Heroes of the Storm: Guide to Valla

HotS's Walla character is a ranged killer. The origins of her origin lead back to Diablo 3, in which she acted as a demon hunter. It was she who owned the famous catch phrase: "If you pursue demons for a long time, then demons will soon begin to pursue you."

valla guide

Established popularity

The Guide to Valla from Heroes of the Storm (HotS) reveals its main features. In this game, she deals with her opponents with the help of small hand crossbows that look like prototypes of steampunk weapons.

Valla was originally one of a group of "original" characters who first appeared in the Nexus. Despite this, it is still in demand among the players of the "heroes of Storm." Guide to Valla - direct evidence of its power and balance, which can be used with the right wagering.


  • "Hatred".

It is a passive skill. During each auto-attack, one charge is accumulated, which increases the force of impact and movement.

  • Homing arrows.

The projectile moves along the path set by the player, hitting the first enemy who comes across. Following our guide to Valla, you can hit two more enemies, immediately after the first, while the damage power will noticeably decrease. It is noteworthy that if there are no other opponents nearby, then a double additional attack will occur on the original target.

Walla Guide heroes of the storm

  • "Volley".

The striking wave of this attack takes the form of a cone, which sweeps away all opponents in front of the custom player. The radius of defeat is quite large, so both heroes and creeps on lines / in the forest can fall under the "Volley".

  • Kulbit.

A kind of "escape" (escape) Walls at the time of a serious attack by the enemy. It is important to remember that "Kulbit" is incompatible with walls and other obstacles, that is, the character will not be able to just pass through solid and durable objects.

  • "Rain of Retribution."

The character attacks with two waves that fit in a close rectangular radius. After each hit, a small interval should pass. Waves not only cause damage to health, but also become, fell under the distribution, opponents. "Rain Impact" is a good ability, however, for its use it is recommended to use combos with disable.

Game tactics

We continue our guide to Valla HotS, give tips on positioning the hero during matches. The hunters will be able to use the full potential only during the late game. The character is pumped both by enhancing any active ability, and through the use of auto-attack.

We recommend always equipping Valla with "Kulbit", as it will be a constant target of enemy focus. The ability should be used only as a withdrawal, and not for entering the battle.

heroes of the storm vallah guide

While other narrowly targeted killers can only carry out their attacks on certain enemies, Valla can easily cope with both heroes and creeps. A special merit here lies with the “Volley”, since with its help lines are easily repulled and forced through (even alone). Thus, Valla can temporarily become some kind of specialist on the vacated line.

Build # 1 - attack everyone and everyone

We do the pumping of the second ability - "Volley". With this build, we will be able to unleash the potential of Walla, being the second demage dealer. This is done in order not to focus on one single enemy, but to attack evenly and within a certain radius.

  • At the first level, we are working with an increase in the range of "Volley".
  • Level four: pick up the Arsenal. It will be possible to use several grenades.
  • At the seventh level, select the skill "Hot Chase" and increase the speed of movement.
  • Level thirteen: stock up on "Ice Shot" and get the skill of slowing down the affected opponents.
  • Level sixteen: pump the skill of the "Executioner" for immobilized and slowed targets.
  • Twentieth level: according to the same scheme as with the previous skill, select "Rage of the Nexus".

The execution of this build is quite simple - Valla should stay behind the main warriors, next to the support; We use the "Volley" and auto-attacks, trying to get to the rear of the enemy.

valla hots guide

Build # 2 - we cut opponents with hands

It is important to maintain the maximum number of stacks and survivability, since we have to make uniform attacks throughout the match. This build is recommended to be used only with verified teammates.

  • At the first level, select "Cruel Kara." Any ability adds a few stacks of Hate.
  • At the fourth level we pump "Manticore". With its help, every third auto attack will increase for the same enemy.
  • Level seven: make a choice in the direction of "Searing Attack". Damage dealt is increased and the cost of mana is reduced.
  • Tenth level: any ulta to choose from, but we still recommend taking a closer look at Rain of Retribution.
  • At the thirteenth level, the choice should fall on the “Slayer of Giants” - this way we will increase the damage of each auto attack.
  • At the sixteenth level we take the "Executioner". More damage comes from controlled enemies.
  • Twentieth level: pump "Rage of the Nexus".

Additional tips

During the game, you should pay great attention to pumping additional damage and speed. Stacks should be filled to the maximum throughout the match, based on which you should not disdain auto-attacks for insignificant goals.

valla guides heroes of the storm hots

We have lost sight of the skill "Vampirism", as it is narrowly targeted. You can’t get extra health with him, and the power of damage is cut by several tens of percent. It’s worth choosing “Vampirism” during games without support, taking into account all the risks.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E16914/

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