What is cache flow?

In the modern world, financial games are becoming very popular, which allow you to feel like real businessmen, develop your skills and prepare for real financial activities in the future. One of the most popular financial games to date is Cash Flow. This is a project of the famous financier Robert Kiyosaki, who wrote the book “Rich Dad, Poor Dad”, which became a bestseller, and then took part in the creation of the board game, which was no less discovery for the whole world and received many awards. "Cash Flow" is a project that you should definitely get acquainted with. Want to know why? Then you need to read further this article.

What is cache flow?

Cash flow is a term that is very popular in today's money environment. It translates as “cash flow” and represents directly the flow of physical funds in a business environment.

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However, the game developed by Kiyosaki is more specific. It focuses on his beloved philosophy of many that ten percent of the population controls ninety percent of the wealth, while ninety percent of the population controls the remaining ten percent of the wealth. Accordingly, this game will teach you how to move from ninety percent of the people to the remaining ten, learn how to control your finances, achieve complete financial independence and achieve maximum success in life.

As a matter of fact, you will constantly receive new and very useful skills, such as the ability to manage your assets or invest wisely. Cash Flow is a very useful game that is not just fun. This is a project that really makes you think and solve complex financial problems. Simply put, its goal is to develop your financial intelligence.

What needs to be done?

Cash Flow is a game that is very different from everything you're used to. The fact is that even “Monopoly”, which has become the most famous financial game in the world, is aimed primarily at entertainment. Here, entertainment fades into the background, because you constantly have to think about how to save and increase your finances. And you will need to do this during the game, moving chips from field to field and trying to get around your direct competitors. Actually, the same thing happens in life, so this game is able to teach you a very big lesson, for which you will then be grateful.

cash flow game

"Cash Flow" is an example of a game that allows you to gradually, but extremely effectively penetrate into all the details of the world of big finance, preparing you for serious events in your life. The latter will certainly happen if you decide to reject the comfort of poverty of ninety percent and risk climbing to the top.

What does the game teach?

If you are interested in this project, then you can purchase Cash Flow in Russian, as this game is available worldwide in a variety of languages. But before you do this, you should finally realize what exactly you will get if you make such a purchase.

cache flow example

Firstly, you can correctly plan your budget, and secondly, learn how to use banking tools, in particular, loans. Thirdly, you will be able to correctly and timely repay debts, use them as a tool, and not be considered as a disadvantage.

In addition, you will learn more advanced skills, such as orientation in a constantly changing economic environment, the right investment and even the preparation of financial reports. In simpler terms, you will learn how to think like a real businessman, which will open the way for you into the future. In the box with the game "Cash Flow" calculation examples are included as a mandatory attribute, so you will need to familiarize yourself with all the rules so that your training is useful and your entertainment fun.

Where it leads?

What, then, will the Cash Flow game give you? Its rules are extremely simple, but all the situations that you will encounter are more than real and far from so simple. Therefore, it will not be difficult for you to learn how to roll the dice and move the figures across the field, but solving serious financial problems is much more difficult.

cache flow in Russian

Therefore, you should understand that in the end, learn to spend your money competently, earn money no less competently, look for sources of income where you would not even have thought to look before, and so on. In general, this game has a huge number of advantages that you should pay attention to.

Naturally, the game may seem difficult to you, because earlier you lived according to the standard financial scheme, according to which all people have lived for decades, more precisely, ninety percent of people. It's time to make a difference and start your journey to those ten percent.

Computer version

If you are not a fan of board games, do not want or are not able to order a version for yourself, and also cannot become the owner of this game for any other reason, then there is good news for you. It turns out that there is a computer version of the game, which, by the way, is even more advanced than the desktop.

cache flow calculation examples

An even greater number of cards with situations are added in it, there are also explanations and videos that demonstrate certain important points.

What does the game look like?

The computer version of Cash Flow looks exactly like the desktop version. In front of you is a field consisting of two sectors. The difference is that the cards and the figures are animated, so you definitely won't get bored watching what happens on the screen.

game cash flow rules

Two versions

As in the case of the desktop version, the computer game contains two options: "Cash Flow 101" and "Cash Flow 202". The first part is a basic game that teaches you the basic concepts of the business world. It is with this part of the game that you need to start if you are not a specialist in finance.

As for the second part, here everything is a little more complicated. The principle of the game, of course, remains the same, but this time you have to plunge into the world of the stock market. You will have serious trading on the stock exchanges, buying and selling shares, risky investments and much more.

System requirements

Board game - this is what everyone can buy. He will bring the game home, open the box, lay out the playing field, lay out cards, arrange chips and start the game. However, with the computer version, everything is a little more complicated. Again, everyone can download the game and install it on their computer, however, the PC always has certain limitations associated with its performance. Accordingly, you need to study the system requirements for this game, which will demonstrate to you whether you can run it on your computer or not.

In the case of the Cash Flow game, the likelihood that this game will not start on modern computers is extremely small, but it still exists. Therefore, just in case, check the data provided by the game developer. For the game to run without any problems, you will need a processor with a frequency of 700 MHz, 256 MB of RAM and 64 MB of video memory. Also be prepared for the fact that the game may take up more than 3 GB of space on your hard drive if you choose a version with video inserts.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E16921/

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