Potato Sonny: variety description, photos, reviews, care, yield and features

Imported into the country only three hundred years ago, potatoes quickly took a leading position, becoming the "second bread" in traditional Russian cuisine. Amazing this tuber is also loved by breeders who are constantly searching for the perfect vegetable.

potato son grade description photos reviews

About one such find, which appeared recently, our publication will tell. This is a potato of the Bogatyr or Sonok variety , the differences in the name of which are due to the fact that the variety has not yet been subjected to agrotechnical tests and, accordingly, is not registered in the State Register of the Russian Federation. However, successfully grown by farmers and gardeners, he managed to find many supporters and loyal fans. Let's find out in more detail what constitutes a potato Sonny.

Description of grade characteristics

Sonny is a product of folk selection of medium-late maturity. It is characterized by tall (60-70 cm) erect voluminous bushes with moderate spreading. The stems are covered with juicy green simple leaves with a slightly wavy edge, which are stored on the shoots until harvesting.

The height of the bush depends on the degree of soil fertility: a more nutrient medium also stimulates a larger volume of green mass. Abundant flowering, begins in mid-summer: white, rather large flowers, collected in compact corollas, bloom in 2-4 days. Berries are formed a little.

The root system is developed, each bush is able to form 8-15 first-class potatoes, and in areas with fertile soil - up to 25 pieces, while there are almost no unusual trifles and defective tubers.

potato sonny grade description characteristics

Sonok potatoes are characterized (variety description, photos, reviews confirm this) with neat, one-dimensional tubers, reaching a weight of 75 to 350 g. Oval-flat shape, a small number of subtle eyes, usually concentrated on the top of the tuber, mesh, thin creamy pink skin - this is what a new variety of potatoes looks like.

Tubers are located in a radius of 20 to 40 cm from the center of the bush at a depth of 8 to 30 cm (depending on soil structure). The pulp is bright white, dense.

Grade Advantages

Potato Sonok, a description of the variety, the photo and features of which you can see in our article, is famous for its versatility - it can be cultivated in different climatic latitudes. It is resistant to sudden changes in the weather, without enduring short-term cooling, extreme heat, excessive moisture or lack of water.

Gardeners who get acquainted with the variety note the wonderful taste of tubers, which is facilitated by late ripening and an average starch content (13.5-14%).

potato varieties hero or son

Sonny is a mid-table table variety. From the appearance of sprouts to the complete ripening of tubers (depending on the region), at least 4 months pass. The described variety is capable of giving up to 7-8 kg of potatoes from a bush. Again, in different parts of the country, yield indicators vary markedly, but judging by the responses, the fact remains that everywhere it is quite high.

It is impossible not to note the excellent resistance to disease, which is different for the potato Sonny. Description of the variety, photos, reviews emphasize its characteristic opposition to potato cancer, nematode, raw rot, scab. True, judging by the responses, the resistance of this plant to such a scourge as late blight is slightly lower.

Add to the above advantages and profitability, since the seed material, unlike many varieties of potatoes, is not subject to degeneration and does not require frequent updating. In addition, for planting, owners often use not a whole tuber, but parts of it, with eyes located on them.

To the question of transgenicity

Among the reviews in the Internet space today there are opinions that the variety Bogatyr or Sonny is genetically modified. However, no one has yet been able to confirm or deny this.

At the moment, it is impossible to clarify how true or false this statement is, one can only hope that the official recognition of the variety by the State Register of the Russian Federation will clarify the situation. We only state a fact and accept it as a conditional flaw.

potato sonny grade description photos and features

Grade Benefits

And judging by the numerous responses, the following factors relate to the advantages of the Sonny variety:

  1. Ability to grow in regions with different climatic conditions.
  2. High yield.
  3. Resistance to traditional potato diseases.
  4. Minimum labor costs when growing.
  5. One-dimensionality and lack of substandard tubers.
  6. Suitability for long-term storage.
  7. The versatility of the variety and excellent taste.

Growing Features

Experienced gardeners tell how to plant potatoes Sonny. Description of the variety, photos, reviews demonstrate unpretentiousness and enviable profitability of the variety. The seed is prepared as follows: pre-pickled with manganese and sprouted tubers are cut with a clean sharp knife into pieces, each of which has 2-3 eyes. The segments are slightly dried in the sun, dusted with ash and planted using the square-nesting method, dredging by 10-15 cm and maintaining a distance between bushes of 70 cm. From 2-3 tubers receive 10-14 full-fledged bushes.

potato sonny grade description Price

The site before planting is dug up, the nutrient mixture of humus and wood ash is laid out in the holes. They plant potatoes Sonok as early as possible: in April or early May, when the moisture in the soil is maximum, but nevertheless they are guided by regional weather features. So, in areas with a cold spring, potatoes are planted later, but the size of the tubers will be somewhat smaller.

Landing care

The first weeds that appear should be cut, and the soil under the bushes slightly loosened, trying not to damage the roots. When the bush grows and begins to cast a shadow, the weed will no longer interfere with it.

To increase productivity, it is necessary to feed plants 2-3 times with complete complex fertilizer (for example, Kemira, Fertika). In conditions of temperate latitudes there is no need for irrigation; in dry summer, one or two times watering is carried out. Judging by the responses, the pleasant feature of the variety is the optionalness of weeding and hilling. But mulching with straw or mowed grass is a very effective way to increase productivity by maintaining a normal soil moisture level. We repeat that the Sonny variety is not prone to degeneration and is distinguished by excellent immunity, therefore, seed can be selected annually.

The stored potatoes do not require subsequent sorting and rejection, being preserved almost completely. Even the tubers damaged when digging up are not subject to putrefactive processes, they are perfectly stored.

Cooking Application

The versatility of the variety extends to its use in Russian cuisine.

genetically modified hero or son
When cooking and frying, in casseroles and mashed potatoes - in all dishes, the Sonny potato is equally tasty. Description of the variety, photos, reviews, guaranteeing not only ease of cultivation, but also the excellent taste of the product, are confirmed in practice.

Where could I buy?

Late ripening allows the tuber to accumulate a significant amount of the most valuable nutritional compounds and vitamins. And low starchiness does not allow to digest, maintaining the shape and white color that characterizes it, as the variety description that is potato is being consumed by Sonny.

The price (fairly affordable) at which seed can be purchased today is positioned mainly by farmers or amateur gardeners on Avito. Here you can buy 30 seeds for 100 rubles or reserve seed tubers, worth 400 rubles for 0.5 kg.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E16908/

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