Heating scheme of a two-story house. Heating wiring diagram

Before the construction of a two-story house, at the design stage, a lot of different issues are solved. One of the most important is the task of ensuring comfortable living conditions. This primarily relates to heating. Maintaining the optimum temperature in the premises should be carried out without any difficulties. The uninterrupted operation of the system depends not only on the materials selected for its arrangement. Of particular importance is the way the layout of the heating distribution layout of a two-story house is arranged. Next, we consider the main nuances of arranging a heating system.

heating scheme of a two-story house

General information

The layout of the heating distribution of a two-story house should be very carefully thought out. Today, the best option for heating residential premises is a water system. Of course, any heating scheme for a two-story house involves the use of high-quality materials. Thanks to them, the system can serve several generations without replacement of equipment or repair. The heating scheme of a two-story house includes various elements. These include radiators, boiler, fittings, control sensors and more. The heating system is a whole complex in which the operation of each component affects the quality of the entire system. Properly selected materials, as well as a properly designed heating scheme of a two-story house will not only allow you to maintain an optimal microclimate in the rooms, but also significantly reduce the cost of additional heating.

System classification

Man invented a sufficiently large number of different methods of energy production for heating his home. So, wood stoves and fireplaces were gradually replaced by solar panels, gas boilers, pumps, wind generators and other units. But heat production alone, of course, is not enough. It must be used as efficiently as possible.

gas heating scheme of a two-story house

Air flow heating

Such a heating scheme for a two-story house should be provided even at the stage of creating the project. This is due to the complexity of the installation of elements in an already finished building. Such heating is a duct system into which hot streams from the generator are pumped. Warm masses rise up, and cold masses are sent to the heat generator. The circulation of flows can be based on the course of natural processes (gravitational) or forced. In the second case, the system provides for the installation of a special fan.

Electric heating

Of all the existing heating options in this way, the most common systems are underfloor heating, electric convectors, infrared ceiling devices. Electric heating, as a rule, is used when it is difficult to use other methods. Often the heating scheme of a two-story house contains various sources at the same time. Convectors and infrared sources are placed in a suitable place and are provided with power. Installation of a warm floor as an additional source is not difficult. Installation involves placing elements under the cover or in the screed. The main disadvantages of heating from electricity include dependence on the availability of electricity and its high cost.

heating scheme of a two-story house Leningradka

Traditional type

The most common heating scheme of a private two-story house is a system of radiators interconnected. Water circulates through them. As a source for heating the coolant, boilers are used. These units operate on solid or liquid fuel. In many cases, a gas heating scheme of a two-story house is used. In this case, the corresponding boiler is installed. This option is considered one of the most economical, since the cost of gas in comparison with electricity is much less. In addition to boilers, alternative types of energy production can be used. These include, for example, solar panels, wind generators, heat pumps, and more. However, due to the low operational cost, most consumers install a gas boiler. If there is no centralized flow of fuel, cylinders can be connected. The heating scheme of the house must necessarily indicate the location of the equipment. It is advisable to install the boiler in the basement, for example. You can select for him any small utility room.

Types of water heating

The most acceptable are heating schemes with natural and forced circulation. The first does not provide for connection to electricity. This is quite convenient, as unforeseen situations do not arise. Installation of a system with natural air circulation is carried out using large diameter pipes. The wiring is mounted on a slope. More suitable, however, experts consider a forced circulation system. In this case, the movement of water is carried out under pressure, which is provided by the pump. The boiler is heated using various types of fuel. This, in particular, can be coal, firewood, gas. In addition, the unit can be connected to electricity.

collector heating scheme of a two-story house

Heating pipes

When installing steel elements, it must be borne in mind that they have a low corrosion resistance. This disadvantage is absent in galvanized pipes and made of stainless steel. Threaded connections are recommended during installation . Today, metal pipes in arranging wiring are extremely rare. Among other things, copper pipes are used. They are considered one of the most reliable. The material is able to tolerate temperature changes and high pressure. The connection of copper pipes is carried out by soldering with silver-containing solder. Elements can be walled up if desired. The only drawback of copper pipes is the cost. But if the budget allows, then it is recommended to give preference to them, since they are distinguished by high operational characteristics. Elements will serve several generations of owners without any repair or replacement.

Polymer pipes are quite popular today. They are easy to mount. Installation may well be carried out by a person who does not have extensive experience. This allows you to significantly save money. The inner surfaces of the pipes do not collect sediment. This means that they will not clog. Polymeric materials are resistant to corrosion. Installation is carried out using press or threaded connections. Among the disadvantages, the main factor is a rather high coefficient of thermal expansion. This may cause a leak.

Heating scheme of a two-story house "Leningradka"

When arranging this system, it is quite difficult to regulate the temperature in the structure. The one-pipe heating scheme of a two-story house involves a not very convenient procedure for connecting devices. At the same time, it is not possible to shut off any radiator separately, while other equipment will work. During the transition from one battery to another, the water cools more and more.

double-circuit heating scheme of a two-story house

More suitable system

The next heating scheme for a two-story house is a two-pipe. It is more suitable for installation in private suburban buildings. The double-circuit heating scheme of a two-story house provides for the connection of two elements to each device. Hot water moves one at a time, and cooled down another. Experts advise installing an adjustment tank in front of the radiators. To ensure normal circulation of the coolant, the distance between the upper point of the line and the center of the boiler is sufficient. In this case, the installation of the expansion tank can be carried out on the upper floor, and not in the attic. The feed pipe thus passes under the window sills or under the ceiling. Such a system with natural circulation requires a sufficiently long heating. In this regard, it is recommended to install an additional bypass with a pump. This will significantly reduce the startup time of such a system, and the heat will be distributed more evenly throughout the rooms.

wiring diagram for heating a two-story house

System elements

In addition to installing radiators, you can install a warm floor, as well as connect heated towel rails at the same time. Risers of the upper part of the building are recommended by experts to be mounted at the boiler itself. During installation, the collector and beam systems are used. It is more convenient to regulate the temperature in different rooms. Two pipes are introduced into all heating devices - direct and reverse.

Universal system

The collector heating scheme of a two-story house is considered optimal. Its use allows you to perform installation with hidden elements. At the same time, installation can be carried out by a person who does not have experience. Collectors are located on each floor. It is necessary that they be placed in specially designated cabinets, where, in addition, all the stop valves are located. Heating can be carried out both on both, and on one floor only. At the same time, experts recommend installing the boiler only at the bottom. On the second floor, you can install an expansion tank. It is more expedient to conduct bends under the ceiling or window sill - in places most vulnerable to cold. At the same time, for each radiator, it is necessary to install a separate control valve.

heating scheme of a private two-story house


When designing a heating project for a two-story residential building, it is necessary to correctly assess the situation and its capabilities. The subsequent comfort in the premises in the autumn and winter periods, the life of the systems as a whole and its individual elements, and the frequency of repair work will depend on the correctness of the decision. If the choice is made incorrectly, in the desire for excessive savings, equipment and components will often fail. In this regard, there will regularly be a need to call craftsmen or to replace elements, and in some cases completely change the entire system. So we are not talking about any savings. Before starting any activity, it is advisable to talk with specialists.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E16936/

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