“White filling” tomato: variety value and agricultural technology

Everyone knows such a healthy and beloved vegetable as a tomato (or tomato). On the shelves of shops we can see tomatoes grown in large agricultural farms, but even on individual plots of land they don’t forget about tomatoes and successfully cultivate this crop. Tomatoes are valued for their rich productivity, excellent taste and the ability to grow them both under the film and in the open ground.

The tomato variety "white filling" grows up to 40-60 centimeters. Plants of this variety do not need to be tied up and stepsoned. The foliage of seedlings is medium-dense. The fruits of the "white filling" have a rounded flat shape, slightly ribbed, reaching a mass of 130 grams. Red color indicates the maturity of the fetus. "White filling" tomato is resistant to cracking and refers to precocious. Ripe fruits are tasty in both fresh and canned form.

All tomatoes prefer light, fertile soils. The best place for tomatoes will be the place where carrots, cabbage, onions or legumes used to grow. The end of March - the beginning of April is the ideal time to sow the "white pouring" tomato seedlings, the recommended planting depth is 2-3 centimeters. Seeds are pre-washed with water. When real leaves appear, seedlings are dived, which allows its roots to become stronger.

On 60-70 days of growth, seedlings are planted on the site. When using greenhouses or other film shelters, transplanting seedlings can begin half a month earlier.

Like any living thing, tomatoes need vitamins and minerals, so they should be fed with fertilizers 2-3 times during growth. Hardening seedlings is carried out 7-10 days before planting in the ground. The tomato "white filling 241" provides for landing according to the following scheme: 50x30x40cm. On one square meter, seven to nine plants are planted. You need to water it with warm water, and to increase productivity, you should leave only two stems.

Soil for tomatoes

How to plant seedlings, and what soil is best for such tomatoes? Firstly, all tomatoes, including the “white-filled” tomato, are sun-loving plants, so you should choose places for planting them that are lit most by the sun and protected from cold winds. The acidity of the soil should not exceed 6.5 pH. As mentioned above, the best predecessors of tomatoes are cucumbers or cabbage, because in the process of their growth they brought into the soil exactly those useful substances that are needed for the development and growth of tomatoes.

To get a rich harvest of tomatoes "white filling", it is necessary since the fall to do soil preparation. It is necessary to dig beds in advance under the tomatoes and make useful organic fertilizers - compost or humus. When planting seedlings in spring, do not forget to apply mineral fertilizers, such as potassium chloride or superphosphate. In the process of plant growth, the soil around them needs to be loosened regularly, weed and water.

Any transplant of plants into the open ground is a great stress for them. They may begin to fade, perhaps this happens with those plants that do not receive enough sunlight. But this is nothing special. Continue to care for them, as for the rest, and in a couple of weeks they will get a healthy look and will still please you with a harvest.

"White filling" tomato can be bought in specialized stores, most often the seeds are packaged in bags of 25 pieces each. Most gardeners grow seedlings from seeds on their own. This tomato variety belongs to early ripening. Saplings can be replanted both in the greenhouse, and in the open ground. Ripening of fruits from the moment of appearance of the first leaves occurs by 90-100 day of growth in open ground, and in the protected by 80-90 day.

Observe the conditions for planting and caring for tomatoes "white filling", and then you will certainly expect a rich harvest of delicious and ripe tomatoes!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E16932/

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