nest what to do

Where to settle

A chick needs to be made a refuge, that is, literally to build a nest. To do this, you need a deep bowl or box about 10 cm tall. The container must be filled with sand, grass, straws, small twigs, earth, pieces of cloth - all that is usually found in bird nests. You can not fill the nest with cotton, fabrics with sparse threads, yarn for knitting. In the nest, lay a paper towel in two layers. It will be necessary to change it after each feeding.

The chick needs to be kept safe. Pets or children should not reach it. No need to try to plant a chick, not a perch, or settle it in a closed container. It is better to place the nest in an empty aquarium, covered with gauze or a net on top, and not leave it high. Otherwise, a grown-up chick can go to explore the territory, fall out and damage himself something.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E16905/

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