How, where and why is International Gypsy Day celebrated?

Perhaps there is no people more freedom-loving and cheerful than gypsies. This is a nomadic people with their own, not like everyone else, rules and laws. Pushkin in his poem "Gypsies" revealed the essence and morals of these bright and free people.

Everyone has a different attitude towards this nation, unfortunately, in any herd there is a sheep that spoils everything, and the gypsies do. The word β€œgypsies” most often causes such associations: these are people who do not work, do not want to learn, and try to live off of others. In this article we will show you real gypsies who do not fall into this category of unemployed people at all. We will talk about an unusual holiday - International Day of Gypsies.

International gypsy day

When was the decision made to celebrate the holiday of the gypsy people?

When is International Gypsy Day celebrated? It is celebrated annually on April 8, starting in 1971. Want to know why?

On April 8, 1971 in London, the first World Roma Congress, which brought together representatives from more than 30 countries, approved the celebration of this day. This is due to the fact that gypsies are one of the few non-territorial nations.

Gypsies have their own anthem and flag. Their flag symbolizes their essence - freedom. It is a cloth divided into two parts: the lower part is green, which symbolizes greenery, grass, the upper part of the blue sky is a symbol of high blue sky. In the middle of the canvas there is a red wheel. It indicates the nomadic life of gypsies.

Where is celebrated

Gypsies are a free people, therefore it is not surprising that representatives of this nation can be found on every continent. Most gypsies live in countries such as the Russian Federation, Hungary, Slovakia, Romania, Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Spain, Portugal, Turkey, Germany, Italy, France, Iran, Ukraine, Canada, the United States, Britain, Croatia, Slovenia, Afghanistan, Albania. , Poland, Uzbekistan, Moldova and many others.

When is International Gypsy Day celebrated?

How is the gypsy holiday?

Gypsies are a noisy and cheerful people, therefore their day does not pass without fun. On this day, representatives of the gypsy nation set up street tents where they reveal their traditions and customs to everyone, talk about their music, their dances and cuisine. Of course, all the stories are not just words, on this day everyone can plunge into the gypsy life, receiving small lessons in music and dancing, and after trying the unusual gypsy cuisine. The main topic of discussion for this day is the issue of the gypsy minority.

In Russia, the gypsies have a tradition dedicated to the gypsies who fell on the battlefield during the Great Patriotic War. Celebrators throw wreaths on the river, remembering the dead.

Gypsy Culture Library Exhibitions

In the libraries of those countries where Roma Day is celebrated, exhibitions dedicated to this day are held. Library exhibitions for International Gypsy Day tell about the culture, history and characteristics of the gypsy nation.

There are many legends about the appearance of gypsies, all of them are united by one thing - God so loved this hot people and decided that he should not live in one place, his calling is to bring joy to the whole world, and therefore gypsies have been wandering for many, many years.

Library exhibitions show the whole history of Roma: where they live, what they do, which is the priority of their life. These exhibitions prove that among the gypsies there are many scientists, doctors, writers, actors, directors, athletes, which the nation is proud of. In libraries you can also get acquainted with literary works about gypsies, for example:

  • "Makar the Miracle" by M. Gorky;
  • Meridon F. Gregory;
  • "Notre Dame de Paris" by V. Hugo;
  • "Gypsies" E. A. Drutz;
  • "Gypsy" by A. V. Kalinin;
  • "Losing Weight" S. King;
  • "Carmen" P. Merime;
  • "Gypsies" by A. S. Pushkin;
  • "Gypsy" by D. I. Rubina;
  • "Gypsy novel" V.N. Tikhvin and many others.

At the exhibitions, reproductions of paintings depicting gypsies are very often presented. The gypsy nation was depicted in the paintings of Salvador Dali, Vereshchagin, Petrov-Vodkin.
At exhibitions in libraries for the International Day of Gypsies they also talk about gypsy fortune-tellers, fortune-telling, hypnosis.

Exhibitions in the library for the international day of gypsies

Interesting facts about the life of gypsies

A freedom-loving people has its own values, and the most important thing for it is a family and belonging to a gypsy nation. There is nothing more disgraceful and frightening for a gypsy if his people renounce him and he can be denied due to crimes such as murder or theft.

Gypsies believe in God and honor religious holidays. True, not all of them profess the same religion. Among Gypsies, both Christians and Muslims meet. This is due to the territory in which they live.

Library Exhibitions for International Gypsy Day

Gypsy outfits are of interest. They love everything expensive, magnificent, brilliant, gold. As the gypsies themselves explain, this is also related to their nomadic way of life, but they do not need to spend money on a house and on furnishings in it, so they buy clothes and jewelry. Jewelry is worn all at once so as not to lose.

Traditional gypsy cuisine is special. The national dish is hare and urchin.
The houses of sedentary gypsies are also huge and magnificent. Gypsies love brightness and luxury in everything, every holiday they have is pompous, artsy and fun. International Gypsy Day is an important date for them, so they do not miss its celebration.


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