Macintosh (apple tree): description, planting and care

Apple-tree Mackintosh is a popular garden tree of autumn ripening dates. As a native of Canada, this variety is characterized by fragrant sweet fruits with a distinct sourness and a pleasant candy aftertaste. Macintosh apples - flattened-conical in shape, with a barely noticeable ribbing; large and medium in size: the approximate mass of each is 150-180 grams.

delicious apples
The peduncle is short. The peel is thin, yellow with a green tint, it is easily separated from the pulp. Above are streaks of blush color, on large apples they are dark purple in color. There is a gray waxy coating and a large number of small subcutaneous dots of beige color. The pulp of medium-density fruits is white (found with red veins), juicy and tastes very delicate. The advantage of the variety is its high keeping quality and transportability.

Mac Apple Tree: Description

Macintosh trees are medium in size, with a spherical, non-dense crown that diverges widely to the sides. The leaves are light green, with a slight pubescence, a broad ovoid shape, with very even edges. The buds are convex, small, with a rounded apex. Winter hardiness is weak, as well as tolerance to scab. In the midst of such an infection, trees are able to completely lose their presentation.

A tree from the distant 18th century

Macintosh is an apple tree that has its own history. In 1796, in the state of Ontario (USA, Canada), a certain John Mackintosh bought a farm. During the garden clearing, he discovered several apple tree seedlings.

mac apples
When transplanting to a new place, all the trees died, except for the only one that became the ancestor of the MacIntosh variety. His delicious apples pleased the owner until 1906.

Find for selection

Mackintosh is an apple tree, which is a real find for breeders and formed the basis of such varieties as Spartan (in cross with Yellow Newtown), Glory to Peremozhtsam (with Papirovka), Amazing (with Renet Simirenko) and about six dozen varieties. In the United States, with the participation of the Macintosh, the Priscilla variety, absolutely resistant to scab, was introduced, which contains the Vf gene.

mac apple tree

Macintosh is a variety very popular in New England and North America. A lot of local dishes are prepared on the basis of these delicious red-sided apples, which are also included in the menu of children's educational institutions.

In Russia, the Macintosh is zoned in the Lower Volga and North Caucasus regions, is classified as an autumn variety and is called a little differently: Khoroshevka Autumn, Autumn Excellent and Autumn Red-faced. Most often, in the orchards there is a clone of the described variety - Macintosh red, the main difference of which is the integument color, which extends to the entire surface of the apple.

mac apple tree description

The garden nursery, which in addition to the Macintosh apple trees has a huge assortment of other varieties available, will offer exceptionally high-quality planting material that will maximize its worth in the future. The red-sided fruits will become an adornment of any garden and a delicious joy for every person who has tried them. Apple tree seedlings, the price of which is economically justified and will please every gardener, can always be purchased in a garden nursery for further cultivation on your own site.

Macintosh Apples: Delicious and Healthy

Fruiting of young trees begins in the 6-7-year year of life. Be sure to control the number of ovaries and fruits. With their overabundance, the apples will be small and not ripe. The apples are picked at the end of September, with proper storage the fruits remain fresh almost until the end of winter. Macintosh apples are suitable for use both fresh and processed, in the form of jam, jam, jam, compotes and juices.

apple tree seedlings Price
The garden nursery will always offer only high-quality material for planting, which will fully justify itself with proper care in the future. This is a regular pruning, top dressing and watering, especially in the initial stages of development. Apple tree seedlings, the price of which is about 300 rubles / pc, are available to most gardeners.

Landing Features

Apple trees must be planted in early spring (before buds open) or in the autumn (before frost) in pre-prepared pits with a depth of about 60 cm and a diameter of 1.0-1.2 meters. On sandy lands, it is recommended to lay a 10-centimeter layer of clay on the bottom of the pit, ram it, and on top - a 15-centimeter layer of plant debris. All the rest of the space must be filled with a mixture of excavated soil, peat and humus in equal parts.

garden nursery

The tree is planted in such a way that the root neck above the ground is located at a distance of 2-4 cm. When it is deepened, the tree will take root poorly and for a long time, may linger in fruiting for a long period. A young seedling needs to be watered abundantly (3-4 buckets of water). Nearby it is recommended to drive a peg to which to tie a tree.

When planting, it is important to consider the factor of proper tree placement. Since the Macintosh apple tree is a cross-pollinated plant, it is recommended to plant varieties on one site, the flowering of which occurs simultaneously with it.

Feeding Activities

To increase the quantity and quality of the crop, the Macintosh apple tree is recommended to be fed. Under actively growing trees, once every two years you need to bring rotted manure at the rate of 50-60 kilograms per hundred square meters. This operation is performed in the autumn period, most often in combination with mineral fertilizers.

In the spring, to ensure normal vegetation under the Macintosh apple tree, it is necessary to make such nitrogen fertilizers as ammonium nitrate or ammonium sulfate (at the rate of 3 and 5 kg per hundredth, respectively). Phosphate fertilizers should be poured into shallow grooves dug along the border of the tree trunk circle , to a depth of 35-40 cm.

Measures to protect the apple tree from diseases and pests are carried out in March with the use of 3% Bordeaux fluid. After the appearance of the buds, as well as after flowering, it is necessary to spray 0.5% copper chloride.

mac apple tree

As additional protective measures, digging the soil with the removal of weeds, cutting dry branches and carrying out disinfection with bleach are recommended .


A necessary measure for the formation of crowns and the removal of dried and weak branches is pruning. Macintosh is an apple tree that needs such an operation, starting from the second year of planting: this is a pruning of the seedling's vertical shoot. This action is aimed at stimulating the formation of lateral branches. In subsequent years, the growth of shoots of the last season is required to be shortened by 30% of the total length.

Pest control

Macintosh is an apple tree that can be affected by pests such as aphids, moths, sawflies, and apple thistles. The most common way to deal with them is to spray the trees with 3% nitrafen solution, 0.3% karbofos solution, soap or tobacco composition. Olelkuprit is effective against wintering pests, 400 grams of which is bred in 10 liters of water.

Against fruit mites in early spring or autumn, it is required to cut off the affected branches, treat the places of cuts with 1% copper sulphate and cover with garden var.

As winter approaches, a number of measures are required to increase the ability of a tree to survive this cold period:

  • hilling trunks and mulching them with humus, peat or compost;
  • whitewashing in chalk or calcareous solution of tree trunks.


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