Balsamic Fir Diamond: Planting and Care

Balsamic fir "diamond" will decorate your country site. Such plants all year round please the eye, charge with positive energy. Green colors are especially important in the winter. With such plants you do not have to mope, they charge positively.

Evergreen trees are popular in many countries. Breeders are actively working with conifers. The most popular are decorative dwarf species. They are actively used in landscape design. Balsamic fir "diamond" refers to rare and valuable species. This plant is not artificially cultivated, but belongs to natural dwarfs. Therefore, it is so popular with domestic designers.

balsamic fir fir

Plant description

Balsamic fir “diamond” is an original plant that belongs to the Pine family. Its natural habitat is Canada and the USA. The peculiarity of this culture is a short life cycle. The coniferous plant grows well in the shade, but grows much better in the sun. The main thing is that the sites are protected from drafts and wind. Planting a plant is better on well-drained, slightly acidic, fertile soil. The species tolerates frosts well. Young trees are characterized by a graceful smooth bark of ash color, without cracks.

Balsamic fir “diamond” is appreciated by gardeners because of its compact size. The height of the plant does not exceed 50 cm. Miniature size allows you to grow seedlings in containers. This grade of fir is also actively used in open ground.

The crown has the shape of a flattened ball. The delicate aroma of pine needles will appeal to many lovers of coniferous forests. The needles are soft, pleasant to the touch.

The description of the balsamic “diamond” fir indicates that the annual growth is about 3-4 cm for 1 year. Therefore, by 10 years of life, the plant will be 30-40 cm tall. It is slow-growing and this is in the hands of those who want to use it on alpine slides or in mixborders.

The “diamond” smoke and gas contaminated air with a low level of humidity negatively affects the development of balsamic fir.

Balsam Fir Diamond Description

Fir transplant

Most conifers heavily regain their strength after transplantation. But fir is not one of them. Remember that the plant is very easy to damage. When transplanting, a number of rules for landing and care should be observed. Balsamic fir "diamond" is not a finicky plant. The rules stated below will allow you to keep the coniferous plant young and healthy.

So, the conditions for transplanting a seedling or an adult:

  • In a radius of one meter from the fir, circular holes should be made using a sharp garden shovel.
  • Next, you need to carefully raise the circumference of a circular shovel and remove an earthen lump with roots.
  • If the seedling should be moved a long distance, it must be laid on a wheelbarrow covered with a dense cloth.
  • An earthen lump can be shifted into a pre-prepared hole, straightening the roots.

Remember, the plant should be prepared before transplanting. A year before this procedure, the trunk circle is treated. The soil around the plant must be pierced with a shovel, while the circumference of the future grown plant should be taken into account.

Over this year, the fir will have time to produce new roots, inside the marked circle. This contributes to the rapid restoration and adaptation of the plant after transplantation. When moving, special attention should be paid to the presence of an earthen coma.

balsam fir fir planting and care

Over this year, the fir will have time to produce new roots, inside the marked circle. This contributes to the rapid restoration and adaptation of the plant after transplantation. When moving, special attention should be paid to the presence of an earthen coma.

Watering a plant

The balsamic fir “diamond” is very sensitive to drought. Therefore, it is necessary to regularly monitor soil moisture. Young seedlings are particularly demanding on watering. They must be watered at least twice a month. If the summer is dry, watering should be carried out as the topsoil is drained.

When the seedling takes root regular watering must be gradually canceled. The main guideline for you should be the weather. Indeed, under the condition of a prolonged absence of precipitation, the plant needs additional moisture.

Prevent excessive watering. It can also have a detrimental effect on the development of balsamic fir "diamond". The photo of this tree conquers with uniqueness and attractiveness. Therefore, gardeners who decide to acquire such an attractive plant should know how to properly care for it. In fact, it is simple. The main thing is to regularly monitor that the fir receives the necessary moisture.

Due attention should be paid to the near-trunk circle. After watering, you need to regularly loosen the soil and clean it of weeds. You can additionally make a protective mulching layer. To do this, use peat briquettes, needles or sawdust. But remember, you must leave free space next to the root neck.

Balsam Fir Diamond Photo

Pruning fir

This plant has many positive reviews. Balsamic fir “diamond” does not need special care. This also applies to pruning plants. Indeed, in the first 15 years of life, these manipulations can not be carried out. It is only necessary in the early spring to remove dry or diseased branches. Remember that this procedure should be performed before the juice movement starts. Experts recommend using peeled special garden shears for this .

In order for the plant to remain compact and miniature branches can be cut by 1/3.

Outdoor cultivation

The ideal time for a plant transplant is from early April to October. In advance, you should prepare not only a hole of a certain size, but also a special soil with which it will be filled. Experts recommend the use of peat, coarse sand, clay, leaf humus.

Prepared soil can increase the friability of existing soil. To achieve this goal will help and a thick drainage layer. For its manufacture, you can use sawdust, crushed stone and expanded clay.

You can add some mineral fertilizers to the prepared soil. In the future (the next 2 years), the plant can not be fed. Mineral compounds can be used to stimulate the growth of grown fir.

landscape balsamic fir fir

Landing Features

First you need to choose a suitable, brightly lit area. In extreme cases, the landing site may be in partial shade. The best time for the procedure is a warm day, without bright light. The rainy season is also a suitable period for transplanting.

Two weeks before planting, you need to prepare a place. A hole 60 cm deep and 50 cm wide is dug. The size of an earthen coma with a root system is taken into account.

If you want to create a fir alley, the distance between the seedlings should be about 2.5 m.

1 bucket of water is poured into the prepared pit.

Expanded clay, crushed stone or broken brick are laid at the bottom of the pit. Such drainage will help to avoid waterlogging of the soil and stagnation of water in it.

Next, prepare the soil mixture from the above ingredients (humus, sand, clay, sawdust). She is poured into a pit and left alone for fourteen days.

After two weeks, you can transplant a seedling into a prepared hole, carefully spreading the roots. The missing amount of soil should be sprinkled on top. The surface is leveled with light movements.

Fir should be carefully and evenly watered.

balsam fir fir reviews

Top dressing

The conditions for growing balsamic fir "diamond" are very important if you want to get a gorgeous plant in your garden. In addition to the prepared soil and the correct transplant technology, special attention should be paid to top dressing. After all, depleted soil is detrimental to the development of any plant, including coniferous. Therefore, periodically, nutrients should be added to the soil.

In spring, 100 grams of Kemira must be added to the trunk circle of the plant. After top dressing, the soil is carefully watered, because dry earth in combination with fertilizers can adversely affect the state of fir.

Balsam fir can be fertilized once a year. If necessary, re-introduction of mineral components into the soil is allowed in autumn.

Growing in a container

The description and photo of the “diamond” balsamic fir indicate that plants are often used to decorate not only household plots, but also entertainment centers and restaurants. In a word, this species of coniferous plants is often grown in containers. In this case, you should know that fir grows in width.

Balsam Fir Diamond Description and Photo

Therefore, you should regularly transplant the plant into a larger spacious container. For planting, it is better to use round-shaped pots.

The drainage layer must be laid to the bottom. It can be crushed stone, pebbles or fragments of ceramic dishes. Make sure that several holes are drilled in the bottom to drain the water.

Flowering fir

This coniferous tree is characterized by the formation of dioecious inflorescences. Kidney formation occurs at the age of 20. Fruits appear once every two years. Pollination duration is 2 months. Already in September, cones appear on the branches.

Diseases and Pests

So, during the cultivation of balsamic fir “diamond” (photo), planting and care are not particularly difficult. The plant attracts with its unpretentiousness and beauty. But special attention should be paid to preventive treatments of the tree from diseases and pests.

Fir is quite unpretentious plant. Many coniferous trees are distinguished by endurance and stability.

The loss of an attractive appearance often indicates the appearance of a pest such as fir hermes. This is a dangerous kind of aphid that contributes to the yellowing of needles. Females of this pest wake up in the spring. During this period, it is best to treat the plants with Rogor or Antio solutions. For 10 liters of water you will need 20 g of the drug. The development and reproduction of this pest can lead to the death of the plant.

balsam fir fir growing conditions

Systemic insecticides also inhibit the propagation of shoot moths and pine cone.

If rust begins to form on the shoots, and the needles turn yellow, then this can cause the spread of fungal disease. In this case, all affected areas should be removed. Cut branches should be carefully collected and burned.

On cropped places you need to apply a garden var. It is recommended to treat the crown of fir with a 2% solution of Bordeaux fluid.


Balsamic fir “diamond” is an attractive ornamental plant. It is used for landscaping personal plots, both in single and in group plantings. Due to its compactness, the plant feels great in containers. Dwarf fir is used in the preparation of complex landscape compositions.


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