Varieties of cucumbers for greenhouses: description and photo

Cucumbers are popular vegetables in the human diet. These are vegetables that you always want to eat. So that they are on our table all year round, they are grown in closed ground. What varieties of cucumbers are suitable for greenhouses, read the article.

Greenhouses for growing crops

Cucumbers on the beds can be grown only in the warm season. With the onset of spring, a healthy vegetable can only be consumed in processed form. But if the cultivation of cucumbers is carried out in a greenhouse, the season does not matter. Vegetables grow here year-round. Greenhouses are different, but those that have a polycarbonate coating are considered the best. Cucumbers grow in the same microclimate with high humidity, which is a favorable condition for their growth. There are no sharp fluctuations in temperature, frost and cold dew.

Varieties of cucumbers for greenhouses

But there are also disadvantages when growing in a confined space. First of all, the rapid spread of disease, the absence of pollinating insects. But these shortcomings can be corrected if the greenhouse is regularly ventilated, as well as for planting, use self-pollinating varieties and those that are not afraid of cloudy weather, cold and heat. Breeders brought a large number of varieties of cucumbers for the polycarbonate greenhouse, some of which are presented below in the article.

Early varieties of vegetables

Such vegetables have a universal purpose: they make salads, used for salting and canning. To make mixed-type harvestings, in combination with other vegetables, precocious cucumbers can be planted twice a year: in spring and summer. But you can do it differently: immediately plant hybrid forms of indeterminate varieties of cucumbers for a polycarbonate greenhouse, in which the fruiting is extended in time.


This culture has a hybrid form. Differs in high productivity and bunch ovaries of fruits. Belongs to the best varieties of cucumbers for a polycarbonate greenhouse. Gardeners have been cultivating this crop for many years due to stable yields, about 18 kg of cucumbers per square meter. The fruits are large cucumbers, which have a length of 14 cm, weight - 120 g. On the surface of the green skin are medium-sized tubercles and strips of lighter tone than the main color. But they pass only up to 1/3 of the length of the whole cucumber. The first crop can be expected 2 weeks after the shoots appear. Bushes of plants need to be formed, as they have many stepsons. They must be constantly pinched.

Varieties of cucumbers for a polycarbonate greenhouse

Dmitry Donskoy

This is a hybrid form of vegetable, belongs to the varieties of cucumbers for greenhouses, garden beds and temporary greenhouses. A characteristic feature is a wax coating on the smooth surface of the fetus. Matures early. The scourge of bushes is not limited in growth; stepchildren grow in small numbers. There are few ovaries in the leaf sinuses, one or two, therefore the yield is average, within 11 kg of fruits per square meter of the plot area. The cucumbers of this hybrid are distinguished by their beautiful appearance: all are approximately the same in size, have the shape of a regular cylinder and a wax coating on the surface of the peel. They weigh a little, 90-95 g. This variety has many advantages: the taste is excellent, the purpose is universal, it is used for salads and preparations for the winter, it is resistant to such a disease as cladosporiosis.


This hybrid belongs to parthenocarpic plants, that is, it has flowers of a female type only, ovaries form without pollination. It is grown for the sole purpose of enjoying the taste of fresh fruits. Vegetables belong to such varieties of cucumbers for greenhouses (according to reviews, they have record yields, about 20 kg of fruits per square meter of area), which are not suitable for processing. Fruiting occurs early, after 38-40 days. The bush is characterized by unlimited growth, but few shoots are formed on it. In this regard, the formation of the plant will not cause difficulties. Each node forms three to four green leaves, which grow small, 10-12 cm in length, and reach a weight of 80-100 g. The fruits are characterized by a cylindrical shape and a thin skin, on the surface of which there are no tubercles, but there is pubescence.

String bag

This is a hybrid form of parthenocarpic varieties of cucumbers for the greenhouse. Two or three ovaries form in the nodes of leaf sinuses, from which fruits with a large weight grow - 120-150 g. Dark green cucumbers have spots of a light shade, a tuberous surface with spikes. The bushes are medium-branched, but the yield is good - 13 kg of ribbed fruits per square meter.

Cucumbers for greenhouse varieties best reviews

Bush-shaped cucumbers

Usually pick up such varieties of cucumbers for greenhouses, which are grown in one stalk. The main lash is tied to the installed support, shoots growing on the sides are nipped at the level of two or four sheets. This technology allows you to maximize the volume of greenhouses. But here also grow bush cucumbers. There are many interesting varieties of this form. Of course, they take up more space, but if the greenhouse has sufficiently large areas, why not try it. The main thing is to follow all the rules when organizing greenhouse cultivation: keep the doors always open, provide access for insects so that they can fly in and fertilize the flowers by transferring pollen from one to another. Shrub cucumbers do not bring large yields, but they can provide the family with useful fruits. The best varieties of cucumbers for the greenhouse, according to reviews, are found among bush forms. In order not to doubt, experienced gardeners are advised to plant several varieties and compare. Leave the varieties to grow for many years. Some representatives of the best bush cucumbers are presented below in the article.


The variety is universal: grown in open soil and greenhouse conditions. Pollinated by bees. The stems at the bush are of medium length, sometimes short. The fruits ripen early, after a month and a half. They have an elliptical shape, but they are also cylindrical. The surface of the cucumbers is covered with large tubercles with white spikes. The fruit mass reaches 100 g, the taste is good, the average yield, eight kilograms per square meter of land area. Plants do not suffer from cladosporiosis and a disease such as powdery mildew.

Varieties of cucumbers for greenhouses self-pollinated


The variety is pollinated by bees, so it is not suitable for large greenhouses, since insects rarely fly there. It is better if it will be a small building, with an open door and windows. These cucumbers should be grown, the bushes are low, 30-60 cm, compact. Cucumbers germinate well, mature early, 40 days after emergence. The fruits are small, weigh 90 g, their surface is coarse-humped, white spots are present on it. The peel is a little rough, but it is very good for pickling. Cucumbers are delicious, light salads are prepared from them, they are canned. The average yield is five kilograms of fruit per square meter. The variety has strong immunity, therefore it is resistant to diseases of the species.


The hybrid is self-pollinated, but partially. Female-type flowers predominate, but there are also empty flowers. Suitable for growing in greenhouses with regular ventilation. The bush is compact, weakly branched. Zelentsy ripen early, for this they need only 42 days. In the leaf sinuses, few fruits are formed, about three pieces. Their maximum length reaches 10 cm, weight - 70 g. On the peel of the fruit there are often located small tubercles. The variety is resistant to most diseases of the species. Crops are harvested by small, about seven kilograms of cucumbers from a plot area of ​​one square meter.

Harvest varieties of cucumbers for the greenhouse

Varieties with long fruits

The size of the fruits in individual varieties of culture is from 30 to 60 cm. One plant produces eight kilograms of fruit. Chinese cucumbers are especially impressive. They are called that way because they come from China, although each variety has its own name in the language of the people of the country, but it is not easy for the Russian to pronounce it. In this regard, varieties of domestic selection with similar characteristics were developed: early ripening, long-fruited, fruitful, suitable for growing for sale. They have a salad purpose, but many use them for canning. Some long-fruit crop varieties of cucumbers for the greenhouse are presented below.

Provence capital

The hybrid was bred relatively recently, but has already managed to gain popularity among vegetable growers with a high yield - 22 kg of fruits per square meter of land. Therefore, it is attributed to the most productive varieties of cucumbers for greenhouses. By maturity - medium-early culture. Fruits ripen in 50-55 days. Two or three cucumbers are formed in the leaf sinuses, weighing 220-240 g, length - 17 cm. There are no tubercles on the smooth skin, but there is pubescence. The growth of the bush in height is unlimited, the branching is weak, so pinching the side shoots does not need to be done often. Fruits with excellent taste are used in salads, but are not suitable for canning.


Gardeners grow this culture not only for the sake of tasty, fragrant fruits. Cucumbers belong to productive varieties. With a plot area of ​​one square meter, up to 16 kg of smooth, beautiful fruits are harvested. The variety is suitable for cultivation in open soil and in greenhouses. The fruits are used for the preparation of salads and in preparations for the winter. Cucumbers are large, their length reaches 25 cm, weight - 200 g. The longest ripening period is 45 days, but this can happen earlier. The culture refers to the self-pollinated varieties of cucumbers for the greenhouse. Vegetables do not need pollinating insects, bad weather does not matter for them, ovaries form anyway.

Self-pollinated cucumber for a greenhouse

White delicacy

The basis for breeding a hybrid was the Chinese variety, but the fruits are quite modest in size. Their length reaches only 15 cm, weight - 120 g. The first crop can be harvested 45-50 days after emergence. The peel is almost white in color, hence the name. It is covered by frequent large tubercles. Despite this, she is very tender. The cucumbers inside are also white or light green. They are very tasty, they can even be pickled and salted, but they should not be overgrown. The average yield is 12 kg per square meter.

Chinese snakes

Cucumbers of this variety are medium early, ripen in 50 days. The fruits are thin, but long, up to 60 cm. In just one night, they increase in size by five centimeters. Fruiting is extended in time. If the plants are not tied to the support, the fruits are bent. The delicate skin is covered with tubercles.

The best cucumbers of the Dutch varieties

Vegetables of foreign selection are very popular in our country. These are mainly parthenocarpic cucumbers of hybrid forms. They do not need additional pollinators, the bushes and fruits have a beautiful appearance and marketable characteristics, the yield is high, but more modest than that of local, zoned varieties. Seeds of Dutch cucumbers give good germination, as they are commercially prepared for sowing.

The best polycarbonate greenhouse cucumbers


This hybrid is adored for early production. Fruits ripen 36 days after planting. They are small, eight to nine centimeters. Their surface is covered with tubercles with white spikes. The fruits have excellent taste and aroma, they lack bitterness. Ideal for pickling: cans do not explode, stored for a long time, cucumbers crunch. Plants are of the determinant type, shoots are poorly formed, but this does not affect productivity, it is high - 12 kg of cucumbers.


Belongs to the best self-pollinated varieties of cucumbers for the greenhouse. This is an ultra-early hybrid. To achieve full maturity, the fruit needs only 36 days, but mass harvesting begins a week later. A hybrid always bears fruit: when cloudy weather or drought sets in for a long time. The fruits are good fresh and processed. Their size reaches 9-11 cm, weight - 70-90 g. Plants of a determinant type have only a female type of flowers. In the leaf sinuses, seven fruits are formed. The main stem of the bush is limited in growth, therefore, fruiting ceases as soon as its development is completed. In this regard, the yield is slightly lower, only up to nine kilograms of fruit per square meter of land area. It is rarely used for cultivation on an industrial scale, mainly for the needs of the family.

Varieties of cucumbers for greenhouses reviews


This is a vigorous hybrid with parthenocarpic pollination. Productivity reaches a high level - 20 kg per square. Cucumbers are crisp, there are no voids, the seed chambers are small. Their length reaches 12 cm, weight - 100 g. This is an early ripening variety. It can grow in the shade, does not respond to soil waterlogging. The fruiting is long, the crop is harvested before frost. Cucumbers are good fresh, in salads and preparations.


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